Surrey Police Forced To Apologise After Posting ‘Racist’ Tweet

Guildford Police

Surrey Police have been forced to apologise after furious social media users flew into a frenzy over a “racist” tweet. Police were left red-faced after they posted a Tweet with the words “Officers 1 Immigrants 0” which was branded “disgraceful and ignorant.” The message, from the official GuildfordBeat account was hashtagged #WeWillCatchUpWithYou. The tweet was … Continue reading

Pitiful Infidels Humbled in Liverpool

I’ve seen few more pitiful sights than the North West Infidels and their ragtag band of allies outside Liverpool town hall last night. A mere twenty of the oxygen thieves made it to the “national demonstration”, and as they huddled around their ridiculous banner, jabbering incoherently about “paedos” and “terrorist supporters”, they demonstrated nothing except … Continue reading

Infidels suffer humiliating failure at Liverpool Town Hall


Saturday 3rd November saw the North West Infidels’ demonstrate outside Liverpool Town Hall. Their aim was to put pressure on Mayor Joe Anderson and stop him allowing “the IRA” from marching in the city. To say it didn’t quite go to plan would be an understatement. The NWI had put out a huge national callout … Continue reading

British Jews infiltrated wartime fascists


British Jews “infiltrated” some of the most violent fascist groups and rallies during the 1930s, passing evidence to Scotland Yard, according to newly available Board of Deputies archives. The Board’s defence division has transferred 27 years’ worth of archives to the Wiener Library because of the significance of the documents — which showed information passed … Continue reading

“Peaceful Patriots” Fail to Stop Anti-Fascist March in Liverpool


Today saw a march in Liverpool for ‘working class unity against racism and fascism. The march was organised by the James Larkin Society of Liverpool. The march has been the subject of a great deal of controversy as various far-right groups have decided that it is an ‘IRA’ march, and subsequently spread misinformation and smears … Continue reading

Police clamp down on counter demos in Bristol


The police have today used their powers under the Public Order Act to prevent a counter demonstration to the presence of the right-wing and anti-Islamic EDL from going ahead in Bristol City Centre tomorrow (Saturday). Organisers of the rally, which had significant trade union backing, have been issued with legal notices enforcing restrictions on the … Continue reading

Greek Police ‘turn blind eye’ to far-right groups, says ex-unionist


The former head of the police officers’ union has suggested that the police are turning a blind eye to crimes committed by far-right groups, such as violent attacks on migrants, and has called for a change to the law to clamp down on individuals who choose to take the law into their own hands. The … Continue reading

Police and fascists attempt raid on Greek socialists


Around 30 police attempted to break in to the headquarters of the Socialist Workers Party (SEK) in Athens this morning (Thursday). A group of fascists joined the police in shouting racist obscenities and attempting to kick down the front door. SEK members quickly alerted the media and others on the left. The public exposure led … Continue reading

Half of all Greek Police Officers vote Neo-Nazi


In Greece, serving police force members vote in specially assigned polling stations (regardless of their area of residence), together with the local population of those stations. Last Sunday in Athens, 5.000 serving police voted in 11 such specially assigned polling stations. In these precise stations, the Nazis of the Golden Dawn received between 19% and … Continue reading

Guilty verdict in Rochdale grooming trial

NB: This post was published here yesterday. It has been updated slightly to reflect subsequent developments. Nine men have been found guilty at Liverpool Crown Court of operating a child sex ring in Rochdale. The verdict sees all of the offenders jailed, and will hopefully offer some closure to the victims and their families. There is no doubt at … Continue reading