

This is the best Pokemon GO news we've had all year. Niantic have announced a number of balancing tweaks meaning you'll run into more varied Pokemon, but also stop hatching common Pokemon out of 10km eggs. It's a fix that will hopefully make the game a lot more enjoyable to play, and can potentially bring back some of the players who were driven away by the lack of balance.


All this week, I've continually read reports from mainstream media about how Pokemon GO is dying, how the lightning in a bottle game is dead, how Niantic has failed.

And sure, numbers are dropping and the player base isn't what it used to be. But dead?


Uh oh. According to a report on Phone Arena, a Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in the US has burst into flames while charging. This is allegedly the third such incident involving the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge in the past month. Here's what you need to know.


Despite chatter otherwise, Pokemon GO is still a bit of A Thing. It's got tens of millions of active users, has earned hundreds of millions in revenue, and it's getting new features every few weeks. And one of the latest ones has just been discovered, thanks to the latest bit of datamining.


FRAMED, Australian indie darling, recipient of shit tons of awards (including that one time Hideo Kojima tweeted about it and said it was his favourite game of the year). Now it's about to get a sequel and if all goes well it'll hopefully be as incredible as the original.


The battle between flora and the undead has taken many forms over the years, from the original flower defence to full-blown third-person shooter. Now we can officially add collectible card game to the list, with the launch of Plants Vs. Zombies Heroes, aka Hearthstone with lanes.