Facebook sorry for killing off users

Facebook sorry for killing off users

FACEBOOK frightened many by declaring a number of its users had died and even its chief executive Mark Zuckerberg didn’t escape unscathed.

Biggest physics experiment ever

Biggest physics experiment ever

WE CAN build our own stars and harness our own clean energy. And Australia is playing a key role in the new frontier of physics.

The weird surge in VHS recorder sales

The weird surge in VHS recorder sales

THE final VHS recorders came off the production line this year but one country is desperate to snap them all up.

Say goodbye to The Pirate Bay

Say goodbye to The Pirate Bay

THOSE who illegally download television shows and movies are about to find it much harder, with leading torrent sites in Google’s scope.

How dark matter killed off the dinosaurs

How dark matter killed off the dinosaurs

FROM extra dimensions to comet-slinging disks of dark matter. It’s no wonder Dr Lisa Randall has been dubbed “America’s superstar scientist”.

Strap yourself in. We’re off to Mars

Strap yourself in. We’re off to Mars

IT’S the greatest challenge mankind has ever undertaken, but a human expedition to Mars is looking less science fiction and more science fact.

The ‘websleuths’ trying to crack a murder mystery

The ‘websleuths’ trying to crack a murder mystery

A LONG Island serial killer attacked sex workers advertising themselves on Craigslist. Now websleuths are helping to find the murderer.


Building the Buzz for Mars

RADIATION sickness. Brittle bones. Alzheimers. None of these will deter explorers in their quest to establish a foothold on Mars, says Apollo 11 hero Buzz Aldrin.

NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Struck By Deadly Earthquake Package Various

NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand Struck By Deadly Earthquake Package Various

New Zealand has been struck by a large 7.4-magnitude earthquake, killing two people and generating a tsunami. Wellington and Christchurch were among the worst affected. The quake triggered a tsunami warning across the East Coast, causing thousands of people to be evacuated from their homes. Credit: Various via Storyful

NEW ZEALAND: Residents Head to the Hills as Tsunami Sirens Sound in Sumner November 13

NEW ZEALAND: Residents Head to the Hills as Tsunami Sirens Sound in Sumner November 13

Residents of Sumner, a suburb of Christchurch, New Zealand, headed to the nearby hills after a magnitude-7.4 earthquake struck the country's Southern Island on November 13. This video shows cars hitting the road as tsunami sirens are turned on. The New Zealand Ministry of Civil Defence (MCDEM) warned residents on the east coast to move to higher ground due to a tsunami threat caused by the quake. Credit: Twitter/georgeberrynz via Storyful