You will need:

  • A wreath wire frame
  • Sphagnum moss
  • Thin wire
  • A selection of succulent cuttings
  • A chopstick

Hydrate your Sphagnum moss

Sphagnum moss comes in a dehydrated brick. Follow the instructions on the packet to hydrate. Usually a 150g block will expand up to about 10 litres which should be enough for two succulent wreaths.

Fill up your wire frame

Take small handfuls of the hydrated sphagnum moss and mold it on top of your wire frame. Be very generous with the moss as you want your base to be quite solid so the roots of your plants have something to take hold of. Aim for a mound that is about 8cm tall.

Wire it on

Take a long piece of wire and attach it to the frame by winding it securely on a selected section of frame. Then use this wire to secure the sphagnum to the frame by cross threading it over the top every 7-8cm. Clean it up and tuck in any straggly, loose pieces of sphagnum moss.

Prepare and place succulent cuttings

Remove some of the lower leaves on the succulent cuttings so you have a stem of around 1.5cm – 2cm. Use your chopstick to make a small hole and place the stem of your cutting into the hole. Repeat until the frame is full. Use sewing or floral pins to hold plants in place if necessary.

Growth and maintenance

Lay your wreath flat until your cuttings are well rooted – this will take around six weeks. Keep watering them regularly during this time and don’t allow them to dry out. Keep your wreath in a partial shade position – this will stop your wreath drying out too quickly. Prune your wreath regularly to encourage new growth and keep your wreath nice and densely covered. You can fertilise your wreath with a seaweed and blood and bone solution. Once established, hang on your wall, door or use as a table centre piece.

This article originally appeared on Fickle Prickles: Cacti, succulents and other living gifts. They can ship all materials for this project to readers in Western Australia. In other states, try your local nursery. Main image from Etsy.