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Latest in Kurdish radio

Latest in Kurdish Radio

Hundreds of thousands left the Kurdish regions in Syria to the Kurdistan region (Iraq) in the last five years. Where did they settle? How many remain there? How are...
What effects did the presence of Kurdish refugees from Syria in the work force had on labor conditions and the workers of Kurdistan Region? Our correspondent in...
Why did this popular destination become less attractive to many tourists? This report looks at the reasons that lead to the reduction in the number of tourists...
Our correspondent in Diyarbakir-Amed reports on the tensions felt by Turkey for being excluded in the fight against ISIS in Mosul, and more from the region
A special report from our correspondent in Erbil/Hewlêr about the latest from the frontlines of Kurdish Peshmerga in the fight agaist ISIS. Kurds have launched a...
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Topic of the week

A weekly discussion with analyst, writer and intellectual Chahin Baker.

Our SBS Kurdish analysts Chahin Baker, tells us about the changes that have taken place in the Australian society in the past 50 years.
Last week the American and the Russian governments agreed on a one week truce in Syria. It seems like the role of the Syrian people in the decision making process...

Democracy in Crisis

Analyst and writer Chahin Baker speaks about the challenges that democracy faces today. 
Nearly Five years ago the "Arab Spring" was mentioned daily. International media, politicians and people who were interested in politics were engaged in the "Arab...
In this week's SBS Kurdish segment With Chahin Baker, we talk about Australia's states and territories, their population and the results of the last federal...
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