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Grand Princess of the Hungarians
Chronicon Pictum P037 Szent István születése.JPG
.Stephen's birth depicted in the Illuminated Chronicle
Tenure before 972 – c. 997
Born c. 950
Died c. 1008
Burial St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Székesfehérvár[1]
Spouse Géza of Hungary
Issue Judith of Hungary
Margareth, Tsaritsa of Bulgaria
Saint Stephen
Maria, Dogaressa of Venice
Gizella, Queen of Hungary
House House of Arpad
Father Gyula of Transylvania

Sarolt (c. 950 – c. 1008) was wife of Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians.

She was a daughter of Gyula of Transylvania and was probably educated in the Eastern Orthodox faith. She was married to Géza, the son of Taksony, Grand Prince of the Hungarians, who succeeded his father before 972.

Sarolt exerted a powerful influence on her husband which allowed her to also influence his government.[2] She was watched with suspicion by Catholic missionaries.[3] The chronicles accused her of drinking insatiably and even committing manslaughter.

After her husband's death in 997, one of his distant cousins Koppány, who declared his claim to the leadership of the Magyars against her son, Stephen (Vajk), wanted to marry Sarolt, referring to the Hungarian tradition. Koppány, nevertheless, was defeated, and shortly afterward Sarolt's son was crowned as the first King of Hungary.

Her name (Šar-oldu) is of Turkic origin and means "white weasel".[4] She was also called "Beleknegini" by her Slavic subjects, which means "white queen".[5]

Marriage and children[edit]

Married to Géza, Grand Prince of the Hungarians (c. 945 – 997)


  • Kristó Gyula - Makk Ferenc: Az Árpád-ház uralkodói (IPC Könyvek, 1996)
  • Korai Magyar Történeti Lexikon (9-14. század), főszerkesztő: Kristó Gyula, szerkesztők: Engel Pál és Makk Ferenc (Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1994)


  1. ^ Hankó Ildikó: Királyaink tömegsírban
  2. ^ "In these days, he [Saint Adalbert] sent [a letter] to the High Prince of the Magyars, or rather to his wife who had been holding the whole country in her power with a hand of a man, and who had been governing everything owned by her husband" (Bruno of Querfurt: Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris vita altera).
  3. ^ "Christian faith made its start under her direction, but the sullied religion mingled with paganism, and this idle and faint Christianity was turning worse than barbarism" (Bruno of Querfurt: Sancti Adalberti Pragensis episcopi et martyris vita altera).
  4. ^ Béla Kálmán, The world of names: a study in Hungarian onomatology, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1978, p. 41
  5. ^ Thietmar of Merseburg: Chronicon