Images show tattoos on the pup’s nose, ears and even underneath its eyes. Picture: CEN/Australscope

Michael Morrow and AgencyNews Corp Australia Network

SHOCKING pictures of a dog with five tattoos have caused online outrage with social media users, who have accused the artist owner of animal cruelty.

But when the alleged owner of the dog realised he had started up a massive online row, he deleted the images, and claimed the tattoos had only been put there for the dog’s health.

Brazilian lawyer Fernanda Soares was the one who drew attention to the images, which were apparently placed on the dog owned by tattoo artist Emerson Damasceno.

The images show the dog with tattoos on its mouth, ears and next to its eyes. But Mr Daasceno said that he had done it because he believed that the tattoos would protect the dog from cancer.

The tattoos were allegedly carried out by tattoo artist Emerson Damasceno. Picture: CEN/Australscope

The tattoos were allegedly carried out by tattoo artist Emerson Damasceno. Picture: CEN/AustralscopeSource:australscope

The owner’s girlfriend also defended him on social media, saying the dog was tattooed after being seen by vets in the south-eastern Brazilian state of Minas Gerais.

However this was rejected by the vet clinic, saying they had never done anything similar on a dog and did not condone what had happened.

In addition, several prominent veterinary experts were quoted as saying that what happened to the dog had no obvious benefits, and it could cause problems.

The man later deleted his profile from Facebook and other social network accounts.

It is unclear if police are investigating.

The dog’s owner has been accused of animal cruelty. Picture: CEN/Australscope

The dog’s owner has been accused of animal cruelty. Picture: CEN/AustralscopeSource:australscope