People watch as thick smoke and flames rise from amid the tents after fires were started in the makeshift migrant camp known as "the jungle" near Calais, northern France. Picture: AP

Staff writersAP

FRENCH authorities declared the Calais migrant camp known as “the jungle” empty after fires set by departing migrants accelerated plans to evacuate people from the burgeoning slum.

Local officials announced the destruction of the camp, where thousands fleeing war and poverty have lived in squalor as they waited for a chance to sneak across the English Channel into Britain. Migrants are being moved to reception centres around France where they can seek asylum.

A migrant looks on as a makeshift shelter burns behind him at the "jungle" migrant camp in Calais, northern France. Picture: AFP

A migrant looks on as a makeshift shelter burns behind him at the "jungle" migrant camp in Calais, northern France. Picture: AFPSource:AFP

“There are no more migrants in the camp,” said Fabienne Buccio, a local official in the camp. “Our mission has been fulfilled.”

Migrants were seen milling around after despite the announcement, but authorities said they would stop processing people by later today.

An explosion is seen at the "jungle" migrant camp in Calais, northern France. Picture: AFP

An explosion is seen at the "jungle" migrant camp in Calais, northern France. Picture: AFPSource:AFP

Migrants have flocked to the Calais region for decades, but the camp has grown as Europe’s migrant crisis expanded. As it evolved into a massive slum supported by aid groups, France finally decided to shut it down.

As the reality of the mass evacuation took hold, fearful migrants from Afghanistan, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria and Pakistan braced for a new reality. Some pledged to just keep moving.

People stand on a hill as smoke and flames rise from amid the tents, after fires were started in the makeshift migrant camp known as "the jungle" near Calais, northern France. Picture: AP

People stand on a hill as smoke and flames rise from amid the tents, after fires were started in the makeshift migrant camp known as "the jungle" near Calais, northern France. Picture: APSource:AP

“This jungle is no good,” said Muhammad Afridi, 20, from Pakistan. “We go to a new jungle.” The main alley through the camp near the city of Calais burned overnight, leaving skeleton-like hulks on either side of the road.

Firefighters delved into the camp’s deepest recesses, trying to prevent a massive conflagration. Gas canisters popped as they exploded in the heat.

Fire breaks out in the jungle camp as migrants prepare to leave while the authorities start to demolish the site in Calais, France. Picture: Getty

Fire breaks out in the jungle camp as migrants prepare to leave while the authorities start to demolish the site in Calais, France. Picture: GettySource:Getty Images

One aid group’s truck burst into flames. Migrants stood and watched. Some laughed.

Steve Barbet, a spokesman for the regional authorities, said one migrant was hospitalised. About 100 migrants were evacuated.

The camp once housed 6300 migrants, according to authorities, but aid groups said the number was much higher.

A worker clears up the remains after tents were burnt in the makeshift migrant camp known as "the jungle" near Calais, northern France. Picture: AP

A worker clears up the remains after tents were burnt in the makeshift migrant camp known as "the jungle" near Calais, northern France. Picture: APSource:AP