Video shows Paris covered in rubbish as migrants live on the streets.

Lauren FruenThe Sun

SHOCKING footage has emerged revealing the trail of destruction left by migrants forced to live on the streets of Paris following a riot with police.

The video — shot by a French filmmaker — shows the aftermath of a raid on a camp with roads strewn with rubbish and make shift beds, The Sun reports.

Groups of African migrants are forced to live on the streets using pieces of cardboard as mattresses and with their worldly possessions carried in plastic bags.

The anonymous filmmaker wore a hidden camera as he recorded the scenes on Avenue de Flandre in the north of the French capital.

The clip — titled ‘Scenes from the apocalypse’ — includes footage from earlier this year of the migrants clashing with police in riot gear as they throw debris at one another.

Cops were filmed using tear gas and protecting themselves with riot shields. The migrants were said to have been put on buses and taken to new accommodation.

The filmmakers blame the migrants — many of whom Sudanese and Eritrean — for ruining the iconic image of Paris, the Mail Online reports.

“The Paris you know or remember from adverts or brochures no longer exists,” the Facebook page Generation Europe wrote.

“While no part of Paris looks like the romantic cliches in Hollywood movies, some districts now resemble post-apocalyptic scenes of a dystopian thriller.

“If it weren’t for the somewhat working infrastructure, the scene might as well have been the setting of movie shooting — or a slum in Mogadishu.

“The streets are littered in garbage, the sidewalks are blocked with trash, junk and mattresses, thousands of African men claim the streets as their own — they sleep and live in tents like homeless people.

“The conditions are absolutely devastating. The police have given up trying to control these areas, the remaining French people avoid the areas at all cost, crime and rape is rampant, just recently mass brawls and riots made the news as fights broke out near the Stalingrad metro station.

“If current trends continue, scenes like this might spread to areas frequented by tourists, forever changing the last romantic parts of Paris that match what most people have in mind when they think of the iconic city.”

A British tourist was interviewed by police in Calais earlier this week after a hit and run in which a migrant died. The motorist — who has not been named — is said to have swerved to avoid a gang trying to stop traffic on the A16.

At the beginning of the month 10 riot policemen were injured after migrants and hard-left activists launched a violent protest against the closing of the Calais Jungle, it was revealed.

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission.

Conditions Deteriorate at Migrant 'Jungle' in Calais1:42

Tempers were rising among refugees and migrants bottled up in a makeshift camp in France's port city of Calais, as French and British interior ministers met in Paris on Tuesday. Mark Kelly reports. Image: AP