Tagged with Islam

Gary Burns’ strange bedfellows


Gary Burns is in the media again, this time weighing in on the outing of NSW Cabinet Minister David Campbell in a media sting that saw him secretly filmed leaving a gay sex club.

There has been a lot of debate in the media about the sting and Campbell’s subsequent resignation. Channel 7 have put up a couple of very flimsy arguments to support their decision to air the footage:

  1. David Campbell presents himself as a ‘family man’ by having photos of his wife and kids on his Christmas card. The public have the right to know the truth.
  2. There are suggestions (well, innuendoes really) that Campbell, who was Roads Minister, was at the sauna on the day of a major road snafu which left drivers stuck in traffic on the F3 for up to nine hours in April.

The response to the second point is simple. The NSW government has release comprehensive phone records that show that Campbell was in his office, overseeing the response to the emergency, as he should have been.

The first point requires a bit more analysis.

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Politicians say the darndest things

Danna Vale is opposed to legalising RU486 because it will turn Australia into an outpost of Islam:

“I’ve actually read in the Daily Telegraph where a certain imam from the Lakemba mosque actually said that Australia is going to be a Muslim nation in 50 years’ time,” she said.

“I didn’t believe him at the time but when you actually look at the birthrates and you look at the fact that we are aborting ourselves almost out of existence.”

Mrs Vale says apart from the morals of the issue, she is concerned about what she says are the implications for Australia’s future.

Danna probably doesn’t read buggery.org, but I think it’s worth pointing out that:

  1. About 1.5% of Australians identified as Muslim in the 2001 Census; by comparison, 67.4% identify as Christian;
  2. Assuming that the availability of RU486 leads to the abortion of every non-Muslim foetus conceived in the next fifty years, the number of Muslims would need to rise by 7.27% per year [1] before Australia achieves a majority Muslim population.
  3. Australia’s current population growth rate is 1.2% per annum [2].
  4. Danna Vale is a moron.

Obviously the RU486 bill (which is only marginally about abortion; the real debate is about whether the TGA or the Mad Monk should be responsible for deciding which drugs are safe for Australians to use) is going to pass tomorrow, otherwise there’d be no need to resort to desperate tactics like playing the Muslim terror card.

[1] The statistical formula used to arrive at this figure is ((50/1.5)^(1/50))-1.

[2] Source: ABS.

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