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Get started with Google News

You can use Google News to:

  • Find out what’s happening in the world and in places you care about.
  • Read stories from different points of view.
  • Choose the news sources you use.

Get news alerts

You can get an email alert every time there are stories that include topics or terms you’re interested in.

  1. Go to

  2. Search for a topic.

  3. At the bottom of the page, click Create alert.

  4. Follow the instructions to set up the alert.

Learn more about creating an alert.

Info for news publishers

All sites included in Google News should follow Google News’ quality guidelines.

Publishers interested in having their sites included in Google News can apply for inclusion here. We can't guarantee that we'll add the source, but we'll be happy to review it.

Refer to the Google News help center for publishers.

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