‘They struggled to rip my baby out’

‘They struggled to rip my baby out’

GRAPHIC: Fitness guru Chontel Duncan rocked a six-pack during pregnancy, and now she’s revealed it caused serious complications during birth.

PM: New PPL start date still looms

PM: New PPL start date still looms

CHANGES to the Paid Parental Leave scheme designed to stop mothers from “double dipping” could come into effect as soon as New Year’s Day.

Janet spotted in Islamic-style dress

Janet spotted in Islamic-style dress

JANET Jackson recently announced her pregnancy at the ripe old age of 50. It seems she’s also keen to adapt a more conservative style of dress.

‘These are the PPL losers’

‘These are the PPL losers’

THE debate over parental leave double-dipping has not included the mothers who dip out on paid leave entirely — our female entrepreneurs.

Crackdown on paid parental leave

Crackdown on paid parental leave

THOUSANDS of pregnant mothers will lose money under a government crackdown on paid parental leave that could start as early as January.

Awkward question that finally got asked

Awkward question that finally got asked

AFTER hours on stage together, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were finally asked about one of America’s most bitter and divisive debates.

Janet Jackson pregnant at 50

Janet Jackson pregnant at 50

SUPERSTAR singer Janet Jackson says she’s pregnant with her first child at 50 but there are questions about how she conceived.

12-year-old’s distressing abortion case

12-year-old’s distressing abortion case

A GIRL’S heartbreaking abortion case is at the centre of a renewed push to decriminalise abortion across Australia.

‘I’ve fathered 100 kids through Facebook’

‘I’ve fathered 100 kids through Facebook’

OVER the past four years Matt has sent his sperm to hundreds of couples for free via Facebook. He gets up to 10 requests for his services per day.

‘I’m addicted to giving birth’

‘I’m addicted to giving birth’

THIS Australian mum of three loves being in labour. “The water breaking, pushing the baby out, it’s all amazing,” she says. For real.

Baby can pay high price for a free birth

Baby can pay high price for a free birth

EXCLUSIVE: ‘FREE-BIRTHING’ in Australia is popular because it’s natural, empowers women, avoids hospitals and, costs nothing. But authorities are warning the baby’s life could be the ultimate cost.

‘This is a devastating situation’

‘This is a devastating situation’

THE statewide black out in South Australia has had tragic consequences with a small number of embryos held at a SA fertility clinic destroyed.

‘It makes you feel like s***’

‘It makes you feel like s***’

SUPERFIT celebs like Michelle Bridges are making new mums guilty about not getting back in shape — and their bodies are paying the price.

You can now order sperm online

You can now order sperm online

JUST when you thought you had seen it all, there is a new app that can let you pick a sperm donor based on their nationality, eye colour and even race.

Baby born with DNA from three people

Baby born with DNA from three people

SCIENTISTS say the first baby has been born from a controversial new technique that combines DNA from three people: the mother, the father and an egg donor.

‘Why I had my brother’s baby’

‘Why I had my brother’s baby’

ASHLEE became a surrogate for her brother David when she saw the heartbreak he and his partner endured in becoming parents.

Expectant mum asks, wax or shave?

Expectant mum asks, wax or shave?

“SO I’M just going to go ahead and just say it. What does everyone do to prepare for the birth? Obviously we want to look tidy down there.”

How old is too old to have kids?

How old is too old to have kids?

IS 50 too old to be a new mum? Everyone seems to have an opinion on how old is too old but these older mums knows what it’s actually like.

Put revolutuionary pregnancy DNA tests on Medicare

Put revolutuionary pregnancy DNA tests on Medicare

PATHOLOGISTS have urged the government to give pregnant mums free access to a revolutionary new DNA test for Down syndrome and other common chromosomal abnormalities.

Gay men could have babies together

Gay men could have babies together

SCIENTISTS have for the first time found it could be possible to conceive children using skin cells, paving the way for gay men to have babies with each other.

Mum’s warning to pregnant women

Mum’s warning to pregnant women

CLAIRE Foord is fighting to make sure no other woman goes through that same pain she did when she was supposed to be full of joy.

How much is too much: Australia’s $200,000 baby

How much is too much: Australia’s $200,000 baby

FOR women wanting a baby, no price is too much. But for some hoping to conceive over 40, the cost on the taxpayer has once again come into question.

Fertility breakthrough could replace IVF

Fertility breakthrough could replace IVF

AUSTRALIAN researchers are behind a game-changing new technique that could soon replace the expensive and painful process of IVF.

Menopause by age 30

Menopause by age 30

WHEN Emma Kershaw went for a check up, she never expected such a distressing outcome. Now she needs strangers to help her.

Don’t say this to expectant parents

Don’t say this to expectant parents

LIAM is just about to become a dad and like most expectant fathers he’s heard the same awful comments over and over again.

How a mother delivered her own baby

How a mother delivered her own baby

INCREDIBLE video shows a mum delivering her own baby while standing at the hospital entrance as her husband parked the car.

‘Hope is a s****y way to live’

‘Hope is a s****y way to live’

NO ONE tells you how challenging infertility is, says Katie Horneshaw. She’s just given up hope of ever having her own baby.

Why I carried a stranger’s baby

Why I carried a stranger’s baby

CHILDBIRTH is one of the most intimate experiences. But this woman always knew she wanted to give birth to someone else’s child.

Baby crawls out of mother’s stomach

Baby crawls out of mother’s stomach

A BIRTHING video showing a baby crawling out of its mother’s womb, completely unaided, during a caesarean section has gone viral. Warning: Graphic content.

Lara does maternity wear her own way

Lara does maternity wear her own way

LARA Worthington sure is one stylish mum-to-be after she was spotted wearing some threads far from what you’d find in any old maternity section.

New hope for women trying IVF

New hope for women trying IVF

A NEW study released today has found two thirds of women under 40 starting fertility treatment will have a baby within five years.

Why I used Uber instead of an ambulance

Why I used Uber instead of an ambulance

RATI Sinuraya woke at 2.30am with labour pains. In a frantic race to get to a hospital, she decided against an ambulance — and booked Uber instead.

Mum’s bump pic ends up on fetish site

Mum’s bump pic ends up on fetish site

A MUMMY blogger is warning about posting pregnancy photos online after hers ended up on a pregnancy fetish site.

Pregnant teens smoke for smaller babies

Pregnant teens smoke for smaller babies

A DECADE-LONG national study has revealed an alarming smoking trend among frightened, pregnant teens.

Who’s falling through the vax cracks

Who’s falling through the vax cracks

THERE’S a crucial Queensland demographic that isn’t getting the message on vaccination — and the state’s top doc is out to fix that.

Three-parent IVF declared ‘safe’

Three-parent IVF declared ‘safe’

A NEW form of IVF, where DNA from a mother, a father and a female donor is used, has received a major boost from British scientists.

‘Myth of the ‘miracle pregnancy’

‘Myth of the ‘miracle pregnancy’

THE number of desperate women undergoing IVF treatment has tripled in a decade. Some doctors say that turmoil could be for nothing.

‘I had never seen such a big baby’

‘I had never seen such a big baby’

A WOMAN has given birth to a child believed to be the heaviest baby girl ever, weighing the same amount as an average six-month-old.

Aussie mum and baby die in Vegas tragedy

Aussie mum and baby die in Vegas tragedy

THE heartbroken partner and family of a woman and her baby who died in Las Vegas are pleading for public help to bring them home.

Heavily pregnant woman lifts 93 kilos

Heavily pregnant woman lifts 93 kilos

A WOMAN who is days from giving birth is still going to the gym six days a week, and is dead-lifting 93kg. But not everyone is impressed.

Girls as young as 12 seeking abortions

Girls as young as 12 seeking abortions

A SHOCKING statistic has emerged that shows children are getting advice about abortions. as a politician pushes to legalise the procedure.

Diet soft drinks may make your baby fat

Diet soft drinks may make your baby fat

PREGNANT women who drink artificially sweetened beverages may be more likely to have overweight infants than women who do not.

It’s damn hard to fall pregnant at 49

It’s damn hard to fall pregnant at 49

WHEN reports surfaced that Janet Jackson is pregnant with her first child, many fertility experts felt a familiar sense of frustration.

How to get mums to hate you

How to get mums to hate you

AN AUTHOR has come under fire for arguing expectant mothers get an unfair advantage when it comes to work leave.

The question you shouldn’t ask a woman

The question you shouldn’t ask a woman

THIS question might be on the tip of your tongue and you might be dying to know the answer. But seriously, just don’t.

‘This is fast food, not fine dining’

‘This is fast food, not fine dining’

A PREGNANT woman was roasted by a Subway employee after requesting he heat up the cured meats she wanted on her sandwich.

‘This is fast food, not fine dining’

‘This is fast food, not fine dining’

A PREGNANT woman was roasted by a Subway employee after requesting he heat up the cured meats she wanted on her sandwich.

‘Double dipping’ legislation shelved

‘Double dipping’ legislation shelved

PREGNANT women will still be able to claim paid parental leave from both the government and their employer after law reform plans were put on hold.

‘This is my hot mess tummy’

‘This is my hot mess tummy’

A PROFESSIONAL athlete is sharing photos of her stretch mark-covered stomach in a bid to show the real effect pregnancy has on a woman’s body.

Should men be given abortion rights?

Should men be given abortion rights?

A PROPOSAL that men should be able to ‘legally abort’ and opt out of parenting an unwanted child up to 18 weeks is causing controversy, obviously.

How pregnancy changes careers

How pregnancy changes careers

IT’S naive to assume your job will remain the same after having a baby. Even though it’s illegal, half of Australian mothers face discrimination at work.

Rossdale’s Aussie ‘mistress’ is ‘pregnant’

Rossdale’s Aussie ‘mistress’ is ‘pregnant’

THE Australian nanny blamed for breaking up Gwen Stefani’s 13-year marriage to Gavin Rossdale is reportedly pregnant.

These ‘bumps’ are just four weeks apart

These ‘bumps’ are just four weeks apart

THIS image of a Queensland model’s teeny tiny baby bump at the 36-week mark has shocked followers of her social media updates.

Yep, people have ‘birthing playlists’ now

Yep, people have ‘birthing playlists’ now

FANCY listening to a little Coldplay while you push? A leading OB-GYN has come up with the ultimate birthing playlist to help women through childbirth.

Is masturbation during birth a thing?

Is masturbation during birth a thing?

WELL this is new. A woman claims she’s found the secret to an enjoyable birth: Masturbation. Em Rusciano goes to town. (No, not that way.)

Pregnant QLD woman at risk of Zika

Pregnant QLD woman at risk of Zika

A MOTHER-TO-BE who is due to give birth in 10 days is concerned she could contract the virus after a FIFO worker with the disease stayed next door.

Pregnant mum a prisoner of Zika

Pregnant mum a prisoner of Zika

A “STRESSED” pregnant mother living metres from the site of Queensland’s latest Zika case has confined herself to her home to try to protect herself from mosquitoes.

Desperate women beg for abortions

Desperate women beg for abortions

WOMEN scared of giving birth to babies disabled by the Zika virus are turning to the internet for abortion pills.

The scary new paracetamol link

The scary new paracetamol link

WOMEN who take paracetamol during pregnancy could increase their babies’ chances of developing asthma as a child, a new study suggests.

Fitbit predicted woman was pregnant

Fitbit predicted woman was pregnant

THINK your Fitbit can only tell you about your steps, heartrate and maybe sleep pattern? Maybe it’s time to add pregnancy test to the list.

The silent killer of friendships

The silent killer of friendships

ITS impacts are so great that it has been said to destroy friendships and place pressure on relationships, at a time when you may need them the most.

Sacked by text after miscarriage

Sacked by text after miscarriage

A PUB landlord fired a teenage barmaid by text message just hours after she told him she had suffered a devastating miscarriage.

Wilkinson tells of miscarriage heartbreak

Wilkinson tells of miscarriage heartbreak

TODAY Show host Lisa Wilkinson has opened up about her heartache after suffering three devastating miscarriages while trying for a fourth child.

Quintuplet mum shares pregnancy pain

Quintuplet mum shares pregnancy pain

KIM Tucci is in so much pain she can hardly sleep and needs to get up at least 12 times a night to go to the bathroom — but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Fitness fanatic’s ripped baby bump

Fitness fanatic’s ripped baby bump

FITNESS fanatic Stacie Venagro had incredible abs before falling pregnant. With her baby almost due, she’s revealed how she kept them.

Pregnant co-host body shamed

Pregnant co-host body shamed

WEEKEND Today co-host Deborah Knight says she is disappointed by a viewer who said her pregnant body was “repulsive”.

The massive problem with IVF

The massive problem with IVF

IT IS marketed as the simple solution to fertility problems. But for every happy story of conception using IVF there are horror stories.

Virus puts world on high alert

Virus puts world on high alert

IT WAS supposed to be harmless, but now a new outbreak of this virus is wreaking havoc. And it’s spreading fast.

Lesbian surrogate swindles couple

Lesbian surrogate swindles couple

A SURROGATE swindler charged a desperate couple $16,000 to carry their baby. When she failed to deliver, she broke the news in the most horrific way.

Bridges slammed over new advice

Bridges slammed over new advice

THREE WEEKS after giving birth, Biggest Loser trainer Michelle Bridges has come under fire for advising new mums how to get back in shape.

For one dead baby, a $950 fine

For one dead baby, a $950 fine

BABY Sophie was killed in a crash and the drunk, drug-affected driver got only a small fine. A new law her mum is campaigning for will make sure that never happens again.

Controversial reason Nikki froze her eggs

Controversial reason Nikki froze her eggs

ARE you a woman in your 30s looking for love? Freeze your eggs, says Dr Nikki Goldstein, it just might help you find the one.

New Year’s twins born a year apart

New Year’s twins born a year apart

TWINS in San Diego are getting some attention because, though born just minutes apart, one has a birthday in 2015 and one in 2016.

Mother’s conjoined twin birth shock

Mother’s conjoined twin birth shock

AN expectant mother unable to afford pregnancy ultrasounds and medical check-ups was left shocked when she gave birth to conjoined twins.

Mum’s ultimate sacrifice has a tragic end

Mum’s ultimate sacrifice has a tragic end

HEIDI was three months pregnant when she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive breast cancer. She delayed treatment to give her unborn child a fighting chance.

Hidden fault in fertility test

Hidden fault in fertility test

A MAJOR fault with a common fertility test may have led thousands of Australian women astray, affecting their decision to have children.

Link between antidepressants and autism?

Link between antidepressants and autism?

WOMEN who take certain common antidepressants while pregnant may face almost twice the risk of having a child with autism, a study said on Monday.

Kim’s doing what with her placenta?

Kim’s doing what with her placenta?

KIM Kardashian has already given birth, but the world hasn’t heard the last of her pregnancy. She has big plans for her placenta.

Our IVF battle to have a family

Our IVF battle to have a family

JARED Tallent is fighting for Olympic gold but the champion race walker says that pales into insignificance compared with the emotional battle he and wife Claire have faced to start a family.

Kim Kardashian: ‘I feel fat as f***’

Kim Kardashian: ‘I feel fat as f***’

KIM Kardashian has been super honest about her distaste for pregnancy. Now she’s spoken out about how her body image has changed.

Is this prank product offensive?

Is this prank product offensive?

AUSSIE surf chain City Beach has removed a prank product from its shelves, after an outraged mum lashed out on Facebook.

‘I won’t get pregnant again out of fear’

‘I won’t get pregnant again out of fear’

THEY look picture perfect but Robyn Lawley has revealed she nearly died after giving birth to her daughter Ripley, nine months old.

Kim Kardashian’s ridiculous post-pregnancy request

Kim Kardashian’s ridiculous post-pregnancy request

JUST when we thought Kim Kardashian was getting real, sharing her doubts and fears about pregnancy and birth, she goes and does this. She’s lost us.

Mum completes uni exam in labour

Mum completes uni exam in labour

STUDYING for a test can be tough, but this woman has become a social media hero after completing her uni exam while in labour with her baby daughter.

Why you can’t ‘eat for two’ during pregnancy

Why you can’t ‘eat for two’ during pregnancy

NO LONGER is ‘eating for two’ part of a womans pregnancy. Here’s why mums-to-be should only be upping their diet by 400kj a day.

Trans man’s shock pregnancy

Trans man’s shock pregnancy

A TRANS man was halfway through his sex-change transition when he discovered news he was pregnant.

What sperm donors need to bring

What sperm donors need to bring

WHETHER it’s through a clinic or online, women and couples are banking on particular qualities in their future baby daddies.

Pregnancy problems in hilarious pictures

Pregnancy problems in hilarious pictures

EVER thought you were the only mum-to-be thinking about the toilet dash as a workout? You’re not alone. Here’s one mums hilarious set of drawings.

Procedure is more a snap than a snip

Procedure is more a snap than a snip

IT COULD make half the population cross their legs, but a Queensland doctor will take part in an eyebrow-raising world record attempt.

A letter to my terrified pregnant self

A letter to my terrified pregnant self

PLAY School presenter Rachael Coopes was startled by a scary Facebook ‘remember this moment?’ post. This is what she wishes she’d known three years ago.

Bridges under fire for ‘risky’ exercise

Bridges under fire for ‘risky’ exercise

PHOTOS of a pregnant Michelle Bridges doing this exercise send the wrong message to pregnant mums, physiotherapists have warned.

‘I didn’t know who I was anymore’

‘I didn’t know who I was anymore’

DO shows like “16 and Pregnant” encourage teen pregnancy? One of the show’s former stars has revealed her dark past - and it’s anything but glamorous.

Women ‘unwittingly breaking the law’

Women ‘unwittingly breaking the law’

WOMEN are going to great lengths to ensure that the law doesn’t catch up with them.

What a miscarriage is really like

What a miscarriage is really like

THIS incredibly honest story makes you wonder how most women suffer in silence. WARNING: Upsetting content.

Nicole Trunfio’s post-baby body secret

Nicole Trunfio’s post-baby body secret

MODEL mum Nicole Trunfio strips down to her lingerie, flaunting an impressive figure just nine months after giving birth.

‘Sometimes, being pregnant really sucks’

‘Sometimes, being pregnant really sucks’

IT’S a strangely taboo thing to complain about, but we should do it more, says Alissa Warren. Because pregnancy is not all fun and fashionable.

Rule no longer applies to pregnancy

Rule no longer applies to pregnancy

IT USED to be standard to announce a pregnancy only after the first trimester had passed. But that has changed, with this new era of openness.

The one thing my friends won’t talk about

The one thing my friends won’t talk about

IT’S a strangely taboo topic, given how many people find it hard to fall pregnant these days. So why can’t we talk about infertility?

IVF linked to ovarian cancer risk

IVF linked to ovarian cancer risk

IVF patients are a third more likely to develop ovarian cancer, a landmark UK study suggests.

Teigen slams comments about her baby bump

Teigen slams comments about her baby bump

MODEL Chrissy Teigen has been hit with a barrage of questions about her pregnancy after she shared a picture of her growing baby bump.