- published: 24 Oct 2016
- views: 3644309
Period may refer to:
Period Explosion In Public
PERIOD LIFE HACKS All Girls Need To Know!
Getting My First Period | Family Life & Challenges | Living Out Loud Vlog
25 Period Life Hacks For Back To School: Period Phone Case, Tampon Baby Lips, DIY Menstrual Cup Rug!
10 Period Hacks All Girls NEED To Know!
Being on Your Period EXPECTATIONS vs REALITY w/ Alessandra DeMartino
How Do Homeless Women Cope With Their Periods? | NSFWomen
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Getting Your Period At School! Hacks + Tips! Thumbs up & Subscribe to get an EASY, LIGHT, FUN period! PLEASE HELP ME GET TO 900K SUBS: http://goo.gl/0v5GNS ♥♥♥ PERIOD PLAYLIST (All Period Videos): https://goo.gl/rVDTPs ♥ Let me know if you want any more Getting your period at school videos on this channel! Getting your period for the first time can be really scary but hopefully my period playlist is helping you guys out! Be sure and tell me any comments or concerns you have like getting your period in public, getting your period at camp, signs you're getting your period, getting your first period, and how to tell your mom you started your period. Getting your feedback is super important because that way I know what kinds of videos to make! Comment any other period vids you wanna see like...
Period Life Hacks all girls need to know! Thumbs up for more period life hacks, + Period tips & tricks! PLEASE HELP ME GET TO 900K SUBS: http://goo.gl/0v5GNS ♥♥♥ PERIOD PLAYLIST (All Period Videos): https://goo.gl/rVDTPs ♥ Comment any other period vids you wanna see like Period life hacks for school, Period hacks for swimming, Period hacks for summer, period hacks for cramps, period tips & tricks, & buzzfeed inspired period life hacks. Check out my Period playlist for more videos like period life hacks every girl should know, period life hacks for girls, period life hacks for beginners, tips to make your period easier, my period routine, period facts, tampon hacks, pad hacks, and more! Shop my sister's art prints (They're in the background of ALL of my videos!): https://goo.gl/RuQYAU F...
Subscribe so you don't miss a day! http://bit.ly/1Qd8qxk I have cramps and trying to deal with my first real period. Plus I go to Whole Foods with my mom to pick out personal care products (aka pads). Check out it is like for me getting my first period. More family life, fun, and challenges with Fiona here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmOjH8FiuoKGUccPJdel24gZprJD5Zh0E Here is Kim's latest video on how to start a YouTube channel. Fiona joins in too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nrdTIfOqxs YOUNOW http://www.younow.com/TheFionaFrills I N S T A G R A M http://www.instagram.com/fionafrills http://www.instagram.com/eddiefrankiefartie T W I T T E R http://www.twitter.com/fionafrills https://twitter.com/kimpressionz S N A P C H A T snapchat @fionafrills snapchat @eddyfrankyf...
25 Period Life Hacks For Back To School | Period iPhone Case, Tampon Baby Lips, DIY Menstrual Cup! Timmy Timato: https://www.youtube.com/user/TimmyFellDownTheWell Timmy’s Giant Cherries: https://youtu.be/_UoNxtRiSdE Alejandro Valdes: https://goo.gl/wNYw8j Alejandro’s Cotton Candy Unicorn: https://youtu.be/aPlVsFM4Leo GlamourLifeFox: https://goo.gl/cAYMXD Krissy’s GIANT Hot Dog: https://youtu.be/-CWkxga1WKI NataliesOutlet: https://www.youtube.com/user/nataliesoutlet/featured Natalie’s Full Face Using School Supplies: http://bit.ly/2aMbAgw LoeyLane: https://www.youtube.com/user/LoeyLane Loey Lane’s DIY Kylie Lip Kit: https://youtu.be/tzysoMqm-Vg Rosaliesaysrawr: https://goo.gl/uG5uoU Rosalie’s Kylie Lip Eraser: https://youtu.be/bj2UDDQtf18 Clarissa May: https://www.youtube.com/user/...
JOIN THE FAMILY ➜ http://bit.ly/make-life-beautiful “10 period hacks you need to know” GET THIS VIDEO TO 30,000 LIKES! To enter giveaway BE SUBSCRIBED and for bonus entries click here: http://bit.ly/29ZXfe5 or share one of my videos :) Last video Phone DIY Hacks - http://bit.ly/2aa0mPp Birth control story: http://bit.ly/29ErAAz - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - STALK ME: Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/LifeOfWengie ❄ I N S T A G R A M➜ http://instagram.com/misswen ❄ S N A P C H A T ➜ @wengie ❄ T W I T T E R ➜ http://www.twitter.com/wengie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Inquiries Only: collab@wengie.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
Awkward Moments That Happen On Your Period! Some period struggles and embarrassing moments that happen on your period, whether you're starting your period or you've had it. PLEASE HELP ME GET TO 500K SUBS: http://goo.gl/0v5GNS ♥♥♥ Thumbs up for more period life hacks, first period vids, embarrassing moments like embarrassing moments in school, embarrassing moments for girls, getting your period, period horror story vids, tampons vs pads, embarrassing school stories and more period struggles only girls understand! Watch my PERIOD PLAYLIST (ALL my Period videos) here: https://goo.gl/jov5l9 Awkward Moments That Happen In Front Of Boys: https://youtu.be/xETg8L2SNkI Shop my sister's art prints (They're in the background of ALL of my videos!): https://goo.gl/RuQYAU Want to SEND ME SOMETHING?...
What we think is going to happen when we first get our period and what ACTUALLY happens on your period are often two very different things. yourpal AL shows us all the hilarious Expectations vs Reality. What's the biggest misconception you ever had about getting your period? Let us know in the comments below! → Credits ← yourpal AL https://www.youtube.com/user/xxYourPalAlxx →SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS DAILY!← http://bit.ly/subscribe2AwesomenessTV →AWESOME SWAG← http://shop.awesomenesstv.com/ →DOWNLOAD THE AWESOMENESSTV APP!← Android - http://bit.ly/1H7kn6f iOS - http://bit.ly/RoJl99 → follow AwesomenessTV! ← twitter - http://twitter.com/awesomenessTV instagram - http://instagram.com/awesomenessTV tumblr - http://awesomenessTV.tumblr.com facebook - http://facebook.com/awesomenessTV googl...
Every month, thousands of homeless women are placed in a crisis situation when they get their periods. From dealing with infections to being unable to purchase sanitary supplies, keeping safe and clean isn't easy on the streets. Download the Bustle App for more stories like these everyday: http://apple.co/1ML4jui Our Site: http://www.bustle.com Subscribe to Bustle: http://bit.ly/1IB6hbS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bustledotcom/ Twitter: http://twitter.com/bustle Instagram: http://instagram.com/bustle Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/bustledotcom/
MY VERY 1ST PERIOD Hey Crazies/Huntys and Huncles! Glad to have you stop by for another storytime with your girl LaToya Forever. I appreciate all the support you guys have continued to show. Thank you! So what story am I sharing with you today? Well let me tell you all about my 1st period experience. Can you believe I got my very first period when I only 11 years old? #LAWD! Lol SUBSCRIBE!! ----------------------------------------------------------- Animation: www.youtube.com/kartoonmanagement ----------------------------------------------------------- Want early access to the vlogs? CLICK HERE: http://tiny.cc/earlyaccess ----------------------------------------------------------- LaToyaForever Store: http://tiny.cc/LFStore ----------------------------------------------------------- [FRE...
French President Francois Hollande congratulated US President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in the United States presidential election, from Paris on Wednesday. However Hollande warned that, for France, "this American election opens a period of uncertainty that I will face with lucidity and clarity." Francois Hollande, French President (France): "The American people have just decided. They elected Donald Trump as president of the United States. I congratulate him, as it is natural between two heads of state of democratic countries. I also think Hillary Clinton, with whom I worked during Obama's presidency. This American election opens a period of uncertainty that I will face with lucidity and clarity. The USA represent a priority partner for France and what it is at stake now is pea...
Netflix’s The Crown is capturing hearts. The extravagant period drama charts the life of a young Queen Elizabeth II (Claire Foy), from her royal wedding to Prince Philip (Matt Smith) in 1947 to her reign as leader of England in the present day -- and people can’t get enough! In the first episode, The Crown kicks off with Elizabeth’s nuptials to Philip, with whom she began corresponding when she was just 13 years old and he was 18. Though she married Philipas a young heir to the throne, less than five years later, Elizabeth would become queen and the couple’s lives would change forever. RELATED: Watch the Trailer for 'The Crown,' Netflix's Ambitious New Series “The thing that I loved the most about it was the fact that they are genuinely trying to have a relationship and a marriage, and...
My request to Government and common public during this emergency period of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 note www.emceethamizh.com Watch my previous video : Video in Tamil : PM Modi Announces Rs 500 and Rs 1000 to be discontinued_my view_Emcee Thamizharasan https://youtu.be/b0AMJeai5XA #currency #invalid #modi #abolish #blackmoney #supremeindia #modified #India #helpeachother
When bae say she missed her period!
An update vlog. Thanks! Subscribe/like if you like the videos. (:
Music composed to ease period pains, help you sleep during your cramps and take your mind off being uncomfortable. RelaxingRecords compose meditation music, yoga music and spa therapy music which is ideal for relaxation, massage, mindfulness and to influence a calming zen state during meditation. Our spa, meditation and yoga music makes de-stressing easier for you, using a range of different music genres. We also incorporate nature sounds, isochronic tones and binaural beats to focus your mind and achieve your relaxation goals. Enjoy RelaxingRecord’s Music whilst you relax, meditate, read, fall asleep or as relaxing background music. The music created for our RelaxingRecords channel uses elements from a range of different meditation styles, including Deekpak Chopra Meditation, Russell Sim...
In this video I share how I put together our At-Home Period Kits. This video was highly requested by viewers who saw my To-Go period kit. At the end of this video I also make a special give-away announcement. To Go Period Kit Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FvkaifXcJA Email: verikeridesigns@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Veri-Keri/1417431951855801
When their study abroad program is cancelled, a teen girl suggests her classmates spend a week at each other's houses. Official Site: http://www.disneychannel.com Click the SUBSCRIBE button to get notifications when new videos are posted! Like Disney Channel on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/disneychannel Follow @DisneyChannel on Twitter: https://twitter.com/disneychannel Follow @DisneyChannel on Instagram: http://instagram.com/disneychannel
MY RECIPES & WORKOUTS http://www.hollieshealthylifestyle.com/ A day in the life on my PERIOD! I shouldnt of vloged this! FOLLOW ME MY TUMBLR http://www.holliewakeham.tumblr.com TWITTER http://www.twitter.com/hollie_wakeham INSTAGRAM http://www.instagram.com/hollie_wakeham MY VLOG CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/theholliewakehamshow MY HEALTHY LIFESTYLE SITE http://hollieshealthylifestyle.com/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ME Meet My Boyfriend http://youtu.be/onu20K2_v74 Im Dyslexic http://youtu.be/JORoOuZhqgk My Dad Committed Suicide http://youtu.be/faeAaXzrN0o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical info Final Cut Camera http://amzn.to/1pgW1YE Li...
LETS TALK ABOUT SCHOOL. Period Hacks, Bad Teachers & Mean Girls! ft. MaddyMcQ #TeaTalk I am SO excited to be uploading 5 days a week now! Soooo I will see you here tomorrow with a new video! 😊😘 Buy my tumbler cup here: http://bit.ly/NikkiPShop Subscribe to Maddy! http://www.youtube.com/sequinsecrets What I use to film my videos: Canon 80D: http://amzn.to/2cLMnT4 White Sony A5100: http://amzn.to/2cqfGdo Rode Mic:http://amzn.to/2czdXzZ DJI Ronan-M: http://amzn.to/2dclFBj Sigma 18-35MM: http://amzn.to/2cOPaYx Soft Box Lights: http://amzn.to/2cOQ2MP My Blog: http://www.nikkiphillippi.com My Vlog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/thephillippis SnapChat: NikkiPhillippi Twitter: @NikkiPhillippi Instagram: @NikkiPhillippi Facebook Page: @NikkiPhillippi Pinterest: @NikkiPhillippi --...
Specially composed music to ease period pains. This music will be the perfect soundtrack to your relaxation even through the worst menstrual cramps. RelaxingRecords compose meditation music, yoga music and spa therapy music which is ideal for relaxation, massage, mindfulness and to influence a calming zen state during meditation. Our spa, meditation and yoga music makes de-stressing easier for you, using a range of different music genres. We also incorporate nature sounds, isochronic tones and binaural beats to focus your mind and achieve your relaxation goals. Enjoy RelaxingRecord’s Music whilst you relax, meditate, read, fall asleep or as relaxing background music. The music created for our RelaxingRecords channel uses elements from a range of different meditation styles, including Dee...
Tips on what you can do to help with those monthly period cravings. Please like and share this video. I appreciate all the support. For Coaching email me: KaraCoreyFitLife@gmail.com For any supplement needs use my link and order from Tiger Fitness: http://www.tigerfitness.com/?Click=99952 Use Discount Code: KARA for 5% off MTS! Thank you for all the support! Haven't tried P28 products yet? What are you waiting for.....use my discount code KARAP28 to save 10%...amazing stuff! https://www.p28foods.com Also follow me on: Instagram: KaraCoreyFitLife Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KaraLeighNpcBikini Twitter: @KaraCoreyFit
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor, K. 466 Robert Levin, fortepiano Academy of Ancient Music Christopher Hogwood 1. Allegro 00:05 2. Romance 13:42 3. Allegro Assai 22:41
This is the last vlog from our North Carolina trip and omg so many funny things happen! My mom gets knocked over my the puppies, we meet the sweetest old lady and Harold and I have some hilarious talks in the car! Be sure to give this video a thumbs up if it made you smile! Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCniCPy-kRxYshisooylV--g?sub_confirmation=1 Honeymoon Vlogs (17 different Countries) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFCfQBDFOLk_PhmMX8rQX3puEwmJ7f9w_ Challenge Videos: Bean Boozled Challenge: https://youtu.be/R_Q_qKKz7RE Husband does my makeup challenge https://youtu.be/YlZQQxgO-Po What's that sounds challenge https://youtu.be/8irgBWBQZQU The 7 Second Challenge https://youtu.be/TXKPi5OIr2g Don't Break the Chain Challenge https://youtu.be/oZuQKrY3vZE What's In my Han...
Owarinaki tabi no tochuu tachidomarisou na toki
Fukai tameiki kobosu bokura wa
Tsukamikakete wa mata hanareteitta
Demo ima wa mou nanimo osoreru koto wa nai
Kokoro wo tsunagu tsuyoi kizuna wa
Keshite hodokewashinaisa
Sagashitsuzukete tadoritsuita
Kono basho de PERIOD ni
Ai ni michita nukumori karadajuu kakemeguru
Nidoto kieru koto nai kioku ga...
Kanarazu yakusoku hatashite kimi wo tsuretekuyo
Afureru (yume wo) negai (daite) subete uta ni nosete
Genjitsu kara me wo sorasazu ni
Tachimukau yuuki wo
Kanashimi ikari chikara ni kaete
Unmei wa sugu soba ni
Mukau saki wa sora
Kirameku sekai
Boku wo furuwasu kono kansei wo
Uragiru koto wa shinaisa
Tomo ni ikiteku mirai no tame ni
Kono basho de PERIOD ni