
US Election 2016: Donald Trump and Barack Obama in awkward first meeting

The first meeting in the Oval Office between US President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump was quite an awkward affair.

The pair, who have had plenty of negative things to say about each other, wore tight smiles in front of the gathered press pack.

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Donald Trump meets Barack Obama in White House

President Obama greets president-elect Trump at the White House on Thursday to begin a transfer of power.

They barely looked at each other as they sat, legs apart, in almost identical poses.

Fairfax Media spoke to two body language experts who forensically analysed a series of photographs to point out the non-verbal cues each of the men were giving.

"These are historically good photographs," Allan Pease said. "This was one of the most awkward meetings in American political history."

Louise Mahler said the men were "holding themselves together" and had "tremendous jaw tension between both of them".


"Obama's face in every single photo is actually a face of depression. The muscles under the eyes are released and hanging down, drooping down," Dr Mahler said.

Mr Pease said if one listened to the conversation without watching it, the tone sounded very conciliatory.

"If you watch it with the sound off, you get a different picture. It was awkward, absolutely."

Here are five photos from their awkward meeting with expert analysis dissecting their every move.

US President Barack Obama, right, listens as US President-elect Donald Trump speaks during a news conference in the Oval Office of the White House.

Dr Mahler: "They're looking at each other with contempt. Obama just looks terribly sad. His cheeks are not lifted under his eyes which is a sign of depression. Trump never brings his hands across his body and he holds his palms out permanently, which says, 'I have nothing to hide.' "

Mr Pease: "Obama is in a totally emotionally defeated position. First is his hunch: while he's leaning forward, he's also leaning away from Trump. It's a classic image of a defeated man. Second, he's laced his fingers together, showing he's frustrated, uptight, uncertain. Third, his tight-lipped smile: it's a gesture that humans use if we're holding back what we're really thinking. If you listen to him, he sounds like typical, confident Obama but when you look at the photo, he's beaten."

Indications of body language cues in the first meeting between Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

Dr Mahler: "Trump is giving more away. Obama is the most practised professional in the world. Trump is looking at Obama only when he's looking away."

Mr Pease: "This one is a beauty. Trump's body language is raw and compelling. What he's feeling, he's pushing it right in your face. Trump is sitting forward, legs apart, hands together. The gesture Trump is making with his hands is called a steeple - that's a trademark Trump gesture. It displays confidence. Held down low it's very subtle but very powerful. The tight-lipped smile says, 'I'd like to call this bloke a stupid bastard but I won't say anything.' "

Indications of body language cues in the first meeting between Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

Dr Mahler: "Trump's teeth are sealed - it's a way of not expressing himself. Nobody wants to be there, that's absolutely clear."

Mr Pease: "Trump is showing victory in his hands, Obama is showing defeat. The only thing different about them is the hands. Trump has the classic steeple, showing victory and confidence. Obama is showing a classic example of frustration and defeat."

Indications of body language cues in the first meeting between Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

Dr Mahler: "Obama looks like someone whose child has been taken away to a foster home and he doesn't like the parents."

Mr Pease notes Mr Obama's "bent back". "If you're feeling confident you're standing up straight. He has a tight-lipped smile and he's holding back. Putting your chin forward means you're prepared to take it on the chin. He is a totally defeated man in that photograph."

Indications of body language cues in the first meeting between Donald Trump and Barack Obama.

Dr Mahler is critical of Mr Trump's unwillingness to look Mr Obama in the eye. "Any professional knows it's eye contact on handshake - on this occasion he's chosen not to give eye contact. It's highly unprofessional and that sends a strong message. For him to look at the floor in that handshake was an insult and a conscious and calculated move of disrespect."

Mr Pease: "This shot is a bloody ripper. They are both using self-contained expressions and tight-lipped smiles. Neither wants to say what they're thinking or feeling. Trump is yanking Obama towards him and I'm not sure why Obama is on the right hand side. The dominant position is always on the left of a photograph. These guys have difficulty looking at each other. Most of the eye contact is with the media, not with each other."

Dr Mahler also noted Mr Trump's "complete congruence" during campaigning. "That means if he's talking about the future he gestures in front or to the side. If he talks about the past he gestures behind. Good is to the right, bad is to the left. He holds his gestures - the skill of a psychopath - to attract attention." 

Mr Pease agreed. "Everything about Trump is congruent; there are no contradictions between what they're saying and feeling. There's nothing subtle about Trump, he's right in your face. That's why he's so compelling: you don't have to guess what he's saying." 
