Last updated: November 3, 2016

Personal data control in plan

Personal data control in plan

Consumers would be able to demand any personal data be transferred to competitors to improve choice, under new laws.

Forecast deficit blows out $30bn

Forecast deficit blows out $30bn

The failure of tax revenue to meet optimistic predictions has forced the forecast peak in public debt $30bn higher.

‘No changes to rape definition’

‘No changes to rape definition’

The Andrews government has ­rejected a call to roll back changes to Victoria’s rape laws.

Abbott regrets ignoring nuke subs

Abbott regrets ignoring nuke subs

Tony Abbott has said that he regrets not investigating more fully the option for a nuclear-powered submarine fleet.

Refugee ban pressures ALP

Refugee ban pressures ALP

The government is forcing a showdown on its plans to permanently bar from Australia refugees who arrived by boat.

Libs in 18C ‘free speech’ push

Libs in 18C ‘free speech’ push

A new push to defend free speech is gaining ground within the federal government.

US in mix for resettlement

US in mix for resettlement

Refugees on Manus Island and Nauru will be offered permanent new homes in a handful of third countries.

Rent deal followed criticism

Rent deal followed criticism

An extraordinary mid-campaign deal between the Coalition and major pathology companies is set to come under scrutiny.

‘Level field’ for Green groups

‘Level field’ for Green groups

The same donation rules must apply to all organisations engaged in political advocacy, says committee head.

RET power bill shock

RET power bill shock

Households face higher bills and retailers stand to make windfall gains from a spike in renewable energy prices.

‘Let’s see refugee bill detail’

‘Let’s see refugee bill detail’

Bill Shorten has left room to support the government’s sudden proposal on asylum-seekers despite Labor MPs’ fury.

NXT wants ‘expanded PPL’

NXT wants ‘expanded PPL’

Rebekha Sharkie says she wants to see the PPL scheme ‘expanded’.

Robb’s job a ‘bridge too far’

Robb’s job a ‘bridge too far’

Labor and the Greens have taken aim at the ethical standards of the Turnbull government over Andrew Robb’s new role.

Health funds ‘need to be clearer’

Health funds ‘need to be clearer’

A health insurance committee has highlighted the problem of inconsistent terminology and a lack of clarity on costs.

Brawl over refugee lifetime ban

Brawl over refugee lifetime ban

Bill Shorten wants more time to decide on the PM’s vow to impose a lifetime ban on asylum-seekers who come by boat.

Cashless card cuts pokies take

Cashless card cuts pokies take

Malcolm Turnbull will consider rolling out the cashless welfare card widely.

Push to lift Israel defence ties

Push to lift Israel defence ties

Australia and Israel should upgrade military and diplomatic relations, according to a major report.

Xenophon stalls on PPL

Xenophon stalls on PPL

Nick Xenophon will propose amendments to paid parental leave policy after he torpedoed the government’s hopes.

In wash-up, asylum loser wins

In wash-up, asylum loser wins

When Marcus Pireesan fled Sri Lanka for Australia in search of a better life, his home town was a very different place.

Push to stop welfare creep

Push to stop welfare creep

Scott Morrison has vowed to end the “welfare creep” that encourages thousands of Australians to avoid getting a job.

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