Melissa Dinnison and her partner Karl Schatke
media_cameraMelissa Dinnison and her partner Karl Schatke

Aboriginal woman drops Leak claim. Loses not a cent

The Racial Discrimination Act is working, the defenders claim. Really? So how does a self-identifying Aboriginal woman (above) get away with lodging a ludicrous claim against cartoonist Bill Leak that costs him worry and legal expenses, only for her to now walk away from the case without losing a cent?

Bill Leak is right:

Leak said last night he found it “utterly extraordinary” that Ms Dinnsion was able to make the complaint under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and then withdraw it without any consequences. “This woman, I believe, has very flippantly and recklessly lodged a complaint with the ARHC,” he said. “It shows what a farcical process this is. I’ve got News Corp backing me legally. But if I was a private citizen, this would have cost me an absolute fortune.

“She has put me through a month or so of incredible stress. She never met me, she doesn’t have to justify anything she does. No one asked her any questions and it doesn’t cost her a cent. As a consequence my life has been thrown into utter chaos. And at time when it just happens to suit her, she just decides this could turn into a bit of a hassle, so she can withdraw it.”

Scrap this law now. It fuels a ludicrous and oppressive victim industry at the cost of honest debate.