WA News

Perth's "bike Santa" gearing up for Christmas

Perth's bike Santa, Jeremy Devereux, is getting ready for a Christmas rush.

Jeremy has been repairing and giving away second-hand bikes for two years now.

Jeremy Devereux is planning to give away bikes to families doing it tough this Christmas.
Jeremy Devereux is planning to give away bikes to families doing it tough this Christmas. Photo: Facebook

"I give them away. They are free to people who need them," he says.

He found, fixed and gave away 600 bicycles in 2015 and hopes to do the same this year. 

"I think I am just about on target but I could do with a few more bikes. If anyone out there has a broken down two-wheeler they want to donate I'd be very grateful."

His big plan for this Christmas is to have 50 children's BMX bikes repaired and ready to hand over to families who are doing it tough when it comes to buying Xmas presents.


"I reckon I could put 50 together in time. I went through my own shed of bikes and parts and managed to find 20 BMX bikes which will be ready in time. So I only really need another 30 to reach my target," he said.

"Mind you if I get 100 I'll make sure they are all ready for the Christmas rush.

"I am looking for bikes with 20 inch rims which I reckon would be just about perfect for kids aged between six and 13-years-old. But I'll take any bike that's given to me."

Jeremy, whose real job is a swimming pool technician, realised he had a knack for repairing bicycles a few years ago and set about giving them away in order to change people's lives.

"If you give a bike to a child who doesn't have one you have transformed that kid's birthday or Christmas.

"If you give a bike to an adult who is doing it tough you are giving them transport to the shops or a way or getting to and from their kids' school. It can make a huge difference to many families."

If you want to help Jeremy you can contact him on Facebook or keep an eye out for his posts on the Pay it forward Perth Facebook page.

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