
Protesters gather in Melbourne to protest against election of Donald Trump

"F--- Trump and Hanson too, we're going to fight them through and through." So chanted about 80 protesters on the Flinders Street station steps in an anti-Donald Trump rally that followed a string of largely student-led demonstrations across the US.

The crowd that included socialists, Latinos, feminists, LGBT people, anarchists and unionists - many of whom were university students - gathered for the rally on Saturday, which was organised by the Monash Student Association.

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One shot in third night of anti-Trump protests

One person was shot and wounded as demonstrators continue to protest the US election outcome for the third night in a row.

They waved banners reading "We wanted Bernie" and "#pussyfightsback", and circulated copies of the socialist magazine Red Flag, which had emblazoned on its front page: 'How could this monster win?'

About 15 police ringed the protesters, as they delivered impassioned speeches drawing similarities between US President-elect and the rise of the far-right in Australia, regularly citing Pauline Hanson and the Rise Up Australia group.

Protesters against Donald Trump walk along Swanston Street stopping trams.
Protesters against Donald Trump walk along Swanston Street stopping trams.  Photo: Darrian Traynor

Vashti Kenway, a member of the Socialist Alternative and Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, helped organise the rally as a counter protest to the celebration of the far-right after Trump's victory.

"We wanted to bring together as many people as possible who are feeling under threat from those kind of politics from the right," she said.


"Part of the point of being involved in this protest is that we're very concerned that the election of Donald Trump will unleash and embolden various right wing forces in Australia. We've already seen the United Patriots Front have a demonstration and celebration march on Federation Square on the night of the election," she said.

"We're concerned that the Islamophobia and racism which Trump so clearly espouses will be taken up and amplified here in Australia."

Protesters gather at Flinders Street Station.
Protesters gather at Flinders Street Station.  Photo: Darrian Traynor

Sergio, who said he was Latino, told the rally that Trump's plan to build a wall between the US and Mexico was unnecessary and exclusionary.

"Donald Trump, somebody who has never worked a day in his life [is] saying to millions of Mexicans, Central Americans, Latinos, with and without papers, that: 'you people, get out."

Protesters at Flinders Street Station.
Protesters at Flinders Street Station. Photo: Darrian Traynor

South African black man, Phaweng Bahula, said he believes the apartheid he grew up with exists in pockets of Australia.

"I came to Australia and realised there is the same problem of racism here," he said at the rally.

"There are more black people in jail … and there is less work."

Asked about why he came to the protest, the 50-year-old said "I hate racists".

Thousands of anti-Trump demonstrators have taken to the streets in several big cities and on college campuses across the US since the election.

While most of the rallies have been peaceful, there were clashes with police in Portland, and there have been dozens of arrests. 
