One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson during a motion in the Senate chamber to refer One Nation Senator Rodney Culleton to the High Court, at Parliament House in Canberra, Monday, Nov. 7, 2016. Culleton wanted to adjourn the senate until all evidence relating to his case is brought before the chamber. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

One Nation will grow if voters ignored

PAULINE HANSON has been clever to again tap into disaffection but she’s also yet to offer anything beyond slogans about refugees, the perceived ills of free trade and a vague call to put Australia first.

Things looking bright in some parts

Things looking bright in some parts
A STRING of positive economic assessments has lifted some of the dark clouds, but the sun is still not shining with equal force on all corners of Queensland.

Can PM calm economic losers?

Can PM calm economic losers?
THE Prime Minister says we must accept the fact there are winners and losers in economic change. But is the self-made millionaire the right man to sell this message to working-class Australia?

Pauline driving the change train

Pauline driving the change train
FIREBRAND Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson has been seen little and said even less when it comes to state politics yet she already has the major political parties dancing to her tune.

Not delivering on ‘jobs and growth’

Not delivering on ‘jobs and growth’
LOOKING closely at the jobs and growth, the picture is a lot less positive than some headlines might imply, with full-time employment falling, wages growth at record lows and net national income in decline.

Will they ever tell the truth?

Will they ever tell the truth?
TWO stories have dominated the news in recent weeks, each impacting on the lives of ordinary Queenslanders and raising questions about how well ministers are across their portfolios.

‘We’re not a racist town.’ Yeah, right

‘We’re not a racist town.’ Yeah, right
Have the women who called Michelle Obama “an ape in heels” acknowledged their racism and apologised for it? Of course not, writes Margaret Wenham.

The scary new Schoolies trend

The scary new Schoolies trend
Sex, booze and drugs have long been a danger for Schoolies. But now the skolling games have been replaced with a new amusement — and another worry for parents.

Hard to have charitable view of activists

Hard to have charitable view of activists
THE Government wants to clip the wings of green groups it believes are misusing their charitable status to fund political activism, but what about the religious groups that are equally shameless in their advocacy?

Now the time to focus on regions

Now the time to focus on regions
WHILE the southeast is performing well economically, the rest of Queensland is at best patchy, with unemployment as high as 10 per cent in key regional centres.

Pollies deserve to get Trumped

Pollies deserve to get Trumped
A RAIL line without trains, a university hospital without a university. If nothing else, the US election provided an entertaining diversion from our own George St circus.

Left’s rants show its real hypocrisy

Left’s rants show its real hypocrisy
ANDREW BOLT: Donald Trump’s win has incensed the Left so much that in its rage it has let the mask slip and revealed its true hypocrisy.

Inside the mind of a Trump voter

Inside the mind of a Trump voter
OPINION: Supporters of Donald Trump admit he lacks empathy, honesty and experience. Here’s why they voted for him anyway.

Forget Sydney or Melbourne — This is the best place to live

Forget Sydney or Melbourne — This is the best place to live
As hard as we’ve tried to keep it secret, those of us who choose to call this slice of paradise home realise it comes at a price. More and more people are moving in.

Political expediency risks economy

Political expediency risks economy
WHILE we may now be enjoying a rebound in the price of key commodity exports and the tailwind of a lower Australian dollar, our fortunes could change quickly in this globalised economy.

The invisible people who shape our kids

The invisible people who shape our kids
​​KYLIE LANG: When news broke that one in four Queensland childcare operators was failing to meet national quality standards, it was the frontline workers, yet again, who came under fire. This is just not fair.

Closed shop for train driver jobs is madness

Closed shop for train driver jobs is madness
EDITORIAL: In 2016 there is simply no rationale for such a restrictive closed-shop agreement that punishes customers and places more stress on existing staff.

Expensive way to keep up with your idols

Expensive way to keep up with your idols
OPINION: It’s an image of glamour being sold to millennials, who in turn are sinking thousands into emulating their idols.

Why Clint was dirty at Hillary

Why Clint was dirty at Hillary
OPINION: Clint Eastwood famously chastised Barack Obama’s “empty chair” at a Republican convention. But it was a character he played that best personifies the disaffected Donald Trump voter.

Aussie cricketers just did a Hillary

Aussie cricketers just did a Hillary
OPINION: When it comes to the Australian cricket team, their performance lately can be likened to that of would-be US president Hillary Clinton.

Why I always order beef yuki noodle

Why I always order beef yuki noodle
I’m a creature of habit. Some people would call me boring. OK, most people. I think of it as reliable. In a world filled with chaos, it’s good to cling to the things we can control.

Wildlife funds wasted on court action

Wildlife funds wasted on court action
EDITORIAL: Groups that use their charity status merely to fight political battles in the courts should realise they have little if any public support.

Like or lump Trump: That’s democracy

Like or lump Trump: That’s democracy
OPINION: Only a quarter of Americans might have voted for him, but the election of Donald Trump is president must be respected.

Games shame for all the world to see

Games shame for all the world to see
OPINION: Australia could dominate the medal tally at the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, but there’s an important field in which we come dead last.

Let the President Trump show begin

Let the President Trump show begin
Like the reality star he is, Trump refused to work to a script, making off-the-cuff statements and outrageous claims. It was shocking, and great, television.

Just whose side is Turnbull on?

Just whose side is Turnbull on?
OPINION: Malcolm Turnbull, you still don’t get it. You still don’t get that the vote for Donald Trump was a vote against people just like you, writes Andrew Bolt.

Trump win was no great shock

Trump win was no great shock
THERE was one group of people in Australia who were not surprised by Donald Trump’s election victory – the readers of this column.

On a world-class road to recovery

On a world-class road to recovery
NEVER let it be said that Queensland’s health system is anything but world class, as the professional and caring response to a recent health scare revealed.

Flexibility key to coping with change

Flexibility key to coping with change
WHILE Malcolm Turnbull has greeted Donald Trump’s victory with practical optimism, we shouldn’t think there won’t be change under the new president.

Who’s to blame for Hillary’s loss? Angry white women

Who’s to blame for Hillary’s loss? Angry white women
White men from rural backwaters did not thwart Clinton’s bid to be the first female US President. It was women who sold her out, writes Lauren Martyn-Jones.