World Antibiotic Awareness Week

11 November 2016 – This year World Antibiotic Awareness Week will be held from 14 to 20 November 2016. The campaign aims to increase awareness of global antibiotic resistance and to encourage best practices among the general public, health workers, policy-makers and the agriculture sector to avoid the further emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance.

Hundreds of children die of measles every day

10 November 2016 – Despite a 79% worldwide decrease in measles deaths between 2000 and 2015, nearly 400 children still die from the disease every day. Mass measles vaccination campaigns and a global increase in routine measles vaccination coverage saved an estimated 20.3 million young lives between 2000 and 2015. But progress has been uneven.

Measles vaccination campaign in Nigeria's Borno State

9 November 2016 – WHO and health partners helped vaccinate more than 10 000 children against measles in 2 days in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the conflict-affected Borno State. Since 6 June 2016, health clinics in IDP camps in Borno State have seen increasing numbers of measles cases. From early September until late October, WHO received reports of 744 suspected cases of measles, and 2 deaths.

Pregnant women must be able to access the right care at the right time

7 November 2016 – Last year, an estimated 303 000 women died from pregnancy-related causes, 2.7 million babies died during the first 28 days of life and 2.6 million babies were stillborn. Quality health care during pregnancy and childbirth can prevent many of these deaths. WHO has issued a new series of recommendations to improve quality of antenatal care in order to reduce the risk of stillbirths and pregnancy complications and give women a positive pregnancy experience.

Kyrgyzstan certified to be malaria-free

4 November 2016 – Today, Kyrgyzstan received the official WHO certification of malaria elimination. Countries that maintain zero locally-acquired malaria cases for at least 3 consecutive years are eligible to apply for this certification on a voluntary-basis. Globally, a total of 32 countries and territories have received the certification.

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Election of Director-General

A close-up of the Director-General's seat in the WHO Executive Boardroom.
WHO/N. Bojgaard

The process to elect the next WHO Director-General is underway.


  • Monitoring Visualization Tool for the Global Action Plan for Pneumonia and Diarrhoea
    This tool presents data on 24 key indicators related to the protection, prevention and treatment of diarrhoea and pneumonia in children under five years of age and two indicators on mortality due to the two diseases. The tool also enables access to country-specific profiles to see the progress made by 136 low- and middle-income countries in averting childhood diarrhoea and pneumonia deaths.

Health emergencies programme

WHO Health Emergencies Programme delivers rapid, predictable, and comprehensive support to countries and communities as they prepare for, face or recover from emergencies caused by any type of hazard to human health, whether disease outbreaks, natural or man-made disasters or conflicts.

Zika virus and complications

After a spike in cases of microcephaly and Guillain-Barré syndrome associated with Zika virus, WHO declared a public health emergency.


What’s good for the planet is good for health

"The devastating consequences of air pollution affect both the climate and health. They are seen everywhere from smog-encircled mega-cities to village dwellings filled with smoke from indoor cooking."

Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO
El Houssaine Louardi, Minister of Health, Morocco
Hakima El Haite, Minister of the Environment, Morocco

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