‘At the time I had no idea who he was’

‘At the time I had no idea who he was’

FOR 91-year-old veteran Alex Bedwell, an unexpected ‘face-to-face collision’ with Prince Philip is something that this unsung hero will never forget.

What happened to Baby Joe?

What happened to Baby Joe?

INSIDE the abandoned Parramatta Gaol a treasure trove of secrets lie in wait, including the mystery of Baby Joe.

Lovers killed in car sex tragedy

Lovers killed in car sex tragedy

A YOUNG Russian couple have died from carbon monoxide poisoning while having sex in a car after turning on the ignition to keep warm.

What life is like inside a women’s jail

What life is like inside a women’s jail

FOR women on the inside of Australia’s highest security prisons, life is far from what it appears on television. In fact, nothing could be further from reality.

Why sex workers are backing Clinton

Why sex workers are backing Clinton

THEY are the women who make up one of the longest living professions in the world. Now they are throwing their support behind Hillary Clinton.

Famous lawyer ‘could’ve helped Lindy’

Famous lawyer ‘could’ve helped Lindy’

MAKING a Murderer’s defence lawyer has spoken out about one of Australia’s most famous cases, and how he could’ve helped.

Tourist bitten by crocodile

Tourist bitten by crocodile

A DANISH backpacker bitten by a freshwater crocodile in WA’s far north said the attack was “the result of me being stupid”.

‘I’ve been gutted like a fish’

‘I’ve been gutted like a fish’

LISA Magill lives with terminal cancer and while she battles pain 24/7, there was one thing she wanted to tick off her bucket list.

‘If I can do it, anyone can’

‘If I can do it, anyone can’

BROOKE Saward, 25, has been travelling solo almost non-stop for four years, and she’s learnt some big lessons from her adventures.

Do these prisoners deserve to die?

Do these prisoners deserve to die?

CURRENTLY, there are 749 men and women sitting on death row in prisons across California. Next week, the people of the state will decide if they should die.

Dodgy surgeon left man’s penis mangled

Dodgy surgeon left man’s penis mangled

AN American woman has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for damaging a man’s penis during an illegal surgery.

Lavish lifestyle of a ‘sugar baby’

Lavish lifestyle of a ‘sugar baby’

SIMONE Toon claims to be a professional “lady of leisure” who lives a lavish lifestyle at the expense of wealthy men.

Should we adopt these public holidays?

Should we adopt these public holidays?

SOME countries celebrate everything from the dead to single people by honouring them on national days. Should Australia do the same?

The woman ‘eaten’ by mould

The woman ‘eaten’ by mould

HER voice silenced by the ravages of a mould infection, Shelby Slagle sent one heartbreaking text. A week later, she was dead.

‘They called him a hero. I felt nothing’

‘They called him a hero. I felt nothing’

THE father of the backpacker murdered as he tried to save Mia Ayliffe-Chung from a fatal stabbing at a Queensland hostel has revealed how he’s coped.

Aussie attacked by croc in Zimbabwe

Aussie attacked by croc in Zimbabwe

CCTV footage has captured the terrifying moment an Australian woman and her friend were attacked by a crocodile in a swimming pool.

She was picked on for her ‘crooked’ smile

She was picked on for her ‘crooked’ smile

AFTER surviving a battle with brain cancer, 11-year-old Bethany Thompson died by suicide. Her parents blame the relentless bullies.

Mum injected kids with ‘feel-good’ heroin

Mum injected kids with ‘feel-good’ heroin

A COUPLE allegedly drugged their three young children with heroin in their rat-infested US home, telling them it was “feel-good medicine”.

Mystery call days before JonBenet murder

Mystery call days before JonBenet murder

SHOCK revelations in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case suggest the beauty queen’s grisly death was eerily foreshadowed.

Fugitive killed in dramatic shootout

Fugitive killed in dramatic shootout

A US man’s savage week of killings, police shootings and boasting on Facebook has ended after police shot him following a massive manhunt.

‘Might as well have had his eyes closed’

‘Might as well have had his eyes closed’

HARROWING footage shows the moment a truck driver in the UK killed a mum and three children while scrolling through his phone.

Morbid secret in this party photo

Morbid secret in this party photo

WHEN Fred Boyle’s wife disappeared, everyone felt sorry for him, thinking she had left him. The truth was much more sinister.

Girl, 4, gives lonely widower new hope

Girl, 4, gives lonely widower new hope

LITTLE Norah went into a supermarket to buy cupcakes for her birthday. Instead, she left with a friend for life.

Unmarried couples caned for sex

Unmarried couples caned for sex

ONE of Australia’s closest neighbours has seen a surge in public canings for sex outside of marriage, despite human rights groups branding it ‘inhumane’.

‘They keep moving you like a piece of furniture’

‘They keep moving you like a piece of furniture’

REBEKAH King knows what it’s like to be a child all alone. Now she’s fighting to make sure it doesn’t keep happening to kids.

‘It was like he was possessed’

‘It was like he was possessed’

ANGELA’S son is so violent and intimidating she used to hide from him in a wardrobe. She’s one of thousands of Australians who fear their children.

Student’s hilarious letter over fine

Student’s hilarious letter over fine

A PERTH university student has penned a hilarious letter to try and get out of a parking fine, after being charged $65 for overstaying his parking ticket.

Australia’s ‘unclaimed’ bodies

Australia’s ‘unclaimed’ bodies

THEY are unclaimed and unidentified. So what happens to the bodies of many Australians who die with no next of kin or known identity?

Human skull leads cops to corpse

Human skull leads cops to corpse

HORRIFIED police in the United States have discovered a dead body after following a homeless lady who was carrying a human skull on a stick.

‘My arm was pretty much destroyed’

‘My arm was pretty much destroyed’

DRAMATIC images have emerged of the shocking moments after a surfer was mauled by a shark off the coast of Hawaii. WARNING: Graphic

‘Come have your way with my wife’

‘Come have your way with my wife’

THE husband of a pregnant sex worker allegedly murdered by a client she met on Craigslist has revealed in a US court he helped pimp her out.

Killer’s morbid selfie after murder

Killer’s morbid selfie after murder

THIS is the moment a murderer took a selfie just moments after stabbing someone to death and stealing an $80,000 book.

Child rapist ‘didn’t know boy said no’

Child rapist ‘didn’t know boy said no’

A MIGRANT who raped a boy in Austria because of a “sexual emergency” had his conviction overturned — because there was no proof the child said no.

This is the ‘world’s fattest woman’

This is the ‘world’s fattest woman’

AN obese Egyptian is believed to be the fattest woman in the world after her weight ballooned to an incredible 500kgs — so big she can no longer walk.

‘She told us she was going to die’

‘She told us she was going to die’

A MOTHER-OF-FIVE has tragically died after hurling herself out of a moving car in the US, allegedly to escape her abusive husband.

Brittany’s widower, mum in book stoush

Brittany’s widower, mum in book stoush

A RIFT has opened up between the widower and mum of right-to-die advocate, Brittany Maynard. It is over a book that her husband says should never have been written.

Truth behind the Salem witch trials

Truth behind the Salem witch trials

55 PEOPLE confessed to being witches in Salem, Massachusetts and 20 of them were executed. Here’s what we know today.

Creepy graffiti linked to murder?

Creepy graffiti linked to murder?

“WHO put Bella in the wych elm?” The graffiti started appearing after teens found a body in the woods. More than 70 years later it’s back.

Schizophrenia ‘not a mental disorder’

Schizophrenia ‘not a mental disorder’

SCHIZOPHRENIA is not a mental disorder, Pakistan’s Supreme Court has ruled, closing the door on a last-ditch appeal of a man facing execution.

Child rapist slits own throat in court

Child rapist slits own throat in court

A 56-YEAR-OLD teacher convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl pulled a razor blade and slashed his throat in a US courtroom moments after the verdict.

Priests flee from a devil of a job

Priests flee from a devil of a job

THE world is under renewed attack by an army of demons and the battle is so intense young priests are too scared to engage in exorcisms, says a senior Vatican priest.

‘I’d felt like murdering for a while’

‘I’d felt like murdering for a while’

A TEEN girl who watched Twilight with her boyfriend after brutally killing a mother and daughter in the UK has been found guilty. WARNING: Graphic.

Baby buried by family she never had

Baby buried by family she never had

THE baby died in a Chicago hospital. Despite strenuous efforts to contact the mother, Jazlene has been buried by kind-hearted strangers.

Escaped gorilla Kumbuka a ‘psycho’

Escaped gorilla Kumbuka a ‘psycho’

VISITORS to London Zoo were warned beforehand not to stare at “psycho” gorilla Kumbuka because it made him agitated.

Kenyan child brides offered hope

Kenyan child brides offered hope

HALIMA was a young girl of 13 when she was married off to a man 12 years her senior, and had not once been to school.

People weren’t happy with this photo

People weren’t happy with this photo

AN IKEA store has been forced to remove a picture, appearing to show a young boy doing a ‘Hitler salute,’ after a flood of customer complaints.

Childhood friends turn serial killers

Childhood friends turn serial killers

IT’S been 30 years since Australia’s sickest serial killers claimed their first victim. They almost committed perfect murders. WARNING: Disturbing content.

Teens ‘watched Twilight after slaughter’

Teens ‘watched Twilight after slaughter’

TWO teenage lovers stabbed a 13-year-old girl and her mum in their beds in a horrific double murder planned in a local McDonald’s, a court heard.

Toddler ‘force-fed to death’

Toddler ‘force-fed to death’

A THREE-YEAR-OLD boy “drowned in his food” after his father allegedly made him eat a porridge-like mixture, a UK court heard. WARNING: Distressing.

‘Making love to a boneless thumb’

‘Making love to a boneless thumb’

AS a teen, Ken Baker was unaware of a brain tumour that meant he had little interest in sex. When cured at age 27, he went through puberty.

Creepy clown fear grips Australia

Creepy clown fear grips Australia

A MAN dressed as a clown has allegedly chased a group of teenage girls to a West Australian police station, as the creepy craze spreads across Australia.

Where’s your uni on the list?

Where’s your uni on the list?

A SUNDAY Night investigation tonight revealed most rape reports at universities end with no action. Here’s the shocking list of sexual assault stats for each institution.

Secret tape adds to Phoebe mystery

Secret tape adds to Phoebe mystery

A SECRET tape made just after Phoebe Handsjuk’s death has been revealed and adds more mystery to her tragic death.

How ‘real Tarzan’ is coping

How ‘real Tarzan’ is coping

HE SPENT 40 years in the deepest jungles, but now this real life Tarzan has been forced to re-enter civilisation.

Shock Ramsey weapon theory

Shock Ramsey weapon theory

A BOOK released days before an explosive doco has stoked the fire by claiming JonBenet’s brother killed her, but with a twist.

Abortion shocker: ‘My body, my choice!’

Abortion shocker: ‘My body, my choice!’

THOUSANDS of women in Poland left workplaces and schools to protest against a plan to criminalise all abortion — even if a woman’s life is in danger.

Girl ‘fatally threw newborn from window’

Girl ‘fatally threw newborn from window’

A 16-YEAR-OLD girl allegedly tossed her premature baby out of her bedroom window moments after secretly giving birth in the US.

Hero pensioners take down thief

Hero pensioners take down thief

THIS is the incredible moment three pensioners, with a combined age of 229, tackled a burglar as he tried to make off with a stash of jewellery.

Survivor’s incredible tale of endurance

Survivor’s incredible tale of endurance

THE sole survivor of a horrific plane crash which killed 29 people has told how she clung to life in the jungle for a week.

‘We heard screams in the night’

‘We heard screams in the night’

TWO Australian sisters could hold clues to the death of a police officer in Bali. But, despite hearing events unfold on Kuta beach, they’ve not yet been interviewed.

Abducted woman accused of being a liar

Abducted woman accused of being a liar

A CALIFORNIAN beauty disappeared without a trace but showed up unscathed two days later. The case was bizarre and she became a real-life Gone Girl.

Miracle escape from ‘pure evil’

Miracle escape from ‘pure evil’

A SURVIVOR has told of the unlikely chain of events that saw her beat “pure evil”. WARNING: Graphic

‘You can still hear the screams’

‘You can still hear the screams’

THE stairway was supposed to lead to safety. Instead it led to a place where beatings, torture and abuse were everyday occurrences.

Japan’s weird hermit generation

Japan’s weird hermit generation

HUNDREDS of thousands of people in Japan are shutting themselves in their rooms and refusing to interact with the outside world. In some cases, it will last years at a time.

Millions splurged on footy feasts

Millions splurged on footy feasts

SAUSAGES, burgers, pies and beers will be top of the shopping list for millions of footy fans as they prepare for their traditional Grand Final barbecues this weekend.

Tiny toddler stomped to death

Tiny toddler stomped to death

THE two-year-old girl weighed just 14 kilograms when her mother’s boyfriend stomped on her and killed her for wetting his couch.

Family friend says Burke had ‘outbursts’

Family friend says Burke had ‘outbursts’

A NEIGHBOUR of the Ramseys has claimed she often saw flashes of anger from murdered six-year-old JonBenet’s brother.

Bizarre truth of mystery woman

Bizarre truth of mystery woman

AMATEUR detectives spent six years trying to identify her. The truth turned out to be more bizarre than the wildest theory.

‘I was making $7000 every week’

‘I was making $7000 every week’

WHEN Tony was 13, he wasn’t rushing to finish his homework. Instead, he was making thousands as a drug dealer.

Mystery woman’s true identity revealed

Mystery woman’s true identity revealed

AFTER a six-year investigation and a tragic suicide, the real identity of the mysterious woman who called herself Lori Ruff has finally emerged.

Abuse victims speak out on Tia

Abuse victims speak out on Tia

A FORMER resident at a Sydney girls’ home infamous for horrific sexual abuse and violence says Australia’s care system is failing our kids.

Trapped in a dungeon for eight years

Trapped in a dungeon for eight years

NATASCHA Kampusch has taken cameras inside the tiny room in which she lived for eight horrible years after being kidnapped by Wolfgang Priklopil.

Hijab-wearing woman appears in Playboy

Hijab-wearing woman appears in Playboy

PLAYBOY magazine and a hijab-wearing Muslim woman don’t usually go hand-in-hand, but American journalist Noor Tagouri has changed all that.

‘The ambulance was too small’

‘The ambulance was too small’

THIS is the moment 20 rescuers haul a 320kg man into a truck — after he could no longer move having gorged on noodles every day for 10 years.

‘My life with Chopper in jail’

‘My life with Chopper in jail’

GLENN Broome was a teen when he was sent to one of Australia’s worst prisons. Hardened crim Mark ‘Chopper’ Read helped turn his life around.

The forgotten JonBenet murder suspects

The forgotten JonBenet murder suspects

AMID all the speculation about JonBenet Ramsey’s parents and brother, the world has overlooked a few other suspects.

‘He screamed for his mum to save him’

‘He screamed for his mum to save him’

EVERY day, Lisa Flynn is put in a position that leaves her utterly bewildered by how “vile and evil” some people are.

Man survives horrific mine fall

Man survives horrific mine fall

A MAN has told of his miracle survival after he fell down a NSW mine shaft during a dirt bike ride and was left trapped underground for six hours.

Pilot almost decapitated in air show

Pilot almost decapitated in air show

WATCH the terrifying moment a stunt pilot was almost decapitated by another plane during a US air show.

‘JonBenet doco is a travesty’

‘JonBenet doco is a travesty’

CRITICS have slammed the CBS documentary conclusion that JonBenet’s brother Burke was behind her murder.

What now in JonBenet Ramsey case?

What now in JonBenet Ramsey case?

AMID the outpouring of shocking revelations, the man who has the power to find justice for six-year-old JonBenet Ramsey has spoken.

Disturbing JonBenet faeces claim

Disturbing JonBenet faeces claim

BURKE Ramsey’s alleged strange fixation with excrement could be a vital clue in his sister’s sensational murder case.

Disturbing JonBenet faeces claim

Disturbing JonBenet faeces claim

BURKE Ramsey’s alleged strange fixation with excrement could be a vital clue in his sister’s sensational murder case.

Who experts think killed JonBenet

Who experts think killed JonBenet

INVESTIGATORS looking into the unsolved murder of JonBenet Ramsey have revealed who they believe killed the six-year-old pageant star 20 years ago.

JonBenet murder case goes full circle

JonBenet murder case goes full circle

TWENTY years after the six-year-old beauty queen’s murder, the case is coming full circle back to the most obvious suspects and their outlandish story.

Doctors’ horrifying surgical mistake

Doctors’ horrifying surgical mistake

A MORTIFIED cancer patient woke from surgery to discover that doctors had accidentally connected her vagina to her colon. WARNING: Graphic content.

‘One theory explains everything’

‘One theory explains everything’

A NEW TV show promises to expose who really killed JonBenet Ramsey, with a top cop teasing that it all comes down to one theory.

Jealous dad bludgeoned baby to death

Jealous dad bludgeoned baby to death

A DAD bashed his one-year-old daughter to death before setting her on fire because he was jealous of the attention she received after surviving cancer. WARNING: Distressing.

Queen’s cousin reveals he is gay

Queen’s cousin reveals he is gay

LORD Ivar Mountbatten, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth, has become the first member of the British royal family to come out as gay.

Thousands slaughtered for organs

Thousands slaughtered for organs

PEOPLE are secretly executed or sedated on a surgeon’s table as their organs are removed one by one.

Cancer bride dies day before wedding

Cancer bride dies day before wedding

BLOGGER Anna Swabey, 25, who has been battling brain cancer, has sadly died a day before she was due to have a dream wedding.

‘Nothing on the show is real’

‘Nothing on the show is real’

ONE half of Married at First Sight’s gay couple has revealed the truth behind the scenes on set and it’s not pretty.

‘Heroin grandma’ gets six months’ jail

‘Heroin grandma’ gets six months’ jail

THE grandmother photographed passed out on heroin in a car with her four-year-old grandson has been sentenced to 180 days in jail.

Three sisters die in horror house fire

Three sisters die in horror house fire

A MAN angry over an alleged failed sex deal has confessed to setting an apartment building on fire, killing three young sisters and another resident.

‘I was aware of everything happening’

‘I was aware of everything happening’

MICHAEL Visser knows all too well what it’s like to travel to the unknown in a “near-death experience”. Here’s what you never knew about them.

Inside London’s oldest psychiatric hospital

Inside London’s oldest psychiatric hospital

OPENED in 1247, London’s oldest psychiatric hospital was dubbed “bedlam”. Now you can see what the haunting real-life conditions were inside.

Teen ‘kills parents over house party’

Teen ‘kills parents over house party’

A 17-YEAR-OLD boy, who told cops he needs marijuana and Adderall to stay calm, allegedly shot dead his parents after a drug-fuelled house party.

The psychopaths in your office

The psychopaths in your office

ONE in five of your co-workers could be a psychopath, but they’re hard to spot. Here’s how to handle that Machiavellian colleague.

Inside China’s brainwashing centres

Inside China’s brainwashing centres

CHINA’S brainwashing facilities are so secret they don’t officially exist. But the horror that goes on inside their walls is all too real.

Extreme torture in China’s prisons

Extreme torture in China’s prisons

ELECTRIC shocks and limb stretching. These are just some of the punishments dished out on innocent people in China’s jails.