Tony Abbott grilled over gun laws tweet1:50

On The 7:30 Report, Leigh Sales grilled former Prime Minister Tony Abbott over a tweet relating to current gun laws in Australia. Courtesy: ABC

Leigh Sales grilled Tony Abbott over his tweet about gun laws on ABC 730. Picture: ABC

Danielle Le MessurierNews Corp Australia Network

TONY Abbott has claimed he was “misrepresented” by Labor over gun law negotiations during an impassioned speech Question Time.

It came after Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull fired shots at his predecessor over the issue, accusing Mr Abbott of being fully aware of a “deal” to change gun laws in exchange for support Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm’s support in the Senate.

But Mr Abbott said the debate had not been represented fairly by Labor, accusing the opposition of using “smoke screens” and “mirrors”.

Mr Abbott referred to an advisor’s note from the 23rd of July last year. He noted the “deal” with Senator Leyonhjelm was not struck until the 12th of August.

“That advisor’s note said: ‘Law enforcement agencies are concerned about a shipment of Adler seven high-powered shotguns due to arrive in August,” he told MPs.

“More than 7000 we were advised had been pre-ordered, up to 20,000 of them had been ordered. “We were further advised that at that stage there were some 10,500 rapid-fire shotguns in this country so this order – had it gone ahead – would have almost, potentially much more than doubled the amount of rapid-fire shotguns in this country.”

Tony Abbott claimed he had been misrepresented by Labor during an impassioned speech at Question Time. Picture: News Corp

Tony Abbott claimed he had been misrepresented by Labor during an impassioned speech at Question Time. Picture: News CorpSource:News Corp Australia

Mr Abbott said an old standard shotgun had been used during the Lindt Cafe siege.

Were it not for the temporary ban or sunset clause that had been imposed, Mr Abbott said the rapid-fire shotguns would have been classified at the same level as an air rifle.

“How can there have been some kind of deal or concession or weakening for Senator Leyonhjelm on the 11th or 12th of August if the temporary ban was what the government had always intended, pending a permanent resolution of this by COAG?” He asked.

“This is a smoke screen. Everything said today was a smoke screen to cover up for the fact that Labor is running a protection racket for the CMFEU.

“You can only trust this Coalition to keep our country safe.”


Mr Turnbull’s accusation, which caused gasps from MPs during Question Time, comes after Mr Abbott rejected allegations he ever negotiated the ban on the rapid-fire lever-action Adler shotgun with Senator Leyonhjelm when he was prime minister in exchange for the senator’s support.

“I have made inquiries of my ministers and can say to the House as a result of those inquiries I’m satisfied that the Minister for Justice acted in the full knowledge of the Prime Minister’s Office at that time," Mr Turnbull said.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull claims Mr Abbott was fully aware of the “deal” to change gun laws. Picture: AAP

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull claims Mr Abbott was fully aware of the “deal” to change gun laws. Picture: AAPSource:AAP

Justice Minister Michael Keenan confirmed he met with two Senate crossbenchers to discuss a sunset clause on the shotgun import ban in exchange for support on a national security bill.

During Question Time, he said he kept the prime minister’s office “in the loop”.
After several days of being quizzed on whether the Turnbull Government would lift an import ban on the shotgun once the states and territories had consulted on reclassifying the weapon, Mr Turnbull said the ban “would be lifted”.

“And so guns, the import arrangements, would be consistent with the reclassification. That’s our commitment,” he said.

Liberal Democrat David Leyonhjelm this morning said it was “inconceivable” Tony Abbott’s office didn’t know about a “deal” two of his ministers made over gun laws.

While Senator Leyonhjelm admitted to never having had a personal conversation with Mr Abbott or any of the relevant ministers about the matter, he told ABC Radio National: “It’s inconceivable his office wouldn’t have known about it.”

Senator David Leyonhjelm finds it “inconceivable” that Tony Abbott didn’t know about the guns deal. Picture: Supplied

Senator David Leyonhjelm finds it “inconceivable” that Tony Abbott didn’t know about the guns deal. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

“Can I just repeat that the regulation was introduced, but the regulation couldn’t be introduced just on the say-so of staffers,” he told host Fran Kelly.

“All I’m saying is: don’t make the gun laws any worse. All this fluff about loosening the gun laws is just a load of crap. That’s not what I was seeking, all I was saying is don’t make them any worse.”

Mr Abbott came under fire last night on 7.30 from host Leigh Sales who grilled him on whether he ever negotiated a deal to change the laws.

Ms Sales queried Mr Abbott’s involvement with a string of questions about why he was denying having any part in the ban when she said the evidence was he “actually did”.

She referred to an email from August 2015 that outlined a deal between Senator Leyonhjelm, Justice Minister Michael Keenan and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton.

In the email, it was stated the “Government will amend the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 to insert a sunset clause of 12 months into the recently amended provisions which ban the importation of lever action shot guns with a magazine capacity of more than five rounds”.

ABC 730 host Leigh Sales. Picture: ABC

ABC 730 host Leigh Sales. Picture: ABCSource:ABC

Also among the correspondence was this critical passage: “In return, Senator Leyonhjelm will vote against the Labor amendments to the Migration Amendment (Strengthening Biometric Integrity) Bill 2015.”

Senator Leyonhjelm, who insisted he had not misunderstood the “deal”, told Radio National he received a phone-call from Mr Keenan in August saying the government was reimposing the ban on the seven-shot lever-action shotgun.

“I said, ‘You can’t do that, the sunset clause is about to kick in.’ It was a week before the 12 months were up and it was about to kick in so the ban would be lifted.

“I said, ‘We’ve got a deal, we did a deal, you’re reneging on the deal.’ His (Keenan’s) answer was, ‘We never intended to allow it in anyway’. In other words — they were intending to do me over.”

Senator Leyonhjelm has not yet decided whether he will back a push to restore the Australian Building and Construction Commission, saying his support is still “50-50”.

He would not be drawn on questions as to whether he would negotiate on firearms in exchange for his support.


ON 7.30 last night Mr Abbott skirted around the question of his involvement in gun ban negotiations before saying the email had come “from a staffer in the Minister’s office”.

“As PM, the incident I heard … these guns were destined for Australia in large numbers, these rapid-fire guns, I said, “No. We have enough guns in this country already,” he said.

“I suspect that what these staffers were doing was telling the good senator what was happening anyway as a matter of course in an attempt to get him to support something that we thought was a very good idea.”

The former prime minister said the only reason the guns were stopped was “because of the Abbott government”.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott defended himself, saying he backs Malcolm Turnbull’s stance on gun laws remaining unchanged. Picture: ABC

Former prime minister Tony Abbott defended himself, saying he backs Malcolm Turnbull’s stance on gun laws remaining unchanged. Picture: ABCSource:ABC

“But for the Abbott Government we would have tens of thousands of these weapons in our country and they’re staying stopped because of the Turnbull Government,” he said.

The debate turned fiery when Ms Sales interrupted him, prompting him to stay on the topic of whether he’d struck a deal to insert the sunset clause in exchange for a migration amendment.

“Wrong, wrong, wrong. A staffer in a minister’s office. No deals from me. No deals from my office. No deal,” Mr Abbott said.

And for a second time, he was told to hold the phone by Ms Sales.

The Adler A110 shot gun that is at the heart of political debate this week.

The Adler A110 shot gun that is at the heart of political debate this week.Source:Supplied

“Hang on,” Ms Sales responded. “A minister in your government? I’m sorry, he’s a minister in your government.”

But Mr Abbott wouldn’t be drawn any further on the question, yet again pointing out the guns had been stopped thanks to his government.

Ms Sales barely took a breath between answers and continued to bombard Mr Abbott with questions about a tweet he posted where he commented on reports of “horsetrading” going on between the Government on gun laws and the controversial ABCC legislation.

Ms Sales asked Mr Abbott: “How does tweeting disapproving comments about Government negotiations help your own side? Does you weighing in help your own side get clean air?”

“You must realise that because of who you are, when you put out a tweet like that it is viewed in a particular way?”

Mr Abbott avoided answering her question, and said that while he was determined to be the “best possible member for Warringah”, he “occasionally” had something to say on important national and international issues.

“Now, as a senior member of the Howard Government, the government which put these world best practice gold standard gun laws into place, I think it’s very important that we do not play games with laws that have kept our country safe,” he said.

Earlier, the former prime minister said no serious coalition government would allow rapid-fire weapons into Australia as he responded to calls within the coalition for the Adler to be allowed to be imported.

Senator David Leyonhjelm says he has been dudded by Ministers Peter Dutton and Keenan over the importation of the Adler lever action shot gun. Picture: Ray Strange

Senator David Leyonhjelm says he has been dudded by Ministers Peter Dutton and Keenan over the importation of the Adler lever action shot gun. Picture: Ray StrangeSource:News Corp Australia

“With a heightened terror threat there is just no way that any serious coalition government, any government in the tradition of John Howard, should be allowing rapid-fire weapons on a very large scale into our country,” he told reporters in Canberra.

Tight gun controls were one of the reasons Australia had avoided mass casualty events.

“If you allow rapid-fire guns into the country under relatively loose conditions you obviously raise the danger that people who want to do us harm will get access to them,” he said.

Asked whether the Turnbull government should rule out issuing any import permits for the Adler weapon, Mr Abbott said it should ensure that rapid-fire guns were not readily available.

“This idea that shooters generally should have access to rapid-fire weapons is just crackers and it should never happen as far as I’m concerned.”

Asked about Mr Abbott’s comments in parliament, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said his government would “never weaken Australia’s gun laws”.

Mr Abbott’s involvement in the gun law debate also led Ms Sales to question him about his interest in the top job as prime minister again.

Mr Abbott insists he wants Mr Turnbull to be the best possible prime minister throughout this term and the government to succeed.

“It’s not a question of what I might like, it’s a question of what the party room wants and the party room wants to end the revolving door priministership.”