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Posts tagged ‘Radical Philosophy’

Political physics

by / RP 200 (Nov/Dec 2016) / Editorial

Intellectual journals have their moments; if they’re lucky more than one. But to sustain themselves over decades, they have to change (or become part of an establishment), and change more than once.

With this issue, Radical Philosophy marks forty-five years as a collectively edited, self-published and still largely self-produced print journal. It is still …

Pack (RPbm3)

by and / 2013 / Web Content


Throw (RPbm2)

by , , and / 2013 / Web Content

Extra content from Radical Philosophy 179

Drive (RPbm1)

Digital-only content from RP 178
by and / 2013 / Web Content

For instructions on viewing the following video within the Radical Philosophy iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch app, see here.

John Mepham, 1938–2012

An English Marxist
by / RP 177 (Jan/Feb 2013) / Obituary

John Mepham, one of the founding editors of Radical Philosophy, died in London, in September, aged 73. He was a fine thinker and much valued teacher, whose expertise ranged across science, philosophy and literature. During his period as a lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Sussex (1965-76) he played an important part in …

Pirate Radical Philosophy

by / RP 173 (May/Jun 2012) / Commentary

Pirate … from the Latin pirata (-ae; pirate)… transliteration of the Greek piratis (pirate; πειρατής) from the verb pirao (make an attempt, try, test, get experience, endeavour, attack; πειράω). … In modern Greek… piragma: teasing [πείραγμα] …pirazo: tease, give trouble [πειράζω].1

Much has been written about the ‘crisis of capitalism’ and the associated events known, …

David Macey, 1949-2011

Biographer of the French intellectual Left
by and / RP 171 (Jan/Feb 2012) / Obituary

David Macey died from complications of lung cancer on 7 October. He embodied the paradox of being a fine public intellectual while remaining an intenselyprivate person. He was one of the best intellectual historians of his generation and added appreciably to scholarly knowledge, yet did his most significant work as a freelance writer …

Philosophy for children

by / RP 170 (Nov/Dec 2011) / Article

A well-orchestrated public relations campaign led primarily by educational charity The Philosophy Shop has helped raise the profile of the philosophy for children movement in the UK significantly over the last few years. Whilst The Philosophy Shop has been promoting its ‘Four Rs’ campaign to make ‘Reasoning’ a central feature of the National …

Reviewing Rancière. Or, the persistence of discrepancies

Dossier: The Althusser–Rancière Controversy
by / RP 170 (Nov/Dec 2011) / Article, Dossier, The Althusser–Rancière Controversy

In the nearly four decades since its original publication, Althusser’s Lesson has acquired a certain mythical aura as the dark precursor of things to come. Even with the wealth of translations of Jacques Rancière’s work that have been published at an increasingly feverish pace over the past few years in the wake of the …

RP is 40…

by / 2011 / Web Content

Since its first issue in January 1972, Radical Philosophy has been edited and published without outside support by an Editorial Collective. In 2012 we will be celebrating 40 years of collective self-publishing, and there has never been a better time to support the journal by taking out an annual subscription.

RP at Spike Island

by / 2011 / Web Content

Radical Philosophy will have a stall this Saturday selling the latest issue and discounted back issues of the journal in the Artists’ Books and Zine Fair at Spike Island, Bristol:

“Again, A Time Machine is a fluid tour of new commissions and archival presentations drawn from the 27 year history of Book Works, a London based contemporary …

Radical Philosophy Conference 2011

by / 2011 / Web Content

Friday 21st October 2011, 9am – 7.30pm.

Venue: Room 311 School of Social Work Columbia University 1255 Amsterdam Avenue & 121 Street Map

Sessions: Postcolonial Worlds ∙ Representing Capitalism ∙ Biocapital and Security ∙ Temporalities of Crisis ∙ Politics of Information ∙


Radical Philosophy Conference 2011 Programme

by / 2011 / Web Content

Friday 21 October 2011 Columbia University, New York

(Note: Click on session titles for abstracts)

9.00–9.30 – Registration

9.30–9.45 – Introductions: Gayatri Spivak, Peter Osborne, Etienne Balibar

9.45–11.15 – Opening Plenary: Postcolonial Worlds 1

Chair: Gayatri Spivak

‘Bilingual Thoughts on …

One hundred and fifty, not out

by / RP 150 (Jul/Aug 2008) / Editorial

Joseph McCarney, 1941–2007

by / RP 146 (Nov/Dec 2007) / Obituary

Ian Craib, 1945–2002

by / RP 119 (May/Jun 2003) / Obituary

John Fauvel, 1947–2001

by / RP 111 (Jan/Feb 2002) / Obituary

Radicalism and philosophy

by / RP 103 (Sep/Oct 2000) / Article

A hundred issues have blossomed!

by / RP 100 (Mar/Apr 2000) / Editorial

Roy Edgley, 1925–1999

by / RP 097 (Sep/Oct 1999) / Obituary