Updated Nov 13, 2016 11:26am

Brad Pitt has "dynamite" tapes of Angelina Jolie, and just might use them for kids' custody

This divorce could get ugly - Photograph by Reuters
This divorce could get ugly - Photograph by Reuters

Does Angelina Jolie have something to hide? Brad Pitt seems to think so.

A new twist in the Brangelina split saga reveals that Brad Pitt has "dynamite" audio recordings of Jolie that he may use to prevent her from getting primary custody of their six children.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt has been locked in a custody battle over their children, Maddox, 15, Pax, 12, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and eight-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, since the Hollywood couple announced their split on September 20.

Angelina's decision to divorce Brad stems from an incident allegedly involving Brad hitting Maddox during a September plane flight. The Department of Child and Family Services conducted an eight-week probe into the incident and cleared Brad of the allegations earlier this week.

Angelina responded to the probe results with relief but insisted that she had to take action 'for the health of the family', reports Mirror.

After the investigation wrapped up, sources close to Brad have revealed the existence of the "dynamite" tapes.

“We believe audio tapes exist of Angelina that would be absolutely dynamite against her if they were to be made public. Nobody wants to play dirty like that – it’s not good for the children – but Angelina and her team seem absolutely hell-bent on trying to discredit Brad in order to stop him getting joint custody,” a source told The Sun newspaper.

At present, Angelina and Brad have agreed to continue a temporary order giving her primary custody of their children with Brad granted supervised visits.

Permanent arrangements will be fin­­alised as part of the divorce. Angelina wants full custody of the children, while Brad is seeking joint custody.


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Love Your Country Nov 13, 2016 11:24am

Only Islam gives the necessary rules for good family life and for divorce too; the rest will always fail.

sleepless Nov 13, 2016 11:36am

This is so off topic but look at how much of a difference facial hair makes. Brad Pitt looks like a whole other (sorta mehh) person without the hair... On topic though, this is such an ugly ending to something which began so beautifully. Sad.

omer khan shaheen Nov 13, 2016 01:20pm

The only one's really suffering in all this media drama are the children!

ozzy Nov 13, 2016 05:02pm

@Love Your Country so true bro.