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November 12, 2016
Truthdig: Drilling Beneath the Headlines
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Kshama Sawant (Flickr / CC 2.0)

A Post-Election Voice of Hope and Struggle From Seattle’s Socialist City Council Member

Kshama Sawant, who is in her second term, discusses her political achievements and challenges with Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer. Audio and transcript.


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Richard Drew / AP

It’s Worse Than You Think

The election of Donald Trump, whose appeal to voters is based on magical thinking, assures the rise of a police state unlike anything seen in American history. Its fangs will appear the moment Trump’s base realizes it has been betrayed.

Election 2016: What Happened? What’s Next?

Truthdig sat down with journalist Bill Boyarsky on Thursday to discuss the stunning results of Tuesday’s election and the future of the United States.
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As we honor our veterans this Friday, listen to this episode of Joshua Scheer’s podcast, in which he speaks with author and former Marine Joseph Hickman.

“Status quo isn’t good enough anymore. You know? Coming out of school with debt. Not being able to find jobs.”

Amid DNC Reckoning, Ellison Emerges as Progressive Antidote to Trump

Democrats are asking the first Muslim elected to U.S. Congress is to take the party’s reins.

President-Elect Trump’s Environmental Plans Spell Disaster

The US president-elect has called global warming a hoax and climate science bullshit. What do Donald Trump’s climate plans mean for international agreements?

Glenn Greenwald on Who’s to Blame for Trump’s Election

The Intercept journalist lays out why the Democratic Party and the media need to take responsibility.

Elizabeth Warren: Democracy Demands That We Work Together on America’s Agenda

The Massachusetts senator is ready to help President-elect Trump rebuild the U.S. economy. But if Republicans attempt to remove Wall Street regulations or gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, she will fight them.



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Donald Trump Promised to ‘Drain the Swamp’ but His Transition Team List Raises Doubts

A leaked document of 41 potential cabinet appointments is rife with figures who have close ties to big business and special interest groups.

Donald Trump Praises Protesters After First Blaming Media for Inciting Them

The president-elect expressed an appreciation for dissent and called for unity in an early morning Twitter message on Friday. But don’t expect the protests to stop or protesters to be silenced.

Vladimir Putin Targets East Aleppo Rebels—Did Donald Trump’s Election Victory Doom Them?

With Obama a lame duck and Trump a buddy of Putin, Russia and Syria may feel they have a free hand to defeat the rebels completely in east Aleppo.

‘Arrival’: A Gossamer Dream of Hope Beams In From Outer Space

It takes an otherworldly element to deliver an unforgettable moviegoing experience—as well as a message of understanding across cultures at a time when earthlings struggle with that on our own planet.

Journalism Icon I.F. Stone’s Words Ring Truer Than Ever in ‘All Governments Lie’

The documentary makes a strong case, with input from a starring lineup of left-leaning investigative reporters, in support of a theme that keeps repeating.



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Abolish the Electoral College

For the sixth time in our history, a candidate for president of the United States may have won the popular vote and lost the White House.

Resistance Movements Can Be More Powerful Than President Trump

Millions of people around the world are committed to opposing the Republican’s dangerous and divisive agenda. Their work, like the work of the incoming administration, has just begun.  

Politics Is the Solution to Our Problems

We can’t move to Canada or hide under the bed. This is a moment to embrace democratic politics, not repudiate them.

Deforestation Drives Up Brazil’s Carbon Emissions

Last year Brazil undertook drastic cuts to its carbon emissions, but newly released information shows that, in fact, they are rising.

Here It Comes: Trump’s 100-Day Plan to ‘Make America Great Again’

Republican control of Congress means much of the party’s regressive agenda—along with some of Trump’s radical proposals—could pass.

Sanders Vows to Work With Trump Unless He Pursues Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic, Anti-Green Policies

The Vermont senator responded to the election of Donald Trump with an offer to help him “improve the lives of working families in this country,” if he’s actually serious about working toward that.

Stephen Colbert on the ‘Making of Trump’ and What Unites Americans (Video)

On election night, the “Late Show” host made an attempt to make sense of the difficult 2016 election season and asked Americans to agree it would never happen again. Now that Donald Trump is president, that may not be possible, however.

Why the White Working Class Rebelled: Neoliberalism Is Killing Them (Literally)

Among the prime operators of the neoliberal system were the Clintons.

Dear Ann Coulter: Ben Franklin Wouldn’t Have Thought of You or Trump as White, Either

Anxieties about white dominance are a perennial in American history.

America Needs Determined, Thoughtful and Creative Opposition Now

Many U.S. citizens embraced a man who threatens our standing in the world and basic rights. But we cannot allow fear or anger to prevent us from pushing back against Donald Trump.

Mitch McConnell: ‘We’ve Been Given a Temporary Lease on Power’ (Video)

In a news conference Wednesday, the Senate majority leader addressed the future of the Senate’s relationship with Donald Trump and discussed high-priority items on the congressional agenda.