Contact Us

Liverpool Antifascists exists to stop fascist groups like the British National Party (BNP) and English Defence League (EDL) campaigning in our city. But opposing fascism is something all of us have to play a part in, particularly as they shift back from electoral politics to controlling the streets. If you are interested in finding out more about what we do, or in supporting the cause, then please get in touch.

Our email address is

You can sign up to our public mailing list here.


Being involved with Liverpool Antifascists does not imply formal membership. We are not asking you to sell papers for a party. We are not asking you to pay subs or to vote a certain way. We are only asking for you to act.

If you are committed and security-conscious, then drop us a line.


The far-right does not consist of legitimate political parties whose activities are limited to canvassing and delivering leaflets. Their ranks are composed of violent thugs willing to bully and intimidate those who disagree with them.

We don’t think that racists and neo-Nazis should be allowed to spread their hatred unopposed. Where fascists are allowed to organise, racial tension and racial attacks automatically follow. We want information on BNP members in your area.

Who are they? Where do they live? Where do they meet? What are they planning? Let’s expose the fascists in our midst and together we can shut them down.

If you have information that we could use, then contact us via email. All information will be treated with the strictest confidence. This does not apply if you are a fascist or other enemy of the working class.


As part of our community involvement, Liverpool Antifascists have been organising benefit gigs. These events not only serve to raise money, all of which is used in the fight against fascism, but to lay down links in communities and raise awareness of the antifascist cause.

We want to continue to do this.

If you are a performer, whether a musician, a comedian, or a poet, and would be interested in taking part in future events, please get in touch and let us know what you do and when you’re available.

Please note that, as a benefit, such an event would not come with a formal fee – although we will be happy to cover expenses.

Support our cause

There are a number of ways that you can demonstrate your support for Liverpool Antifascists, and for the cause we are fighting, via the internet.

Become a fan of Liverpool Antifascists:

Follow this blog through Networked Blogs:

Join “Say NO! to the BNP in Liverpool” on Facebook:


We welcome donations from individuals or groups who support working class antifascism.

We hope soon to upload a draft motion which you can take to your organisation to support and donate to Liverpool Antifascists. In the meantime, please email us and we can provide you with one.

The easiest way to donate is via our PayPal account:

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