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The SBS Foundation

SBS announces Foundation Partners for 2016-2017

SBS has announced the charities and community organisations appointed as SBS Foundation Partners for 2016 to 2017.

Partners will be given television airtime to increase awareness of its activities and work within the community. The air time gives these organisations a unique opportunity to raise awareness of their cause with our diverse audiences. Each year SBS supports charities and organisations with both a national campaign focus as well as charities from regional areas of Australia.

This year’s selected partners each demonstrated a strong alignment with the SBS Charter, which informs our purpose to explore, appreciate and celebrate our diverse world, and in doing so contribute to a cohesive society. SBS is proud to assist in promoting their cause.

The Foundations Partners for 2016 to 2017 are:

Art Law’s Artists in the Black

Australian Men’s shed Association

Baker IDI

Culture College

Greening Australia

Huntington’s VIC

The Johnny Warren Football Foundation (long term partner)

Music Australia

Parkinson’s Australia

Reconciliation Australia (long term partner)

Relationships Australia

Sanctuary Australia

Yellow Lady Bugs

SBS works together with the SBS Foundation partners to maximise the value of their allotted airtime and assist them to achieve the results they want from their on-air campaigns. The SBS Foundation was launched in 2009, partnering with charities and non-profit organisations, spanning the Arts, Health and Sport, the Environment, Multicultural and Regional sectors.

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