

Still life and natural world delight

Still Life in Blue, by Maryanne Wick, at Form Studio and Gallery.

Two exhibitions – one of still life paintings and another celebrating the natural world – at Form Gallery in Queanbeyan are a pleasure to visit, says Peter Haynes.

A strong statement of artistic intent

A miniature mannequin jerkily traverses the runway at the NGV.

From a short, jute-mesh sheath, to a final massive jute cloak, the thrilling opening installation takes the idea of an autumn-to-winter accumulation of layers to an absurd degree.

Kathy Lette reveals how to feel good nude and other bare truths

Author Kathy Lette with Ron Mueck's sculpture <i>Wild Man</i> at the Art Gallery of NSW.

Standing in the shadow of the gigantic naked man is author Kathy Lette, whose head reaches only so high as his awkwardly hairy navel. He bears the pained look of a person who would rather be anywhere but here, perched nude on a stool in a well-lit room at the Art Gallery of NSW. She looks positively delighted to see him.