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Latest in Hebrew radio

Latest in Hebrew Radio

Have you seen the movie "Barash"? it is currently screened around Australia (Jewish Film Festival)Is it about teenagers love? Israeli Palestinian conflict? We spoke to...
SBS has committed to reviewing and updating its radio schedule every five years. SBS is set to conduct public consultation on the criteria proposed for its radio...
SBS has committed to reviewing and updating its radio schedule every five years. SBS is set to conduct public consultation on the criteria proposed for its radio...
A special feature on the faith of the Greek Jews during the Holocaust, following the screening of the documentary, Trezoros, The Lost Jews of Kastoria, at the...
Do you know if the Palestinian unity government between Fatach and Hamas is still functioning?What is happening in the Arab world?Listen to our interview with...
SBS Radio Services Review

SBS Radio is conducting a public consultation on the criteria it is proposing for the SBS Radio Services Review.

Yiddish Features

The latest in Yiddish radio

In todays Yiddish segment Alex Dafner reports on:- A small Jewish independent rightwing group in Melbourne has invited the One Nation leader Pauline Hanson and her...
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop expressed satisfaction with the news that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus acceptance of her invitation to...
Australian Jewish leaders criticized the UNESCO resolution denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and asked the Australian Foreign...
The Australian Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove and Lady Cosgrove joined US present and past Presidents Obama and Clinton, French President Holland, Prince...
Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull met Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on the fringes of the UN sessions in NY and the two exchanged invitations to visit their...