Last updated: November 13, 2016


Sales fall at JC Penney

A day after Macy’s reported declining sales, JC Penney unveiled a soft result and cut its sales forecast for the year.

Trump win opens room for China

The prospect of a more protectionist America gives China a chance to widen its global economic clout.

Wall St edges to fresh record

The Dow posted its biggest weekly gain in nearly five years, but trade was calm as investors assessed the political outlook.

Speed bumps for infra plan

Trump’s proposal to devote $US1 trillion of private financing to new infrastructure is likely to fall short, experts say.

Caution rules on Dodd-Frank

Trump has vowed to dismantle the post-crisis financial overhaul, but his team is tempering expectations.

Vote rocks emerging markets

Investors dumped stocks, currencies and bonds in emerging Europe, Africa and Latin America after the US election.

Argus calls for ‘new way’

Corporate leaders suggest Donald Trump will be too smart to implement his contentious election campaign policies.

Stock pickers warn of correction

Investors should be alert for a correction in toppy sharemarkets, according to leading fund managers.

Trump policies risk trade war

The long-term impact of Donald Trump’s protectionist agenda could result in a trade war and a global recession.

Rio bosses blind to Africa risks

Compliance experts are asking why Rio did not raise potential governance concerns about a cash-for-influence payment.


What result means for investors

Take care with your asset allocations as the dust settles.

How to invest in the Trump era

Australian investors suddenly face a very different investment landscape with Donald Trump in power.

A time to hasten slowly

A Trump victory was supposed to herald a wave of volatility but so far it’s been one-way traffic going higher.

Rise of machines the next battle

The upside of the Trump win is what the markets have chosen to focus on since Wednesday: public spending and tax cuts.

What’s going on for markets?

Trump has frenzied global markets. But what’s noise, and what’s fundamental change? Join the online Q&A.

A major global market rethink

Investors are thinking twice on the market outlook after Donald Trump’s surprise US election victory.

Small caps to beat turbulence

Post the Trump victory, the riskier small to mid-sized sector suddenly presents an unlikely safe harbour for yield.

Trump’s win unleashes the Fed

As Trump advances his agenda, the Fed will likely be forced to hike rates harder and faster than anyone expected.

Has tech changed the game?

The ACCC in 2001 rejected a planned merger between printers PMP and IPMG. Now they’re trying again.

Fair contracts a vital change

The most important shift in business policy undertaken by the Turnbull government will come into effect tomorrow.

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