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Eggplant Cannelloni

Recipe #11659

Submitted by: Lozza62

Serves: 4

Preparation time: more than 30 minutes

4 out of 5 stars 2 reviews

  • Serves: 4
  • Preparation time: more than 30 minutes
  • A variation on traditional cannelloni using eggplant slices instead of pasta. Even my eggplant wary husband admitted that this was good enough to make again.


2 large eggplants, cut lengthways into 1 cm slices
Olive oil
1 x 500 g tub ricotta
125 g shredded Parmesan
ΒΌ cup chopped parsley
1 egg
Salt and pepper, to taste
1 x 750 g jar pasta sauce
Grated cheese, for topping


  1. Brush or spray eggplant slices with olive oil and cook under a hot grill or on a grill plate for approximately 20 minutes until golden and cooked, turning half way through the cooking time.
  2. Place in a plastic bag to allow them to steam to ensure they are cooked thoroughly.
  3. Spread a small amount of the pasta sauce over the base of a 25 cm x 30 cm baking dish and set aside.
  4. Combine ricotta, Parmesan, parsley, egg and seasonings.
  5. Top each eggplant slice with a tablespoon of cheese mixture towards one end and roll up to resemble cannelloni.
  6. Place rolls, join side down, in the baking dish.
  7. Pour the remainder of the sauce over the eggplant rolls. Sprinkle with grated cheese.
  8. Bake at 180°C for 45-50 minutes or until cooked and golden.
  9. Serve with a crisp salad and crusty bread.

Recipe notes

Heats well the following day. I used a pasta sauce with added flavour such as herbs, garlic or roast vegetables instead of straight tomatoes. The size of the jar does not have to be exactly 750 g, it simply needs to be the larger size. I sometimes add a layer of white sauce over the rolls.

Submitted by:
Lozza62 Email owner icon All recipes icon
Submission date:
February 8, 2011
Viewed today:
7 times
Saved by:
64 members


Something different.. enjoyable  4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed by: trish2, Apr 7 2011 7:34AM (more reviews by trish2)

“Husband enjoyed this as he doesn't like pasta...just one little query - I reread and double checked but I had so much Ricotta mixture left over I was sure I had forgotten to do something. Maybe I should have put more Ricotta over the top before the pasta sauce. But yes, I am definitely going to make this again.”

This is yummy  4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed by: jennja, Feb 10 2011 3:15PM (more reviews by jennja)

“I have made it adding some cream to a tin of tomato soup and cooked the "canelloni" in that (instead of the pasta sauce). Not great if watching your diet, but hey, we all need a day off occasionally.”

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