‘It swung me back and forth like a dog’

‘It swung me back and forth like a dog’

A SURFER has returned to the water with a prosthetic replacement just weeks after a tiger shark ripped off his left leg.

Men want to get something off their chest

Men want to get something off their chest

DESPITE the recent trend of the ‘dad bod’, more than 30,000 Aussie men battle depression and anxiety associated with the ‘man-boob’.

Zika could shrink a man’s testicles

Zika could shrink a man’s testicles

NEW research has revealed that the Zika virus is not only very harmful to pregnant women, but also has devastating health effects for men.

New virus mutates for urban life

New virus mutates for urban life

ZIKA. Chikungunya. We’d never heard of these just a few years ago. Now another nasty virus is escaping the jungles — mayaro — and it’s already infected 100,000.

An end to infertility?

An end to infertility?

SCIENTISTS have successfully fertilised an egg made from skin cells which could one day enable two men to create a baby.

Australian leukaemia breakthrough

Australian leukaemia breakthrough

AUSTRALIAN scientists could be one step closer to curing leukaemia after a major breakthrough in stem cell treatment.

‘We are living in The Matrix’

‘We are living in The Matrix’

A PAIR of Silicon Valley billionaires are so convinced we’re living in a real-life Matrix that they are funding research aimed at discovering ways of escaping it.

UN mobilises to stop superbugs

UN mobilises to stop superbugs

THE United Nations has called for urgent action to combat super bugs in the face of a mounting death toll.

‘Vaginal rejuvenation’ is a thing

‘Vaginal rejuvenation’ is a thing

LET’S be honest, vaginas and lasers aren’t concepts you would think go hand-in-hand. Think again, because this business in Melbourne is booming.

Gay men could have babies together

Gay men could have babies together

SCIENTISTS have for the first time found it could be possible to conceive children using skin cells, paving the way for gay men to have babies with each other.

Brain freeze to keep minds fresh

Brain freeze to keep minds fresh

WHEN Philip Rhoades’ parents died within 10 days of each other, there was no question what would be done with their brains.

Ultrasound ‘jump-starts’ coma patient

Ultrasound ‘jump-starts’ coma patient

DOCTORS have successfully woken up a coma patient by jump-starting his brain using a new ultrasound technique—for the first time ever.

Mystery of deja vu solved?

Mystery of deja vu solved?

DEJA vu. We’ve all experienced that feeling of a moment within a moment. But now a new theory may explain what’s really happening.

Why you should never pee in a pool

Why you should never pee in a pool

HAVE you ever enjoyed yourself so much in a pool that you’ve been too lazy to get out to pee? Well recent studies show your pee can cause serious health problems.

Life after death ‘confirmed’ by scientists

Life after death ‘confirmed’ by scientists

DEATH is an inevitable consequence of life, but scientists believe they may have found some light at the end of the tunnel.

Weed’s effect on sports performance

Weed’s effect on sports performance

ENDURANCE athletes are proving the outdated stereotype of lazy stoners, munching on junk food from their couch couldn’t be further from the truth.

Flesh-eating disease plagues Melbourne

Flesh-eating disease plagues Melbourne

A FLESH-eating disease that could result in amputations has popped up in suburban Melbourne.

DNA to solve depression mystery?

DNA to solve depression mystery?

IN A comprehensive scan of human DNA, scientists have found 15 genes linked to depression — a disorder which largely remains a biological mystery.

Meat eaters: Is your health at steak?

Meat eaters: Is your health at steak?

DIGEST this: Meat is as bad as sugar. But probably not in the way you think as research suggests it’s not just that we eat too much of it.

Woman recalls every minute of her life

Woman recalls every minute of her life

SHE can recite books without looking at a page and recall an entire conversation from a decade ago, but it’s an awful burden.

Major leap forward in brain technology

Major leap forward in brain technology

WITH the help of AI technology, researchers have published a new map of the brain that contains nearly 100 new regions of the human mind.

Just 15 days to discover deadly disease

Just 15 days to discover deadly disease

IT TOOK a young scientist just 15 days to pinpoint what was causing AIDS. More than 30 years later an Australian is taking up the fight for a cure.

Biotech firm plans Zika vaccine trials

Biotech firm plans Zika vaccine trials

AS PRESIDENT Obama urges Congress to do more, an Austrian biotech firm is surging ahead in the search for a Zika vaccine.

How a scientist tried to ‘cure the gays’

How a scientist tried to ‘cure the gays’

A REPORT reveals the shocking and disturbing ways a scientist attempted to turn a gay man straight.

Whoaaaaa ... this is awesome

Whoaaaaa ... this is awesome

WATCH the poignant moment when a 10-year-old realises that his life has opened up to a world that he was only partially hearing about. See the video

Surgeon inspired by The Terminator

Surgeon inspired by The Terminator

A SYDNEY surgeon who helps war veterans with titanium implants has delivered a special message to the government.

New warning about using phones at night

New warning about using phones at night

STOP it, or you will go blind. Doctors have warned of the dangers of checking your mobile phone in the dark after two women suffered temporary loss of vision.

Thousand days to program a child’s health

Thousand days to program a child’s health

A MAJOR medical conference in Adelaide will discuss growing evidence of how the first 1000 days from conception can program a person’s future health.

‘We’re close to an app store for your brain’

‘We’re close to an app store for your brain’

IN THE future, you’ll be able to understand any language, open doors with your mind and deal with tricky situations in an instant.

Bacteria cells tricked into storing data

Bacteria cells tricked into storing data

HARVARD scientists have effectively created a way to turn bacteria cells into hard drives that are alive.

Tucking into ideas on diabetes care

Tucking into ideas on diabetes care

DIABETES researchers, patients and interested bystanders will be tucking in to a superb spread of science at the Australian Society for Medical Research Week dinner on Thursday night.

Free will ‘an illusion’ of the brain

Free will ‘an illusion’ of the brain

STUDY shows our notion of free will might be our brain tricking itself, and that we may not truly have full control over our decisions.

The heroin hell around the corner

The heroin hell around the corner

A CRACKDOWN on prescription drugs has fuelled a heroin crisis in the US, and a number of signs point to Australia following suit.

Aussies on the verge of bionics ‘Holy Grail’

Aussies on the verge of bionics ‘Holy Grail’

HOPE at last for the disabled after an Aussie scientist breaks through with mind-bending technology which will change our world.

Tattoos to get non permanent?

Tattoos to get non permanent?

A COMPANY in the US is hoping to change the way we think about tattoos with radical new ways to get inked.

Superbugs could claim 10m lives per year

Superbugs could claim 10m lives per year

THERE are superbugs that are going to cause more deaths than cancer and it will kill one person every three seconds.

Magic mushrooms have healing powers

Magic mushrooms have healing powers

A STUDY into the use of magic mushrooms in which patients were given a recreational dose of the active ingredient psilocybin has found something amazing.

Literally impossible to cry river

Literally impossible to cry river

IT turns out that the saying “cry me a river” suggests a task that couldn’t be accomplished even if everyone on the planet worked together to accomplish it.

Baby born with 31 fingers and toes

Baby born with 31 fingers and toes

THE parents of a baby born in China are appealing to the public for help after they were surprised following the birth of their new son.

Head transplant plans ‘demented’

Head transplant plans ‘demented’

SERGIO Canavero is set to perform the first human head transplant before the end of 2017, but many are condemning him as Dr Frankenstein.

Did woman get 20 years younger?

Did woman get 20 years younger?

THE head of a biotech company says she has reduced her biological age by 20 years. But those unconvinced say it’s a ‘a new low in medical quackery’.

Bad sense of direction, early sign of Alzheimer’s

Bad sense of direction, early sign of Alzheimer’s

POOR direction, and getting lost in new surroundings may be an extremely early sign of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to supercharge your brain

How to supercharge your brain

A PSYCHIATRIST pushing the boundaries of science says simple thought and movement exercises can make your mind more powerful.

’I refuse to accept death is inevitable’

’I refuse to accept death is inevitable’

WHAT if you were told you could be immortal? Welcome to the Church of Perpetual Life, whose members believe they will literally cheat death forever.

Brain chip allows quadriplegic to move

Brain chip allows quadriplegic to move

IN a world first, a paralysed man can once again move his hands and fingers after a computer chip was implanted in his brain.

This woman wants to be a real life dragon

This woman wants to be a real life dragon

WARNING: GRAPHIC. This former banker really wants to be a real life human dragon, cutting off ears and nose in the process.

$500k to look like a Ken doll

$500k to look like a Ken doll

WE ALL want to look better, we’re only human. But would you spend your life savings on surgeries to look like this?

Brain cell to stop overeating found

Brain cell to stop overeating found

FORGET popping a pill to curb your appetite. Scientists have discovered a brain cell that can stop you eating too much.

Human Matrix-like upload coming soon

Human Matrix-like upload coming soon

LEARNING to play the guitar or speak a new language could be as easy as putting on a cap after scientists tested a new type of brain stimulation.

Paleo porn: what these statues reveal

Paleo porn: what these statues reveal

THE paleo diet is supposed to produce lean, mean cave-dwelling machines. But do these ancient artworks prove that some of the “cavemen” were actually obese?

‘I am committed to going to Mars’

‘I am committed to going to Mars’

MEET the Australian ready to give up love in the quest to be the first human to live on Mars.

The science behind Resting Bitch Face

The science behind Resting Bitch Face

RESEARCHERS have explored why many of us look perpetually moody without meaning to — and the reasons are surprising, if not a little sad.

A step closer for ‘designer babies’

A step closer for ‘designer babies’

HUMAN embryos will be genetically modified in Britain for the first time — despite fears it will pave the way for designer babies.

The ‘Tree Man’ to finally have surgery

The ‘Tree Man’ to finally have surgery

A BANGLADESHI man with massive bark-like warts on his hands and feet will finally have surgery to remove the growths that have troubled him for 10 years.

Nurse cuts off baby’s toe

Nurse cuts off baby’s toe

NEWBORN Devante went through a series of medical challenges following his premature birth. Then the unthinkable happened.

The Black Death’s secret hiding spot

The Black Death’s secret hiding spot

IT WAS once thought the plague was spread by sporadic travel. Now scientists have uncovered the ruthless killer has lurked in our backyards all along.

‘My life with a bionic penis’

‘My life with a bionic penis’

ONE brave man has taken on the internet and fielded a series of curious questions about his $60,000 bionic penis.

Frozen poo could help you lose weight

Frozen poo could help you lose weight

SCIENTISTS believe they have created a supplement to help combat the obesity crisis and it’s pretty sh***y to say the least.

‘I’m so honoured virgin chose me’

‘I’m so honoured virgin chose me’

A 43-YEAR-OLD whose penis was ripped off in a freak accident will finally lose his virginity - thanks to this woman.

Science could cure your sweet tooth

Science could cure your sweet tooth

SCIENTISTS might be one stop closer to curing a sweet tooth. Good news if you just can’t help yourself with the sweet stuff.

Sinister secret behind Putin’s walk

Sinister secret behind Putin’s walk

A GROUP of scientists claim they have worked out why Vladimir Putin has such an unusual walking style — and why other Russian politicians carry themselves in exactly the same way.

‘Shark looked as big as a bus’

‘Shark looked as big as a bus’

THIS guy battled the elements alone in the ocean for 17 days. Some of the things he saw were downright terrifying.

The creepy way we could live forever

The creepy way we could live forever

WITHIN the next 30 years a company says it will be able to resurrect dead people.

‘Body farm’ to open at secret site

‘Body farm’ to open at secret site

THE first “body farm” outside the US will open on Sydney’s outskirts early next year and Australians are lining up to donate their corpses.

Troll loses 200kg with help from victims

Troll loses 200kg with help from victims

WHEN this 300kg man began trolling users of an online fitness website, he didn’t expect they would help him drop two thirds of his body mass.

Man folds into impossible positions

Man folds into impossible positions

MBAH Bejan is 68-years-old, but the grandfather of 16 has all of the agility and poise of a gymnast.

Changing lives for 40 years

Changing lives for 40 years

ZAC Thring’s family knew their son was in the good hands of Adelaide’s world-leading Australian Craniofacial Unit the moment he was born.

Our Dangerous new eye tattoo craze

Our Dangerous new eye tattoo craze

IT’S dangerous and absolutely irreversible, but that isn’t stopping this trend from taking off. Tattoos just went to a whole new level.

The sinister side of scales

The sinister side of scales

GIRLS, it’s time to throw away those scales. A new study has revealed they’re doing more harm than good in the battle of the bulge.

Bill Gates pays to infect Aussies with malaria

Bill Gates pays to infect Aussies with malaria

AUSTRALIAN scientists will infect healthy people with malaria in bold new research that’s attracted $10 million from Microsoft founder.

The brain surgery broadcast on live TV

The brain surgery broadcast on live TV

DOCTORS have made history after broadcasting a live brain surgery on an awake patient across the entire globe.

The horror of a human stampede

The horror of a human stampede

WE’VE seen the devastation at football matches, nightclub fires and public events. Here’s how people can kill each other by sheer force.

Parrot man’s transformation gets weirder

Parrot man’s transformation gets weirder

A MAN who had his face and eyeballs tattooed to look like his pet parrots has gone a step further — by cutting off his ears.

This blind woman can see through walls

This blind woman can see through walls

IT sounds like the sort of gift a superhero might have. Brisbane woman Julee-Anne Bell, who was born blind, can effectively “see” through solid objects.

One in three vegetarians eat meat when drunk

One in three vegetarians eat meat when drunk

VEGETARIANS love to get loaded and indulge in a meaty meal with protein packed goodness. Well, not all of them, but a decent amount, research shows.

Human kidneys grown in a dish

Human kidneys grown in a dish

AUSSIE scientists have been able to grow mini human kidneys in a dish. And researchers say this latest breakthrough is the start of something big.

Could you fail a drug test?

Could you fail a drug test?

IF you took any drugs over the weekend, would you fail a drug test on Monday? A forensic toxicologist reveals all.

Designer babies: Are we playing God?

Designer babies: Are we playing God?

IT’S one of the biggest steps in human engineering that could eradicate genetic diseases. But is it a step too far?

Scientist injects himself with an ancient bacteria

Scientist injects himself with an ancient bacteria

A MAD scientist has injected himself with an ancient ‘eternal life’ bacteria to see what it would do to the human body.

Huh? Caffeine won’t keep you awake

Huh? Caffeine won’t keep you awake

AUSSIE defence scientists discover that caffeine won’t stop you feeling drowsy, so why do they say a dose can still help you perform?

Has the secret to eternal life been found?

Has the secret to eternal life been found?

THE secret to eternal life may have finally been found — and it could all just be down to injecting yourself with a 3.5-million-year-old bacteria.

Bloody work of real-life Dexters

Bloody work of real-life Dexters

BLOOD dripping down the walls, a victim slumped on the floor. Just another day at the office for these guys. Warning: Graphic

Paraplegic man walks after ‘bypass’

Paraplegic man walks after ‘bypass’

A 26-year-old man who was confined to a wheelchair five years ago has been able to walk after scientists connected his brain and legs using ‘neural bypass’ technology.

‘Our chairs are slowly killing us’

‘Our chairs are slowly killing us’

ARE you sitting comfortably? Well you’d better get up quick smart, because scientists have just linked too much sitting to liver disease.

Are farts the new fingerprints?

Are farts the new fingerprints?

FARTS. Breath. Sweat. We are all permanently surrounded by our own ‘microbial cloud’. Research shows this bacterial blend is so unique it can be used to identify us.

Eating like an American is highly dangerous

Eating like an American is highly dangerous

SIX unlikely heroes have made the ultimate sacrifice to see if eating like an American has an adverse effect on the human body.

What happened to this man’s head?

What happened to this man’s head?

HE IS one of the most important cultural figures in Australia’s history. Politicians and royalty alike have sought to find and return his skull. But the mystery remains.

‘I have a brewery in my stomach’

‘I have a brewery in my stomach’

THEY get drunk without touching a drop of alcohol, can’t drive and get excruciating hangovers from bread. Meet the people with auto-brewery syndrome.

‘Unicorn woman’ appeals for help

‘Unicorn woman’ appeals for help

A WOMAN with an abnormal growth on her head that appears to be in the shape of a large horn has become known in her village as the “unicorn woman”.

Who you should blame for your crappy maths skills

Who you should blame for your crappy maths skills

HAVE ever wondered that despite how hard you try you always fail at maths? Well, scientists have found the answer. And it might not be your fault.

What it’s like to be emotionally blind

What it’s like to be emotionally blind

THEY are the people who look blank on their wedding day, indifferent to the birth of their own child and puzzled by the tears of a bereaved friend. This is why.

Meet Chuck, the vomiting robot

Meet Chuck, the vomiting robot

CHUCK. Chunder. Heave. It’s a tough job — so scientists built a machine to do it for us. The result? New insight on how gastro viruses get to be so contagious.

Red-hot hopes for fat buster

Red-hot hopes for fat buster

HOT chilli receptors — named after the spicy peppers — may be the reason why fat people who eat a high-fat diet are overweight, new University of Adelaide research reveals.

The man who gets off cops who kill

The man who gets off cops who kill

NO MATTER the circumstance, his conclusion is always the same. It wasn’t their fault. Now the psychologist who gets paid $1000 an hour to get cops off in court has come under fire.

Man who remembers everything

Man who remembers everything

THIS New Yorker can remember almost every detail of his life since the age of 10. But, is his ability a gift or a curse?

Magic weight-loss pill that’s real

Magic weight-loss pill that’s real

SCIENTISTS have synthesised a new compound that “mimics” exercise. This means the dream of a fit body with no effort could soon be a reality.

The real-life superhumans worth billions

The real-life superhumans worth billions

IMAGINE being impervious to pain or having bones so thick they are near impossible to break. These are real-life conditions being studied by drug companies.

Would you give cash to this man?

Would you give cash to this man?

THIS man has obviously made some poor life decisions and now he is asking for your help to rectify them.

The places where kissing doesn’t exist

The places where kissing doesn’t exist

MOST of us would assume that kissing is a universal trait, but there are some cultures that find the idea of a pash a total turn-off.

Are UFC fighters being put at risk?

Are UFC fighters being put at risk?

A NEW rule change to the UFC has sparked heated debate about the safety of fighters with many arguing it will be physically damaging to fighters’ bodies.