Windows Server 2008 R2 with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver

Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server is a fast and dependable environment for deploying applications using the Microsoft Web Platform. The NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver AMI on Amazon EC2 allows application developers to run NVIDIA GeForce-optimized Microsoft Windows DirectX games and Windows applications on AWS's high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform. To begin streaming games and applications, developers should install TeamViewer ... Read more

Customer Rating

(3 Customer Reviews)
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Latest Version

1.1* (Other available versions)

Operating System

Windows, Windows 2008 R2 6.1

Delivery Method

64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI) (Read more)

AWS Services Required

Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS


  • Amazon EC2 makes it easy to start and manage your Windows-based instances.
  • Amazon EC2 running Windows Server provides seamless integration with existing Amazon EC2 features like Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), Amazon CloudWatch, Elastic-Load Balancing, and Elastic IPs.
  • You can manage your Amazon EC2 resources using our web service APIs. We provide the AWS SDK for .NET that enables you to call AWS infrastructure services.

Product Details

  • Version: 1.1*
  • Available on AWS Marketplace Since: 10/16/2013
  • Note: Always ensure your operating system is current for your needs.

What's Included

This product includes both of the software packages described below:

Windows Server 2008 R2 with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver

Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server is a fast and dependable environment for deploying applications using the Microsoft Web Platform. The NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver AMI on Amazon EC2 allows application developers to run NVIDIA GeForce-optimized Microsoft Windows DirectX games and Windows applications on AWS's high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform. To begin streaming games and applications, developers should install TeamViewer on the AMI and local client. Or, if you have the capability to write your own streaming application, you can apply to get developer access to the GRID SDK at . Frequently Asked Questions about GRID can also be found here at:


Usage Instructions

Please visit this following page for more information on using Windows:

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Support Details

Windows Server 2008 R2 with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver

Free support is available through forums, technical documentation, and tutorials. Paid support is available.

AWS Infrastructure

AWS Support is a one-on-one, fast-response support channel that is staffed 24x7x365 with experienced and technical support engineers. The service helps customers of all sizes and technical abilities to successfully utilize the products and features provided by Amazon Web Services. Learn more

Refund Policy

Windows Server 2008R2 with NVIDIA GRID GPU Driver is free of charge.

End User License Agreement

By subscribing to this product you agree to terms and conditions outlined in the product End User License Agreement (EULA).


You will have an opportunity to review your order before launching or being charged.

Pricing Details

For Region

Hourly Fees (includes Windows 2008 R2 6.1)

Total hourly fees will vary by instance type and EC2 region.

EC2 Instance Type Software EC2 Total
g2.2xlarge $0.00/hr $0.767/hr $0.767/hr
g2.8xlarge $0.00/hr $2.878/hr $2.878/hr

EBS General Purpose (SSD) volumes

  • $0.10 per GB-month of provisioned storage

Assumes On-Demand EC2 pricing

Learn about instance types

Data Transfer Fees not included

Learn more about Data Transfer Fees

For lower prices you can utilize:

Recent Product Reviews


Horrible Experience

1) Billing info is not updated until next day. This way, I misunderstood that the server bill was ticking...

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We're using it as rendering server for my product

It's good. But this grapchics is GRID K520, light ? Should I update the driver to the latest ?


Used it to play a video game remotely

It worked fine, however the same can't be said for the VNC I was using. One of these days the latency...

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