Matt Cowgill


Economics-talking guy, insert standard disclaimer here. For AFL football graphs, follow . Email: mattcowgill at gmail


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  1. Falling productivity and robots taking jobs are apparently simultaneous processes.

  2. [pulls off my mask to reveal that I'm a Taiwan policy expert] this is unprecedented

  3. More good stuff from on Trump’s approach to public policy (pre-election post)

  4. This award goes out to all the journalists who airily dismissed bloggers 5-10 years ago

  5. This award goes out to all the journalists who airily dismissed bloggers 5-10 years ago

  6. Quick in-progress map: people’s usual place of residence with their workplace address (Census 2011)

  7. I'm told the ABC has covered the ascension of the Thai King, it's just not showing up in a search for some reason

  8. Just a few words from me “My poverty is my daily routine.”

  9. Currently subtweeting: British news organisations who sent a million US elections push notifications but are ignoring this.

  10. Comms gurus have succeeded in convincing progressive organisations that all they need is One Weird Trick to Reframe Debate

  11. Every linear algebra class Me: What are eigenvectors Teacher: You can think of them as an n-dimensional kernel subspace Me: No I can't

  12. FUN FACT: you can sign up to our email list to be notified every time we have a new post! Sign up in the sidebar at

  13. "I'm not a NIMBY, I just don't think this should be in my neighborhood".

  14. Ex-Cabinet Secretary Lord Wilson reveals a very British 9/11 in No10. From an excellent ;

  15. Matt Cowgill 已跟隨 、 及其他 8 位
    • @Chris_arnade

      Photograph and write things (Poverty/Addiction). Used to trade things (Bonds). Used to study things (Math).

    • @flashman

      I do cool stuff with data.

  16. The panic graph (1) is based on only value 10. If you would use data (2 and 3) more intelligently you would see no need to panic!

  17. ABC Insiders needs more AFL footy content


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