We all love presents, of course, but sometimes it can feel like the material side of Christmas is more important than… well, anything else. This Christmas, we’ll be incorporating some of these heartfelt traditions in our celebrations.

1. Write it out
Using the same tablecloth year-on-year, set a fabric marker at each place setting and ask guests to write what they’re thankful for and the year. Over the years, you’ll be amazed to see what your family has been grateful for at Christmas.

2. Screen time
Normally we’re not huge endorsers of screen time, but there’s something lovely about the whole family sitting down to watch a Christmas movie together, either on Christmas Eve or the night of the 25th. We love It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf, Love Actually, A Charlie Brown Christmas and Miracle on 34th St.

3. Give first
Make it a tradition to prepare two main meals (eg. hams or turkeys) — one for your own family, and one to donate to a shelter or soup kitchen.

4. Involve the kids
Speaking of giving, ask your kids to clear out their toys and books and find items they would like to donate to charity before Christmas. We also love the idea of donating to a wishing tree, popular at many shopping centres.

5. Celebrate while you decorate
In early December, invite the family over for a decorating party— serve champagne, crank the carols and get to work making your home look festive.

6. Honour your friends
While Christmas is about family, many of us have friends who are practically family. So a week before the big day, host a Christmas lunch for your friends. It can be more low-key than actual Christmas— or not. It’s up to you!

7. Bake off
We love a holiday baking tradition. Whether it’s you and the kids making dozens of cookies or gingerbread men, or perfecting your Christmas cake recipe over the years, getting together and making treats that evoke the festive season is a wonderful way to get into the holiday spirit.

8. Take a picture, it lasts longer
Take a photograph of everyone at your Christmas table each year, and store it in a special album.

9. Trim the tree
Each year, ask your kids to choose a different decoration for themselves. Mark the year on the bottom of the bauble, so you can remember when they were bought.