‘Subway Therapy’ for scared voters

‘Subway Therapy’ for scared voters

WHILE disgruntled New Yorkers hit the streets in protest after Donald Trump’s astonishing presidential win, there’s been another type of protest going on underground.

How to be happy with what you’ve got

How to be happy with what you’ve got

WE’RE all familiar with that happy feeling that comes from something new - a relationship, job, or shiny new toy. Here’s how to maintain that high all the time

This insurance loophole is outrageous

This insurance loophole is outrageous

IF YOU’VE ever seen a psychologist for any reason at all, be warned: You might find yourself unable to get insurance. That’s what happened to Ginger Gorman.

Optical illusion blowing up the internet

Optical illusion blowing up the internet

AT FIRST glance it’s a pair of very shiny legs, right? Well, wrong. Once you know what’s going on you’ll wonder why you didn’t realise in the first place.

Why you can’t sleep in hotel beds

Why you can’t sleep in hotel beds

IT TURNS out there’s a really cool reason you toss and turn in an unfamiliar bed. Dr Karl explains first-night effect.

Real estate advice from the dying

Real estate advice from the dying

IF A terminally ill stranger told you their biggest life regrets, would you listen? What if related to that great Australian obsession, real estate?

‘Vulvagate’ doco rating downgraded

‘Vulvagate’ doco rating downgraded

CENSORS have reconsidered their MA15+ rating of body image documentary Embrace, meaning it can now be seen by young teens without parental guidance.

Crazy dot puzzle to mess up your day

Crazy dot puzzle to mess up your day

THIS Playbuzz quiz has been bending minds since it surfaced. Only one in five people can solve it. Are you one of them?

How to tell if you need professional help

How to tell if you need professional help

IT’S the most common question this psychologist is asked. But we all reach breaking point at some stage, so how can you tell if you need a professional?

The call that changed Gus’s life

The call that changed Gus’s life

TRIPLE M presenter Gus Worland was playing a game of golf when he received the call. He sank to his knees and cried.

Man trapped inside for 30 years

Man trapped inside for 30 years

POLICE are investigating why a man was kept confined inside his home for three decades. His parents say it was for his own good.

Test your vision with this brainteaser

Test your vision with this brainteaser

THIS simple puzzle puts your eyesight to the test. You have to find the objects hidden inside the coloured circles. We wish you luck.

Odd solution to life’s big problems

Odd solution to life’s big problems

POSITIVE thinking. Passion. Happiness. Think you know the key to a good life? A new theory is about to explode the myths.

Illusion proves you have a dirty mind

Illusion proves you have a dirty mind

THE sex-obsessed among you will see something X-rated in this optical illusion. Others will see something completely innocent. Which are you?

Man’s patience earns him $1 million

Man’s patience earns him $1 million

A NEW Zealand man has proven that waiting patiently and not pushing in a queue can pay big dividends.

The big secret about narcissists

The big secret about narcissists

RECKON you know how to spot a narcissist? Turns out we’re missing one important clue that reflects the severity of the condition.

‘I will make them disabled, if not die’

‘I will make them disabled, if not die’

A CHINESE teen, who was sent to internet addiction camp, has killed her mother in an horrific act of revenge.

Top Model hopeful’s anxiety battle

Top Model hopeful’s anxiety battle

NOT long ago reality star Summer Kane could barely leave her house let along get on a catwalk to model for some of the biggest designers.

Adelaide’s mind-blowing hope on stemcell frontier

Adelaide’s mind-blowing hope on stemcell frontier

AVID cyclist Kevin Weeks retreated to the couch for six weeks after his Parkinson’s disease diagnosis. Then the businessman literally got back on the bike and started fighting. Now he is waiting for the call for world-first brain surgery that could transform his life.

Why the first 10 mins of your day matter

Why the first 10 mins of your day matter

IF YOU’RE reading this on your phone and woke up less than 10 minutes ago you’ve already made a bad move for the day. Here’s why.

The most powerful question you can ask

The most powerful question you can ask

WHEN a man noticed his workmate acting strange, he decided to follow him and ask what was going on. It’s so lucky he did.

‘It shouldn’t be part of life’

‘It shouldn’t be part of life’

DAMIEN Brown can’t sleep in the same bed as his wife because his nightmares are so bad. The private battle of one of Australia’s toughest UFC fighters.

The most common fitness myths busted

The most common fitness myths busted

IF YOU’VE been trying all those miracle weight loss regimens but haven’t seen results, here’s what you’re doing wrong.

Alone and in total darkness

Alone and in total darkness

AUSTRALIANS are turning to sensory deprivation pods to reduce stress. So what is it really like, alone with nothing but the sound of your own heartbeat?

Just one thing before your interview

Just one thing before your interview

AMY CUDDY, a body language guru, has a proven piece of advice for anyone going into a stressful situation.

Aussie doctor behind breakthrough drug

Aussie doctor behind breakthrough drug

AUSTRALIAN doctor John Cade changed the course of medicine, with a drug that transformed the lives of millions. His story has been told for the first time.

Why guys are getting personal online

Why guys are getting personal online

IT’S the old stigma: guys are not supposed to talk about their problems. But a new grassroots campaign — now appearing in newsfeeds everywhere — is aiming to change it for good.

The dangerous social media ‘epidemic’

The dangerous social media ‘epidemic’

SOCIAL media is being blamed for a rise in an “epidemic” of teenage psychological distress. And a new study says one group is the most vulnerable.

Making eye contact with strangers

Making eye contact with strangers

WE DON’T often stare into the eyes of strangers, but a new movement is encouraging people to do it for minutes on end. So we gave it a try.

Why we suck at taking compliments

Why we suck at taking compliments

IT SEEMS like one of the most simple things in the world, but many of us struggle when it comes to hearing praise. So what’s the “right” thing to say?

These pictures are freaking people out

These pictures are freaking people out

IT SOUNDS crazy, but up to 20 per cent of us have a fear of irregular holes. And the longer you look at these pictures the more likely you are to get it.

Woman recalls every minute of her life

Woman recalls every minute of her life

SHE can recite books without looking at a page and recall an entire conversation from a decade ago, but it’s an awful burden.

‘I’ve always covered myself up’

‘I’ve always covered myself up’

IT’S hard believe one in five young people are doing this. These compelling stories should be a wake up call. WARNING: Triggers

The strange statistic about stress

The strange statistic about stress

THERE’S a funny thing about stress. We’re all taught that it’s bad for us, but studies show it’s the opposite if we use it to our advantage.

One sign you’re a big narcissist

One sign you’re a big narcissist

WE LOVE to hate on Kim K, but you may be more like her than you think. A new study says there are two types of narcissists, and the indicator comes down to one little habit.

Test shows how logical you are

Test shows how logical you are

A QUICK brainteaser can test how logically your brain works … and only four per cent of people can solve it.

How to get out of a life rut

How to get out of a life rut

STUCK in a dead end job? Feeling like you’re just existing? You may be stuck in a serious rut. But there’s a cure.

10 ways to get a better night’s sleep

10 ways to get a better night’s sleep

WE ALL know we’re supposed to be getting our eight hours every night. But it turns out a long night’s sleep isn’t always the best.

Secrets behind the power nap

Secrets behind the power nap

FEELING sleepy? Need a recharge after lunch? Well go right ahead. One expert reckons once we learn how to power nap there’s no going back.

‘The best workout is playing with our son’

‘The best workout is playing with our son’

HUSBAND-AND-WIFE team Hamish Blake and Zoë Foster Blake tell Rosie King who’s funnier, how they stay healthy and how parenthood has changed them.

Why you sleep best on Tuesday night

Why you sleep best on Tuesday night

DO you feel like you slept well last night? There’s a very good reason for that, and it’s finally explained by science.

‘My partner is frustrated I can’t orgasm’

‘My partner is frustrated I can’t orgasm’

MY partner and I love each other, but he’s so frustrated at my inability to orgasm that it’s turning him off having sex with me at all. What should I do?

Train realistically for a half-marathon

Train realistically for a half-marathon

I EAT popcorn for dinner and use a stick to turn off my bedroom light. This is how I will run a half-marathon and survive.

Insta-famous: Feel-good fun or frightening fad?

Insta-famous: Feel-good fun or frightening fad?

WITH the rise and rise of social media has come a growing obsession with #fitspo. So what is this addiction doing to our health?

Health challenge: How do you refuel?

Health challenge: How do you refuel?

WHAT you eat can make or break you. But whether food is a friend or foe is your call, personal trainers Michelle Bridges and Steve “Commando” Willis say.

The easiest way to quit worrying

The easiest way to quit worrying

DO YOU find yourself worrying about your health, money, what people think of you? Then this is for you.

Women need to stop saying this

Women need to stop saying this

IF EVEN Jennifer Lawrence does this, what hope do the rest of us have? Why being nice is doing you a disservice.

Missing star student found living new life

Missing star student found living new life

NAYLA Kidd was a star student, living her dream as a student at a prestigious university. Then she went missing.

The dot test baffling the internet

The dot test baffling the internet

IT’S the brain teaser sending the internet in to a spin. In among the grid of coloured dots, how quickly can you find what’s hidden?

10-3-2-1-0: The key to a good night’s rest?

10-3-2-1-0: The key to a good night’s rest?

ONE man thinks he has cracked the code to a good night’s sleep. If you battle insomnia, his “10-3-2-1-0” method may be the answer to your prayers.

‘I can’t believe she’s plus-sized’

‘I can’t believe she’s plus-sized’

WOMEN everywhere are asking, how is Bree Warren classified as a plus-size model, and what does that mean for the rest of us?

Why can’t we tickle ourselves?

Why can’t we tickle ourselves?

SOME of us are more ticklish than others, but nearly everyone is unable to tickle themselves. Here’s the science behind why.

The last taboo of mental illness

The last taboo of mental illness

IF SOMEONE you love has a mental illness, chances are there’s one sentence you feel you can’t say. It’s about time we said it out loud, writes Rachel Corbett.

The reality of dementia gene tests

The reality of dementia gene tests

IF you were at a significantly higher risk of developing dementia, would you want to know? Genetic testing for Alzheimer’s isn’t black and white.

Why this girl was allowed to die

Why this girl was allowed to die

WHEN we think about euthanasia, many of us picture an elderly person. But a recent case is troubling ethicists.

‘I masturbated for 16 hours non-stop’

‘I masturbated for 16 hours non-stop’

LUKE Williams was researching ice addiction when he became addicted himself. This is how he sank into psychosis.

Is this the real secret to success?

Is this the real secret to success?

DAVID Fitter knows the secret. The former Wallabies player and now doctor was never that good at anything growing up. And that’s why he’s done so well.

‘God-like feeling’: Radical sleep advice

‘God-like feeling’: Radical sleep advice

WHEN Scott Kevill stopped sleeping like a normal person and switched to a radical new regime, he started to feel “god-like”. Would it work for the rest of us?

An Experiment fixed my autistic brain

An Experiment fixed my autistic brain

BEFORE the Harvard experiment, John had trouble connecting to people and reading emotional cues. Immediately after, the changes rocked his world.

The big problem with this famous test

The big problem with this famous test

MANY people have a huge fascination with tests like these. Here’s why taking them is a total waste of your time.

Can you pass intelligence test?

Can you pass intelligence test?

PEOPLE claim that anyone who understands the enigma has an IQ of 150, which is considered to be ‘genius’ level.

This is why you forget what you’re doing

This is why you forget what you’re doing

WE’VE all rushed into another room to get something — only to get there and realise you’ve completely forgotten why you went there in the first place.

Why this week feels so damn looooooong

Why this week feels so damn looooooong

THE four day work week after Anzac Day should be a rapid dash to the next weekend. So why does it feel like time has slowed down?

How to beat your bad habits

How to beat your bad habits

WE ALL have habits we need to break: Biting our fingernails, eating too much, spending too much time on Facebook. Here are seven steps to beat them.

‘I thought I was going to be raped’

‘I thought I was going to be raped’

WELCOME to the terrifying world of sleep paralysis, where your own bedroom is the scariest place in the world.

Healthy eating message could be hurting our kids

Healthy eating message could be hurting our kids

ARE the messages we give our children about smart food choices causing them more harm than good asks Chloe Lambert.

Every parent’s greatest fear

Every parent’s greatest fear

ELLIOT wanted to do well in his exams and was worried about it. Trying to reassure her son, Lisa told him: “It’ll be over really quickly.”

Why you can’t get to sleep on holiday

Why you can’t get to sleep on holiday

WHY do we sleep poorly the first night we stay in an unfamiliar place? It’s because our brains are more animalistic than you may think.

How to supercharge your brain

How to supercharge your brain

A PSYCHIATRIST pushing the boundaries of science says simple thought and movement exercises can make your mind more powerful.

Why sports stars go bad

Why sports stars go bad

WHY do so many elite athletes struggle when their career dwindles?

Why ‘positive thinking’ is rubbish

Why ‘positive thinking’ is rubbish

DO you get ticked off when people tell you to buck up and think positive? Well it turns out that there’s a much better technique to try.

‘I’ve hated the last 10 years of my life’

‘I’ve hated the last 10 years of my life’

THERE are some things society still refuses to talk about. One man decided he’d had enough of staying quiet about his struggle with depression.

How craze caused global pencil shortage

How craze caused global pencil shortage

IT’S THE craze that’s brought out the artist in all of us. But as fun as the pastime may be, colouring books have drawn one big problem.

CEO’s plan to help workers sleep

CEO’s plan to help workers sleep

ONE in four of us regularly has a bad night’s sleep. But one CEO has come up with a radical solution to help his employees get eight hours of shut eye.

Arnie just wants to stay fit and improve the world

Arnie just wants to stay fit and improve the world

SUPERSTAR Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about the legacy he hopes to leave in an exclusive interview with body+soul.

Inside the brain of a binge-watcher

Inside the brain of a binge-watcher

IT’S time to ‘Netflix and chill’. We know sitting down for long periods isn’t good for you, but why is it worse when in front of a TV?

Your next therapist: an ep of SaTC

Your next therapist: an ep of SaTC

A MAN believes he has the perfect prescription for anybody plagued by a problem — a Sex and the City episode that will “change your life”.

What’s on in April in NSW

What’s on in April in NSW

FROM acroyoga and ANZAC Day running for the big kids to a museum sleepover for littlies, heaps is happening in NSW.

Why you’re so damn tired right now

Why you’re so damn tired right now

HOW much does it suck having to wake up while it’s still dark outside? Why do we feel so tired when this happens? Here, a sleep expert explains all.

‘I’ve learnt a lot about gratitude’

‘I’ve learnt a lot about gratitude’

WHEN hubby Sam Burgess was taken off the field in a neck brace, Phoebe Burgess was in the middle of a happiness experiment.

The dog who changed a boy’s world

The dog who changed a boy’s world

LITTLE Lachlan spent the first few years of his life trapped inside his own head — but two years ago Lachlan’s life changed because he met Zeke.

Why we kiss with our eyes closed

Why we kiss with our eyes closed

EVERYONE does it, but why do we all close our eyes when we kiss? Psychologists have revealed why it’s not just about being romantic.

Six habits that will make you happier

Six habits that will make you happier

IT’S the International Day of Happiness. Hooray! To celebrate, here is a list of everyday things you can do to help you feel happy every day.

Which personality trait are you?

Which personality trait are you?

THINK you’re an individual? Well, according to the Big Five, you’re not really that original — and chances are, you will fall in to one of these categories.

Women warriors deliver knockout blow

Women warriors deliver knockout blow

MEET the Aussie female fighters who are smashing the gender stereotypes, and paving the way for a new wave of women to take up combat sports.

10 common dreams analysed

10 common dreams analysed

EVER dreamt about sleeping with your boss? It may not mean what you think. We’ve spoken to a dream analyst to find out the truth.

Improve your sex life today

Improve your sex life today

SEXPERT Cyndi Darnell shares her best advice on how to have great times between the sheets — and it’s not just about the orgasm.

The first thing you should do every day

The first thing you should do every day

DO YOU face-flop into your pillow with a groan when the alarm goes off? Well, apparently you’re doing your mornings wrong according to a leading Harvard psychologist.

Sex lives of Australians revealed

Sex lives of Australians revealed

WE surveyed about 4000 Aussies about their sex lives. How often are they having it? Do they want more? Here are the results.

How to talk about sex with your kids

How to talk about sex with your kids

ALEXANDRA Carlton looks at the four major sex scenarios parents can face and outlines the best way to handle them.

Why you should stop judging addicts

Why you should stop judging addicts

IT’S easy to feel morally superior to drug addicts. You’d never let yourself get in their position. But there’s something about addiction we’re forgetting.

When the happiest moment of your life goes wrong

When the happiest moment of your life goes wrong

FOR most parents, the birth of their child is one of their happiest memories. But for Mick Sheard, the experience was one of the scariest moments of his life.

Crazy fad for angry people

Crazy fad for angry people

WHETHER you’re angry, sad or just feeling destructive, a new spot in Melbourne is giving people are very unique release.

Reason you’re tired all the time

Reason you’re tired all the time

FEELING sluggish and blaming your tiredness on lack of sleep or no coffee? The real issue behind this is with your gut.

Eerie forest Japanese go to die

Eerie forest Japanese go to die

ABANDONED cars litter the small concrete square outside Aokigahara Forest at the foot of Japan’s Mount Fuji. Inside, bodies continue to pile up.

‘Darker’ Aussie model walks off

‘Darker’ Aussie model walks off

AUSSIE supermodel Ajak Deng has abruptly quit the modelling world following her manager’s comments on racism in the industry.

‘Straight away I let out this howl’

‘Straight away I let out this howl’

BEN Brooks-Dutton didn’t see the car that killed his wife until it was too late. His response to watching her die in front of him is something we all need to talk about more.

Now try this ... Doga

Now try this ... Doga

THE latest yoga fad entails using a pooch for an exercise buddy. Our new columnist Emma Markezic couldn’t wait to give it a go.

The best healthy eats in NSW

The best healthy eats in NSW

NUTRITIOUS nosh is now more accessible than ever. All over the state there are restaurants and cafés serving up organic, ethically sourced and totally delicious fare. Here are some of the b+s team’s faves. Enjoy!

‘I was the one who found him’

‘I was the one who found him’

IT IS the silent issue that is killing more Australian soldiers than war. Now one widow has told her story.