One shot in third night of anti-Trump protests1:08

One person is shot and wounded as demonstrators across the U.S. for a third night protest the election outcome chanting, "Donald Trump has got to go". Diane Hodges reports.

A demonstrator holds up a placard during a protest against Donald Trump's US presidential election victory, at City Hall in Portland. Picture: AFP / Ankur Dholakia

Ian Horswill and APNews Corp Australia Network

A MAN was shot and police fired tear gas at protesters as the anger over US President elect Donald Trump continues in part of America.

The man was part of a massed protest in Portland, Oregon, that was met by a wall of police officers in riot gear, who repeatedly told them it was an ‘unlawful assembly.’

Police used multiple flash bangs to try and disperse the protesters before the man was shot in the leg on a bridge.

Portland police said in a press release that a confrontation occurred between occupants of a grey or silver sedan on the bridge and the protester. The suspect got out of the vehicle and fired multiple times, injuring the victim.

The shot man was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries. Four people have been detained by police over the shooting.

Witness recounts shooting at anti-Trump protest in Portland1:00

A witness recounts the moment one person was shot and wounded in Portland, Oregon as protests continue across the country against the election of Donald Trump as U.S. president.

Police said that 25 people were in Portland. Police said that nineteen people have been booked into the Multnomah County Jail. Six others were given criminal citations.



Protesters gather at City Hall in downtown Portland to voice their opinion following the US elections. Demonstrators took to the streets in Miami, Los Angeles, New York and other US cities to oppose Donald Trump's election as president for a third straight night of nationwide protests. Picture: AFP / Ald Photography / Ankur Dholakia

Protesters gather at City Hall in downtown Portland to voice their opinion following the US elections. Demonstrators took to the streets in Miami, Los Angeles, New York and other US cities to oppose Donald Trump's election as president for a third straight night of nationwide protests. Picture: AFP / Ald Photography / Ankur DholakiaSource:AFP

Armeanio Lewis, 20, told Oregonlive that the rioting was “in direct response to Trump being elected.”

“No matter what, we all have our own individual expressions towards the rage we feel to the creeping fascist threat in America in this age,” Lewis said. “And so my message was to not tell other people what to do. Don’t hand a pacifist a rock and expect them to bust a window. But don’t take the hammer away from a ... black youth expecting them to be peaceful when Nazis are going to kill them.”

“We have been highlighted as a city that will absolutely refuse Donald Trump and every step he takes, and that is a glorious thing.”

Police wearing riot gear watch as demonstrators protest against Donald Trump's US presidential election victory, at City Hall in Portland. Picture: AFP / Ankur Dholakia

Police wearing riot gear watch as demonstrators protest against Donald Trump's US presidential election victory, at City Hall in Portland. Picture: AFP / Ankur DholakiaSource:AFP

The shooting followed rowdy Friday night protests, when police used tear gas in response to “burning projectiles” thrown at officers, police said on Twitter. Hundreds of people marched through the city, disrupting traffic and spray painting graffiti.

Authorities reported instances of vandalism and assault during a rally that organisers had billed as peaceful earlier in the day.

Thousands march through New York City to protest Trump0:57

Anti-Trump demonstrators march through Midtown Manhattan.

Police also have set up barricades in front of some of the most expensive stores in New York City as an anti-Trump protest makes its way along Fifth Avenue. During the demonstration, documentary filmmaker Michael Moore, who is a Trump critic, entered the lobby of Trump Tower with a camera crew in tow and asked to see Trump. He was denied.

Moments later, Nigel Farage, the head of the “Leave” movement that propelled the UK to exit the European Union, also arrived and was allowed up. Trump frequently links his campaign to the “Brexit” movement. Farage would not say if he was playing a role in Trump’s transition.

USA: Violent anti-Trump protests rock Portland for 4th night in a row0:59

Several thousand protesters marched through Portland, Friday, on the fourth night of nationwide rallies against President-elect Donald Trump.

In other parts of the country, spirited demonstrations on college campuses and peaceful marches along downtown streets have taken place since Wednesday. A mainly peaceful protest by about 3000 people ended in Los Angeles early Saturday with about 200 arrests for failure to disperse after police broke up the lingering demonstration.

Hundreds joined a “love rally” in Washington Square Park in Manhattan on Saturday.

Leslie Holmes, 65, a website developer from Wilton, Connecticut, took an hour- long train ride to the demonstration — her first protest since the 1970s, when she hit the streets of San Francisco to oppose the Vietnam War. She described herself as an armchair liberal but declared, “I’m not going to be armchair anymore.” “I don’t want to live in a country where my friends aren’t included, and my friends are fearful, and my children are going to grow up in a world that’s frightening, and my granddaughters can look forward to being excluded from jobs and politics and fulfilling their potential, so I’m here for them,” she said. Evening marches disrupted traffic in Miami and Atlanta.

Trump supporter Nicolas Quirico was travelling from South Beach to Miami. His car was among hundreds stopped when protesters blocked Interstate 395. “Trump will be our president. There is no way around that, and the sooner people grasp that, the better off we will be,” he said. “There is a difference between a peaceful protest and standing in a major highway backing up traffic for 5 miles. This is wrong.” More than a thousand protesters took to the streets across California after night fell including downtown Los Angeles, where over 200 were arrested a night earlier. In Bakersfield, where Trump is far more popular than in most of the state, some held signs reading “Anti-Trump, Pro-USA.” Protests also were held in Detroit; Minneapolis; Kansas City, Missouri; Olympia, Washington and Iowa City.

Demonstrators protesting the election of President-elect, Donald Trump in Portland, oregon, flee as police use tear gas and flash-bang grenades. Picture: Stephanie Yao Long / The Oregonian via AP

Demonstrators protesting the election of President-elect, Donald Trump in Portland, oregon, flee as police use tear gas and flash-bang grenades. Picture: Stephanie Yao Long / The Oregonian via APSource:AP

More than 200 people, carrying signs gathered on the steps of the Washington state Capitol. The group chanted “not my president” and “no Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA.” In Tennessee, Vanderbilt University students sang civil rights songs and marched through campus across a Nashville street, temporarily blocking traffic. In Chicago, hundreds of people including families with small children chanted “No hate. No fear. Immigrants are welcome here” Saturday as they marched through Millennium Park, a popular downtown tourist attraction.

Sonja Spray, 29, who heard about the protest on Facebook, said she has signed an online petition urging the electoral college to honour the popular vote and elect Hillary Clinton.

“Women aren’t playthings. Journalists aren’t pawns. People of colour are not commodities. Marriage equality is not up for debate,” Spray said. Ashley Lynne Nagel, 27, said she joined a Thursday night demonstration in Denver.

“I have a leader I fear for the first time in my life,” said Nagel, a Bernie Sanders supporter who voted for Clinton.

“It’s not that we’re sore losers,” she said. “It’s that we are genuinely upset, angry, terrified that a platform based off of racism, xenophobia and homophobia has become so powerful and now has complete control of our representation.” Demonstrations also took place internationally. About 300 people protested Trump’s election as the next American president outside the U.S. Embassy near the landmark Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

Many protesters in Portland, Oregon, wore masks over their faces to conceal their identities from riot police. Picture: AFP / Ald Photography / Ankur Dholakia

Many protesters in Portland, Oregon, wore masks over their faces to conceal their identities from riot police. Picture: AFP / Ald Photography / Ankur DholakiaSource:AFP

President Barack Obama meets in Berlin next week with Chancellor Angela Merkel and several other European leaders, and is expected to confront global concerns about Trump’s election.

Demonstrations also were planned Saturday in Las Vegas, Los Angeles and other areas.

Previous demonstrations drew thousands of people in New York and other large urban centres. The largely peaceful demonstrations were overshadowed by sporadic episodes of vandalism, violence and street-blocking.