- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 66147090
Minha PLAYLIST GRINGA - Top 10 músicas
Dinossauros na minha academia!?
Minha Lombra - Pacificadores (Official video)
Actors: Daphne Zuniga (actress), Jules Verne (writer), Roger Corman (producer), Adam Baldwin (actor), Barry Bostwick (actor), Luis Llosa (producer), Luis Llosa (director), E.E. Bell (actor), Tom Verica (actor), Margarita Morales Macedo (producer), David Cameron (actor), Ramsay Ross (actor), Jackson Barr (writer), Gwyneth Gibby (editor), Jay Aubrey (writer),
Plot: Outlaw Joam Garral makes a clandestine journey down the crocodile and piranha infested Amazon river to attend his daughter's marriage. Not only must he brave the dangers of the Amazonian jungles, but also the bounty hunter hot on his trail.
Keywords: based-on-novel, independent-filmActors: Julio Alejandro (writer), Emilio Gómez Muriel (writer), Federico Curiel (actor), Julio Alejandro (writer), Emilio Gómez Muriel (producer), Hortensia Santoveña (actress), Armando Gutiérrez (actor), Carlos López Moctezuma (actor), Ángel Merino (actor), Elvira Quintana (actress), Antonio Raxel (actor), Beatriz Aguirre (actress), Nicolás Rodríguez (actor), María Duval (actress), Jaime Salvador (writer),
Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama,
Baixe nosso novo jogo "As Aventuras da Baby V" - http://asaventurasdababyv.com.br/ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Novos Batons Flavia Calina Basics: http://goo.gl/YORHkt Último vídeo: A MAIS NOVA CAIXA DO SUPERMERCADO - https://youtu.be/ZYMhQ6QrmT4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Oi pessoal, tudo bem? No vlog de hoje vocês vão ver a Vi tão linda, esta sendo uma super irmã. Ela quer participar de tudo do Henrique. Espero muito que gostem e lembrem sempre de avaliar o vídeo. Beijos e mais beijos ! --------------------------- Links para me achar ------------------------------------- Blog: http://www.flaviacalina.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Flavia-Calina/169386649738053?ref=hl Twitter: https://ww...
NOVIDADES EXCLUSIVAS AQUI (INSCREVA-SE): https://goo.gl/tEZQjn Estamos ao Vivo com a melhor seleção de lançamentos sertanejo pra você. Curta e convide seus amigos para curtir!
Instagram ♥ http://www.instagram.com/francinyehlke Facebook ♥ http://www.facebook.com/blogfranciny SNAP ♥ franciny MUSICAL.LY: @francinyehlke Contato profissional: assessoria@franciny.com.br Twitter: ♥ http://www.twitter.com/francinyehlke CANAL NIELY GOLD: https://www.youtube.com/user/NielyCosmeticos VAMOS PARA DISNEY? Saiba como participar: http://www.disneyrosa.com Assista em HD! Se inscreva no canal para acompanhar todos os vídeos em primeira mão ♡ Se você gostou, não se esqueça de clicar em GOSTEI e de se inscrever no meu canal, hein? ♥ Obrigada por tudo!
Acompanhe a minha vida JAPADA!! Diario do Japa #2 contato@japabusiness.com instagram =) https://www.instagram.com/japamorizono/?hl=pt-br
Best Produções Artísticas Produção Musical: Neguim (Pacificadores) / Kadyn Direção: Alan Mano K Imagens: Alan Mano K, Tauan Alencar Drone: Eduardo Bastos Make e Figurino: Michelle Assist. e Making of: Dom Zulu, Bartllett Elenco: Neguim, Kris Couto, My, Fred Brasiliense, Galego, Michelle Bartlett Instagram: @pacificadoresoficial Download: https://www.palcomp3.com/pacificadoresrap Pacificadores: https://www.facebook.com/PacificadoresOficialRAP Para shows: (61) 98348-6282
❅Ei vocês! Este é o vídeo da minha reação ao chegar a UM MILHÃO de inscritos! EU AMO VOCÊS!! ❅ Contato Profissional: contatoflokiis@gmail.com ❅TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Flokiis ❅FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Froquis ❅INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/flokiis ❅SNAPCHAT: Flokiis ☃ IRMÃOS DA #ADR: Rezende: https://goo.gl/eFWPbf Casal De Nerd: https://goo.gl/cQVa9G SirKazzio: https://goo.gl/eUrcoI Wolff: https://goo.gl/uxuHyr Luiz: https://goo.gl/8JgnP1 Miss: https://goo.gl/4nK59s Wii: https://goo.gl/vFMzKD Italo: https://goo.gl/QfCAkg Pokey: https://goo.gl/fFliFb Bibi: https://goo.gl/w7125b Flokiis: https://goo.gl/eWl3v2 JeanL: https://goo.gl/wpEM5Z Kibox: https://goo.gl/GxPsV1 Orion: https://goo.gl/3NyEiv Ambu: https://goo.gl/7aTHWb SrPedro: https://goo.gl/R9TkCe Rick: http...
Polêmica!!!! O primeiro beijo, o primeiro bicho de estimação, a primeira tatuagem, etc... Flavinha conta algumas histórias de primeira vez que vocês nem imaginavam! ✸✸✸ INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL: http://bit.ly/1jYVOys ✸✸✸ ✸✸✸✸ Siga a Flavinha nas redes ✸✸✸✸ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/flaapavanelli FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/flaviapavanellii TWITTER: https://twitter.com/flaapavanelli
GEARBEST: http://goo.gl/hQEFj1 Sorteios na FanPage da GearBest: https://www.facebook.com/GearBestPT _ A YouVlogs tá participando de um prêmio... Melhor site brasileiro: (( YouVlogs.com.br )) VOTE: https://t.co/SPdIO05LyF Pede pra galera usar a hashtag: #PremioDigital2016 e #YouVlogs nas redes sociais! _ DEPSTORE: http://www.depstore.com.br 10% DESCONTO NO BOLETO + 5% USANDO CUPOM " ALN " CORRE LÁ SÓ KIT CHAVE FAMÍLIA! _ CANAL DO VOVÔ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHQf-88XRjskOsn60FBdVlw VÍDEO ANTERIOR: https://youtu.be/WeLf42-p1iY MEU CANAL DAILY VLOG: https://www.youtube.com/ALNTV1001 MEU CANAL GAMER: https://www.youtube.com/AVONTSPLAY SITE: http://www.aln1001.com.br FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/ALN1001 TWITTER: http://twitter.com/ALN1001 INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/ALN1001 ...
Visiting Sao Paolo was a bit intimidating. We weren't really sure what to expect prior to visiting South America's largest city, however, we found that in that midst of the crowds and chaos there were cool pockets filled with parks, street art, and an abundance of restaurants. For this video, we also had two of our Brazilian friends join us and they were able to provide a unique window into the city. This travel guide will showcase 20 things to do in Sao Paulo, Brazil: Check out Dani & Andre's travel blog: http://www.viagemcriativa.com.br/ & YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk8mUC1T7D8BnPq941r_oYA GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/...
Ho Chi Minh City, on the southern tip of Vietnam, is one of South East Asia’s emerging boom cities. Still affectionately known by many as Saigon, this is Vietnam’s largest city and its economic engine room. Ho Chi Minh City has an irrepressible soul and an entrepreneurial energy that hums day and night. Despite almost a century of colonialism and brutal conflict, today this city is renowned for its warm hospitality, which even extends to former foes. A youthful enthusiasm flows through this city, just like the stream of scooters, motorbikes and cars that flow endlessly through its chaotic streets. In Ho Chi Minh City, it feels as though the future has arrived… and yet the past is never far away. Wide boulevards built during the French colonial era are lined with cutting edge skyscrapers...
http://braziliangringo.com/trip-rio-de-janeiro/ We're tired of stereotyped and unhelpful information being spread about Rio de Janeiro so we decided to sit down and share useful tips for those who want to travel better to Rio. http://www.riopalazzo.com/ Stay at Adam's BNB
Recently I spent four months in Brazil as a guest of our relatives who have been living in Brazil more than ten years. Though I read the good guides about the Brazil some things in Brazil were still unexpected for me. In the video I tried to tell about the unexpected and what, from my own experience, is important to know before a trip Brazil. Since the story became long, I divide it into several video and it is the first. Contents 0:0 why to watch 1:44 flight 5:14 language 8:17 money 9:47 Brazilian colds (flu) 11:52 sunburn 13:30 mosquitoes 16:00 voltage 16:43 hotels, pousadas, apartments Next video: Brazil Travel Guide 2 (Safety) https://youtu.be/mwO_jnxHONA Subscribe to my channel ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Koshankins The resources for this video http://ww...
From Nia Vardalos, writer and star of MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING, comes the hilarious comedy MY LIFE IN RUINS. Georgia (Nia Vardalos) has lost her kefi (Greek for "mojo"). Discouraged by her lack of direction in life, she works as a travel guide, leading a rag-tag group of tourists as she tries to show them the beauty of her native Greece. In Theaters this spring!
Agora legendado em português! This is my video about living in São Paulo, the greatest city in Brazil and my second home. #VEDA Day 4 Today's topic is from #BattenVEDA: "Show us where you live, where you come from and where you call home." So I decided to do a special video dedicated to this great city, pulling together all of the random footage I'd collected from my iPhone over the years. #BattenVEDA: http://battenhall.net/blog/battenveda... #SSSVEDA: http://savvysexysocial.com/sssveda/ #B2CVEDA: http://getinthelab.me/b2cveda-beginne... Holla @cha girl Twitter/Instagram: @itsmelorinyc The itsme Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/itsmelori
Um breve video sobre o porque da minha opiniao sobre sydney e os pontos que eu levantei sobre adaptacao
Filmed by me and my sister Jess Olá pessoal!! Finalmente consegui fazer o upload do travel diary deste Verão Espero que gostem deste video que foi gravado por mim e pela minha irma ao longo das nossas ferias. Foi tambem editado maioritariamente pela minha irmã com bastante carinho e muitoooo trabalho. Não se esqueçam de por gosto e se são novos aqui no canal , SUBSCREVAM!! CANAL INGLÊS https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C5ilfnMMv38 SIGAM-ME NAS REDES SOCIAIS Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariana13_27/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/marianaalex1301 Tumblr : http://im-just-gonna-do-me24-7.tumblr.com/ Mais videos em breve! Estejam atentos Beijinhos enormes, Mariana xx Email: canaldamariana_27@hotmail.com
Llegó de la fiesta muy frustrado pues nada cayó
el sol quiere salir me le adelanto para ir a dormir
inanición me invita a ver que encuentro en el comedor
abro yo la puerta y veo una nena en mi refrigerador oh.
Ahí está una nena en mi refrigerador,
quién la metió ahí, ahí está con la piel morada,
desolador, quién la metió o sola entró.
La saco cual paleta está muy tiesa
a punto de morir le llamo al doctor
para ver una cura que la haga revivir
la meto en la tina llena de agua que está en ebullición
no se descongela este bloque no tiene expansión.
Ahí está una nena en mi refregerador...(bis).
Desnuda bajo el hielo azul le pega muy bien
golpeo, martilleo y el hielo, no quiere ceder
la voy a lanzar por la terraza o voy a ponerla al sol,
la voy a poner sobre la estufa o voy a abrazármela.
Ahí está una nena en mi refregerador...(bis).
La voy a lanzar por la terraza o voy a ponerla al sol,
la voy a poner sobre la estufa o voy a abrazármela,
la voy a meter dentro del horno no.
En mi refrigerador, que me he encontrado yo,
en mi refrigerador en mi , en mi refrigerador