Own a little slice of Westfield

Own a little slice of Westfield

SKY-HIGH housing prices are prompting Australians to invest their money in lots of other types of property.

Gen Y investing more than X and Boomers

Gen Y investing more than X and Boomers

NOT all members of Generation Y are spending their money on smashed avocado toast. Many are investing in property - and there’s a very good reason why.

Beware of these scary money moves

Beware of these scary money moves

BAD money decisions can give you a bigger financial fright than the scariest Halloween horror movie.

Keeping a financial eye on politics

Keeping a financial eye on politics

IT’S a small world after all, which is why economists say thrifty Australians should keep an eye on politics when making financial decisions.

Proof that growth stocks are overrated

Proof that growth stocks are overrated

THEY call them ‘growth stocks’ — companies with the potential for higher future returns than they give today — but they may not be all they’re cracked up to be.

Battlers still chasing the Aussie dream

Battlers still chasing the Aussie dream

THE containing growth in the nation’s property prices hasn’t deterred potential investors with two in three Australians aspiring to own an investment property.

Extravagant lives of bank bosses

Extravagant lives of bank bosses

The CEOs of Australia’s Big Four banks have been grilled about soaring house prices, but they’re all living it up large.

Super fund fees affect your future

Super fund fees affect your future

HOW much is too much when it comes to paying superannuation fund fees? If you don’t know, you may not enjoy the retirement you imagine.

Why it’s unwise to fear the doomsayers

Why it’s unwise to fear the doomsayers

SOMEONE is always saying that the end of the financial world is coming. Learning how to ignore them is a key part of long-term investment success.

Going global finds more winners

Going global finds more winners

AUSSIE investors have historically shunned global shares, but that may need to change if they want the best possible financial returns in the future.

That crunching sound was shares hitting the floor

That crunching sound was shares hitting the floor

THERE’S little comfort when you’re reading scary headlines and seeing your share values plunge but try to look at the situation objectively.

How to pick a money spinner

How to pick a money spinner

THE best way to achieve investment success is to spread your money across a wide variety of different assets.

The new breed of house buying

The new breed of house buying

LOCKED out of the property market? Why buy the whole house, or attend the auction? You just need $100 for a brick.

Spend to save on your property

Supplied Money tax, housing, property, real estate, generic

MORE than three quarters of Australians don’t make the most of tax deductions allowed on their property investments.

How to spend a windfall

How to spend a windfall

MANY mortgage holders are left torn between whether to pay extra off their home loan or tip extra cash into their super.

Failed directors live in luxury

Failed directors live in luxury

WHILE victims are left reeling from the loss of their life savings the businessmen accused of fleecing them out of millions are driving sports cars and living in luxury on the Gold Coast.

The home wreckers fleecing millions

The home wreckers fleecing millions

UNSUSPECTING Aussies are being duped by cold-calling investment property spruikers who sign them up for houses that are never finished, taking millions from their life savings.

Get the best term deposit rates

Get the best term deposit rates

SAVERS stashing their cash have finally been given reason to celebrate following the eruption of a term deposit among financial institutions.

Young still strive for great Aussie dream

Young still strive for great Aussie dream

DESPITE a number of barriers, owning real estate is still the main financial aim of young Australians — but there’s one thing many of us, across the ages, are doing wrong.

Kochie: mining companies back on track

Kochie: mining companies back on track

RESOURCE stocks have been on the outer with investors due to falling commodity prices in recent years but they could be in for a comeback.

How to navigate a low-rate world

How to navigate a low-rate world

THE Reserve Bank has cut the cash rate again, making it more important than ever to know what you are paying and receiving in interest.

Kochie’s guide to robo-investing

Kochie’s guide to robo-investing

INSTEAD of sitting down with a real person to get advice on how to invest your money, Kochie explains how you can do it all online.

Get your score and kick some goals

Get your score and kick some goals

BEFORE setting some serious financial goals, it’s a good idea to find out how banks and other financial institutions rate you.

Build and avoid financial headaches

Build and avoid financial headaches

BUILDING a new home delivers buyers the freedom to choose everything, but also the chance to be caught out by costly extras.

Using equity to make money

Using equity to make money

A HOME’S equity — the difference between what is owned and what is owed — can be a powerful investment tool if people manage the risks.

Kochie’s mid-year investment review

Kochie’s mid-year investment review

THE start of a new financial year should be a time to step back and assess how your investments are faring and whether they end with a solid finish.

Protect yourself against a tenant

Protect yourself against a tenant

TENANTS charging smartphones that can lead to a house fire is one of the things that can go wrong when a property is leased out, and why landlord insurance is a must.

Shares that can guard your nest egg

Shares that can guard your nest egg

STOCKS that pay steady dividends are an important part of portfolios. These are the sectors experts suggest investors should consider.

Have an interest in your savings rate

Have an interest in your savings rate

SAVERS have been watching returns on their stashed cash dwindle and they’re likely to see these deals fall even further in the coming months.

Kochie: Don’t make rash decisions

Kochie: Don’t make rash decisions

BREXIT has thrown global markets into turmoil but Kochie says you should keep calm and carry on with this financial advice.

Five global forces to shape 2016-17

Five global forces to shape 2016-17

GLOBAL factors will have a big impact on the direction of your savings, superannuation and shares in the year ahead.

How to invest in industrial property

How to invest in industrial property

PROPERTY investors with an eye for extra income are increasingly looking into industrial real estate - but do your homework before jumping in.

Make your savings election-proof

Make your savings election-proof

NO matter who wins government this Saturday, David Koch’s basic savings principles will stand you and your money in good stead.

A vote that’ll change your hip pocket

A vote that’ll change your hip pocket

LESS than a week before the Federal Election, now is the time to think about how your vote may affect your finances and Australia’s future.

Fixed deposit returns take a hit

Fixed deposit returns take a hit

FALLING interest rates have left savers getting only one per cent return on their stashed cash.

What to do with your money after Brexit

What to do with your money after Brexit

THIS is what you should do with your money, whether the UK decides to Brexit the European Union or Bremain.

How to invest beyond your own backyard

How to invest beyond your own backyard

THE best property investment is unlikely to be in the same suburb you live in, or possibly even the same city.

The key to building personal wealth

The key to building personal wealth

MAKING saving and investing automatic is the simplest way to build wealth over the long term, according to experts.

Aussie property trend making cash

Aussie property trend making cash

HOMEOWNERS with backyards are using granny flats to keep adult kids at home, build man-caves and “she-sheds” and to generate income by renting them.

Take your share of the action

Take your share of the action

ONLINE share investing has long been a cheap and accessible way to start buying and selling shares so why aren’t more women doing it?

Branson’s tip to building wealth

Branson’s tip to building wealth

VIRGIN boss Sir Richard Branson, the founder of hundreds of businesses over the past 50 years, has revealed his advice for building personal wealth.

Kochie’s weapons against low inflation

Kochie’s weapons against low inflation

LOW inflation is here to stay and the ripple effect can wreck your investment expectations. Here’s what this means for you.

Turn debts into income

Turn debts into income

INVESTING for income is no longer limited to bank deposits and bonds, and a wave of new players can help you spread your risk and returns.

Kochie’s top stockmarket picks

Kochie’s top stockmarket picks

WITH savings accounts and term deposits offering record low returns, it’s an excellent time to look to the share market. Here are five safe and solid performers.

How to make money on a budget

How to make money on a budget

THEY say in order to make money you need to spend it. But what do you do if you actually don’t have much or anything to start with in the first place? You get smart.

Do you know when you’re being scammed?

Do you know when you’re being scammed?

A RISING number of investment scams — often via cold calls from overseas — are targeting Australians, but there are ways to protect yourself.

Negative gearing benefits are falling

Negative gearing benefits are falling

IT’S one of the hottest election issues and has sparked an anti-Labor campaign. But for property investors, negative gearing is losing some lustre.

Double hit on retirees’ income

Double hit on retirees’ income

ADVISERS often say it’s better to invest in bank shares rather than bank deposits — but both are pretty poor at the moment.

Tidy up for tax time

Tidy up for tax time

THE next eight weeks is not just about the election but it’s also getting your affairs in order for the end of financial year.

ANZ plays scrooge on homebuyers

ANZ plays scrooge on homebuyers

ANZ’s stinginess in failing to pass on the latest rate cut to home loan customers in full is likely to cost its borrowers an estimated $88 million a year.

Stay on track with super

Stay on track with super

SUPERANNUATION is likely to take a hit in today’s budget. But there’s one simple way you can avoid getting stung.

Why it’s time to lock in your loan rate

Why it’s time to lock in your loan rate

THE Reserve Bank of Australia is strongly tipped to cut the cash rate tomorrow, leaving borrowers to decide whether or not they should lock in their loan.

‘I am a very, very, very happy guy’

‘I am a very, very, very happy guy’

WARREN Buffett has defended his large investment in Coca-Cola against critics, revealing the surprising amount of Coke he drinks every day.

How best to splash a cash windfall

How best to splash a cash windfall

IT’S a problem we’d love to have: what to do if you won or inherited $100,000. Most Aussies would use it to take a holiday — but there are much wiser ideas.

Why Gen Y scores best with money goals

Why Gen Y scores best with money goals

WHILE a third of Generation Ys say they set financial goals, only 15 per cent of Generation X do the same, a study has found.

What’s keeping you from riches

What’s keeping you from riches

IF YOU’RE under 35, chances are you’re traumatised and you’re failing to invest in something that could make you really rich.

Five tips to make you rich at 40

Five tips to make you rich at 40

LIFE in your twenties is scary and exciting. Money guru David Koch reveals five money habits that will make you rich.

How to make the right financial choices

How to make the right financial choices

WE are bombarded with financial choices every day and new investment products pop up regularly, so how do you pick the right place for your money?

Kochie’s guide to investing your cash

Kochie’s guide to investing your cash

WITH official interest rates set at a record low where can you put your savings to earn a decent income return, or any return at all?

Cut the cost of money advice

Cut the cost of money advice

FINANCIAL advice is not just for people with piles of money, and knowing what you need is key to not spending more than you should.

Frank is a retiree’s financial friend

Frank is a retiree’s financial friend

SENIOR Australians can take advantage of tax laws and company dividends to give their income an extra boost.

Kochie’s crash course on share markets

Kochie’s crash course on share markets

WORLD stock markets have had a roller coaster ride so far this year. Here are five things you should learn from the volatility of the last three months.

Alternative investments are taking off

Alternative investments are taking off

FANCY a stake in an airport, gas plant, overseas skyscraper or foreign corporate debt? Alternatives are a growing trend for investors.

How to understand the All Ords

How to understand the All Ords

WE see it quoted daily in newspapers, on radio and television, but for many people the All Ordinaries shares index remains a confusing set of numbers.

Build a home loan to suit your budget

Build a home loan to suit your budget

BUILDING yourself a home loan to get the best possible deal takes time and care if you plan to save yourself some serious dollars.

How much property is enough?

How much property is enough?

SOME property experts think you need 10 or a dozen properties to retire comfortably on real estate investments, but don’t believe it.

20pc upfront — or don’t bother

20pc upfront — or don’t bother

OWNING a home is getting even harder. Now, financial institutions are demanding applicants have 20 per cent of a property’s value in their pocket before considering a loan.

Avoiding home loan rip-offs

Avoiding home loan rip-offs

SAVVY customers are refinancing their home loans at an all-time high but there’s concerns many complacent borrowers are getting ripped off by their lenders.

Negative gearing: Righteous or rort?

Negative gearing: Righteous or rort?

BOTH political parties are looking at ways to increase taxes on investors after the GST debate was declared dead and buried this month. Now negative gearing is in their sights.

App puts spare change on stock market

App puts spare change on stock market

WHAT if you put your spare change in the stock market rather than a jar? An app launching in Australia today wants you to find out.

Banks’ resolve cracks on rate hikes

Banks’ resolve cracks on rate hikes

AUSTRALIA’S two million property investors are starting to get a slight reprieve from the interest rate whacking they received from the big banks and other lenders in 2015.

Is now a good time to invest?

Is now a good time to invest?

SHARP share price falls are scaring some people but causing others to consider perhaps they should try to nab a bargain.

Ignore ‘share bears’ and look long-term

Ignore ‘share bears’ and look long-term

SELLING out of shares at a low point in the market is guaranteed to lock in your short-term losses, experts warn.

Numbers to shape your money moves

Numbers to shape your money moves

TAKE note of a few key numbers to make money management easier.

Can the banks do better in 2016?

Can the banks do better in 2016?

IT’S been a tough year for investors in the banking sector, whether in savings accounts or shares. But experts say 2016 may be a little brighter for some.

This is the global secret to boosting your wealth

This is the global secret to boosting your wealth

You can fatten your retirement savings if you go global.

Claim it and save thousands

Claim it and save thousands

REAL estate investors can boost their annual income by making the most of depreciation deductions.

Go global with your investments

Go global with your investments

INVESTORS looking to widen their investment portfolios are going global and snapping up international shares.

How to sniff out a bad investment

How to sniff out a bad investment

WE are surrounded by good and bad investment opportunities, so how do you avoid the stinkers?

Buying a home is financial suicide

Buying a home is financial suicide

YOU lay down your money, your hard work and your life to buy a property, but in the end it’s all a waste. This is why buying doesn’t make sense.

ANZ in $13m customer payout

ANZ in $13m customer payout

BANKING giant ANZ will pay $13 million in compensation to 200,000 customers after failing to pay them enough interest on their savings accounts.

Make a sure bet on your finances

Make a sure bet on your finances

MILLIONS of us will have a flutter on the Melbourne Cup tomorrow in the hope of making a few quick bucks but there are some dead certs to be found if you choose to invest more wisely.

The biggest stock market myths

The biggest stock market myths

IT IS surprising how often “conventional wisdom” is neither of those things. These are the top stock market myths — and why you shouldn't’ believe them.

Test your appetite for risk

Test your appetite for risk

WHETHER you’re a dyed-in-the-wool conservative or an inveterate risk-taker, there’s an investment strategy that’s right for you, writes David Koch.

Should you buy property off the plan?

Should you buy property off the plan?

BUYING property off the plan can deliver potential savings, but experts warn you need to be careful.

Got a spare $50 a week?

Got a spare $50 a week?

A GOOD household budget can usually uncover savings of $50 a week, and from there the sky’s the limit.

Saying ‘no’ can make you a success

Saying ‘no’ can make you a success

AVOIDING losing stocks is just as important as picking a winner — now one of Australia’s most successful investment fund managers gives his tips.

Your spare parking space is hot property

Your spare parking space is hot property

COULD you be sitting on an extra $2500-$4200 per year without knowing it? If you have a spare parking space, you might be.

Why borrowing to invest makes sense

Why borrowing to invest makes sense

DEBT isn’t popular for investors — unless it’s used to buy real estate — but today’s low interest rates have made it an increasingly attractive option for some.

The app that Malcolm launched

The app that Malcolm launched

IF YOU’RE launching a new product, you couldn’t ask for a better person than Malcolm Turnbull to push the button. This one could make you rich.

Sneaky trick by property investors

Sneaky trick by property investors

THEY are already driving up property prices. Now, sneaky investors are going one step further to get their mitts on lower interest rates.

Should you be shunning shares?

Should you be shunning shares?

AUSSIE shares have slumped 17 per cent this year amid global and domestic worries. Does that mean they worth a look?

Savings versus shares

Savings versus shares

HAVING your money in a savings account is a safe bet but it turns out Aussies who buy bank shares are reaping much higher rewards.

Seven lessons from seven rocky years

Seven lessons from seven rocky years

IT’S been a rocky ride back from the depths of the Global Financial Crisis, but it has unearthed some wisdom for investors.

Should retirees have share jitters?

Should retirees have share jitters?

WHETHER you’re already retired or planning to build a dividend-charged retirement portfolio, investment experts examine the latest market downturn.

Where the rich are putting their money

Where the rich are putting their money

THEY say you should follow the money, and a new app is making that much easier. There’s some “valuable information” in it for you.

How to fix the retirement pay gap

How to fix the retirement pay gap

THE other pay gap: why half of Australians risk losing hundreds of thousands of dollars over their working lives, and how to fix it.

The source of Bono’s mega riches

The source of Bono’s mega riches

BONO sure knows how to pick a good stock. One savvy investment decision has added a whopping $43 million to the rocker’s fortunes.

Five ways to set yourself up for life

Five ways to set yourself up for life

OK, MAYBE you can’t afford to buy a house yet, but that’s no reason to give up on your dreams. This is how to control your finances.

Apple issues first Kangaroo bonds

Apple issues first Kangaroo bonds

APPLE has launched its first Australian dollar corporate bond issue, raising $1.2 billion within two hours as investors jump on the ‘ultra-safe’ investment.