"Dirty Epic" is a 1994 single by Underworld. The track was originally released in an instrumental form as "Dirty" in 1992, credited to the group's short-lived alias, Lemon Interupt. It was reworked with lyrics for their 1994 album, dubnobasswithmyheadman, and was released as a single in the USA on 18 July 1994.
The original Lemon Interupt mixes "Dirty" and "Dirty Guitar" were included on the "Dirty Epic" single, now credited to Underworld.
All tracks written, mixed and produced by Rick Smith, Karl Hyde and Darren Emerson unless otherwise noted.
Released under the name Lemon Interupt.
Underworld are a British electronic group formed in 1980 in Cardiff and the principal name under which musicians Karl Hyde and Rick Smith have recorded together. Darren Price has toured with the band since 2005, after the departure of Darren Emerson in 2000. Known for visual style and dynamic live performances, Underworld have influenced a wide range of artists and been featured in soundtracks and scores for films, television, and the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Their fifth studio album, Barking, was released on 13 September 2010.
Hyde and Smith began their musical partnership with the Kraftwerk and reggae-inspired sounds of The Screen Gemz while working together in a diner in the city of Cardiff, where both had been studying. They were joined by The Screen Gemz' bass player Alfie Thomas, drummer Bryn Burrows, and keyboardist John Warwicker in forming a proto-electroclash/new wave band whose name was a graphic squiggle, which was subsequently given the pronunciation Freur. The band signed to CBS Records, and went on to release the albums Doot-Doot in 1983, and Get Us out of Here in 1986. Freur disbanded in 1986.
Dirty may refer to:
RISK! is a weekly podcast and live storytelling show created and hosted by writer and actor Kevin Allison. The show's official website describes RISK! as a place "where people tell true stories they never thought they’d dare to share in public".Risk! started as a weekly live storytelling series in August 2009. Chris Castiglione and Jeff Barr joined in 2010 as part of the founding team.
Each episode of the Risk! podcast starts with an introduction from Kevin Allison. In his introduction, Allison updates listeners about upcoming events that relate to the show and he also introduces that week's theme. Past themes include "Unintended," "New At This," and "Met on the Net."
The show then continues with humorous theme-based first-person narratives that are told by comedians as well as everyday people. The stories from the podcast are usually a combination of material from Kevin Allison, the live show, listener submissions and/or work from The Story Studio. These stories are usually followed by user-submitted interstitial music.
Risk is the potential of gaining or losing something of value. Values (such as physical health, social status, emotional well-being or financial wealth) can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty. Uncertainty is a potential, unpredictable, and uncontrollable outcome; risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.
Risk perception is the subjective judgment people make about the severity and probability of a risk, and may vary person to person. Any human endeavor carries some risk, but some are much riskier than others.
The Oxford English Dictionary cites the earliest use of the word in English (in the spelling of risque from its Arabic original "رزق" ) which mean working to gain income gain and profit (see Wikipedia Arabic meaning ) as of 1621, and the spelling as risk from 1655. It defines risk as:
Risk magazine provides news and analysis covering the financial industry, with a particular focus on financial risk management regulation, and the global derivatives markets. It includes papers on option pricing and hedging, market risk, credit risk, swaps and Monte Carlo methods. Articles include news, comment and mathematical papers on an aspect of derivatives risk and pricing. Risk has a tradition of covers featuring pieces of abstract modern art. It has been described as Incisive Media's "flagship financial management title".
It was founded by Peter Field in 1987. It was owned by Risk Waters Group, then was acquired by Incisive Media, the owners of Post Magazine, Waters (magazine) and Investment Week, Journalists include: Mauro Cesa, Fiona Maxwell, and Peter Madigan, with Duncan Wood as Editor. Energy Risk — a sister title that covers energy trading and risk management — was spun off in 1994.
Risk also runs industry specific events including the annual Risk awards. In 2003 Risk magazine launched Risk.net a financial risk management website which provides news updates as a digital subscription.
You know that you have got
Whatever you want
But now all is worn-out
Wherever you go decays
And you can feel
The surgeon whets the steel
And now you want to break the hourglass
You can't hold the time of innocence
The sands are running out
Dirty surfaces
Lost paradise
Dirty surfaces
No way out
Black rain ashes and flames
Are heaven's tears
Go on with senseless pride
And digital mind
The world is a broker's gain
But nature cries sold out!
And now you want to break the hourglass
You can't hold the time of innocence
The sands are running out
Dirty surfaces
Lost paradise
Dirty surfaces
No way out
You know that you have got
Whatever you want
But now
You don't know what is knowledge or ignorance
You're convinced of freedom you don't have
Damned to live on
Dirty surfaces
Lost paradise
Dirty surfaces
No way out