Fresh JFK assassination theory

Fresh JFK assassination theory

NEW evidence uncovered in the secret diaries of a Cold War spy has suggested a Cuban double agent led plot to execute JFK.

Trump’s greatest weapon

Trump’s greatest weapon

SHE’S poised, beautiful, intelligent and never puts a foot wrong. And she’s one of the President-elect’s closest confidantes.

Body expert: Obama reveals how he really feels

Body expert: Obama reveals how he really feels

THE meeting between Barack Obama and Donald Trump at the White House was the picture of civility — until you analyse their body language.

Trump’s first day in office

Trump’s first day in office

MAKING plans to defeat Islamic State, removing gun-free zones and building the wall: here’s how Trump’s first day as President will look.

Could Trump be impeached?

Could Trump be impeached?

DONALD Trump’s most stubborn critics are already looking for a way to get rid of him. Is this radical strategy the answer?

What happens to Donald Trump’s billions?

What happens to Donald Trump’s billions?

WHAT will happen to Donald Trump’s billions? Observers say the scale of his potential conflicts has never been seen before.

Tony Abbott’s take on Trump

Tony Abbott’s take on Trump

DONALD Trump’s surprising election has played right into former Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s argument over why he shouldn’t have been dumped.

Trump ‘never wanted’ presidency

Trump ‘never wanted’ presidency

HE predicted Donald Trump would be president, but was ignored. His assertion the billionaire didn’t want the job was also ignored.

Freshly defeated Hillary spotted by hiker

Freshly defeated Hillary spotted by hiker

YOU might expect her to be hiding from the world, but Hillary Clinton has emerged, looking exhausted but happy.

‘I’ve heard enough of the white male rage’

‘I’ve heard enough of the white male rage’

AMERICA’S media are desperately searching for answers as to why their country voted for President Trump.

Reason Hillary Clinton wore this outfit

Reason Hillary Clinton wore this outfit

DID you notice the distinct difference in Ms Clinton’s outfit during her speech? Here are the two key reasons she made the change.

‘Wanted: 4000 Presidential Appointees’

‘Wanted: 4000 Presidential Appointees’

DONALD Trump has wasted no time jumping into his new role, launching a new site and appealing for help. But one of his key policies is missing.

Trump’s first meeting with Obama

Trump’s first meeting with Obama

PRESIDENT Obama sat down with Donald Trump in the Oval Office today, marking the first time they’ve met in person.

Pence to be ‘most powerful VP in history’

Pence to be ‘most powerful VP in history’

HE’S been eclipsed during the campaign, but Mike Pence is tipped to be the “most influential” VP ever. Should we be worried?

The Trump joke that will haunt Obama

The Trump joke that will haunt Obama

FIVE years ago, Obama joked about a Trump White House. Today, the president gave his successor a tour of his new home.

Did Hillary hint at President Michelle?

Did Hillary hint at President Michelle?

MICHELLE Obama and Hillary Clinton have plenty in common. After one former First Lady fell short of the presidency, another is being pushed to run.

Eerie predictions we should have believed

Eerie predictions we should have believed

LOOKING back through the footage The Chaser captured during the US election campaign, Charles Firth found something eerie.

Can Donald bring China to its knees?

Can Donald bring China to its knees?

LIKE much of the world, China was preparing for a Clinton presidency. So what’s next for the rising superpower — and Australia?

‘I find it incredibly pathetic’

‘I find it incredibly pathetic’

MALCOLM Turnbull has been gushing about his “very warm” phone call with President-elect Trump, but not everyone is happy.

Obama suffers final, brutal ‘insult’

Obama suffers final, brutal ‘insult’

HILLARY Clinton just lost an election, and her pain was palpable. But Barack Obama has lost something far worse.

World leaders react to Donald Trump

World leaders react to Donald Trump

FROM the friendly to the frosty, world leaders have responded to Donald Trump’s astounding victory in a variety of ways.

Men who will form Trump cabinet

Men who will form Trump cabinet

FOUR of Donald Trump’s likely new cabinet are in their 70s and another is aged 67 as he appoints old friends and supporters.

How ‘undercover’ voters aided Trump

How ‘undercover’ voters aided Trump

PRESIDENT-elect defied the polls to claim an incredible victory over Hillary Clinton. But he had a secret weapon no one counted on.

Map shows ‘how the future voted’

Map shows ‘how the future voted’

A SIMPLE graphic has gone viral, headlined: “How people aged 18-25 voted in the 2016 US presidential election”. But there’s a problem.

Why Trump will be hamstrung

Why Trump will be hamstrung

DONALD Trump made some of the most out-there campaign promises in history. But the reality could look a little different.

Proof the Clintons are human after all

Proof the Clintons are human after all

SHE has been accused of being an unfeeling robot. But in the face of brutal and resounding defeat, there was real pain.

Clinton breaks her silence

Clinton breaks her silence

A DAY after Donald Trump won the election, Hillary Clinton lamented that the nation proved to be “more divided” than she thought.

‘I don’t have a crush on Donald Trump’

‘I don’t have a crush on Donald Trump’

ONE Nation leader Pauline Hanson is openly celebrating the shock victory of Donald Trump in yesterday’s US election.

‘We are Americans first’

‘We are Americans first’

PRESIDENT Obama called for unity in his first address to the nation following Trump’s shock victory overnight, praising Clinton’s “historic” fight.

How powerful will Trump be?

How powerful will Trump be?

AS THE world adjusts to the idea of a Donald Trump presidency, attention has also turned to exactly how powerful he will be.

‘Trump’s Aussie Mates’ whoop it up

‘Trump’s Aussie Mates’ whoop it up

INSIDE the official Sydney party for Trump supporters, famous conservatives mingled with young lawyers sick of “ethnic” criminals.

Man who brought down Clinton

Man who brought down Clinton

FOR days, with the election imminent, a cloud of suspicion hung over Hillary Clinton. Her fans think this man cost her the election.

What happened to the old Donald Trump?

What happened to the old Donald Trump?

DONALD Trump’s victory speech was surprising. In his moment of triumph, the newly elected president showed us a side of him we’d never seen before.

Donald Trump’s top five policies

Donald Trump’s top five policies

US PRESIDENT-elect Donald Trump has promised everything. But what does he stand for? These are his key policies.

‘Will be painful for a long time’

‘Will be painful for a long time’

A SHATTERED Hillary Clinton has spoken for the first time since her stunning defeat, admitting she’s in a world of pain.

Tears and disbelief as Clinton falters

Tears and disbelief as Clinton falters

AS VICTORY slips further out of sight for Hillary Clinton, her supporters are reflecting the shock and disbelief that many feel across the world.

TV meltdown: ‘It’s a nightmare’

TV meltdown: ‘It’s a nightmare’

IN AN impassioned speech, a CNN pundit says a Donald Trump victory is a “whitelash against a black president” and a “nightmare”.

Inside Trump’s weird election party

Inside Trump’s weird election party

A RIDICULOUSLY expensive bar, creepy cake and glass encased memorabilia are all part of Trump’s election party. It was never going to be normal.

Donald Trump wins US election

Donald Trump wins US election

DONALD Trump has been elected the 45th president of the United States, defeating Democratic rival Hillary Clinton at the polls today.

Trump already suing over ‘vote violations’

Trump already suing over ‘vote violations’

WELL that didn’t take long. Donald Trump claims polling “anomalies” have taken place during early voting in the Las Vegas area.

The map: Where the tally stands

The map: Where the tally stands

DONALD Trump has been declared the stunning winner of the US presidential election. Here are the states he won.

Voter fury over Trump delays

Voter fury over Trump delays

VOTERS have vented their anger at being forced to wait while the Republican candidate voted in Manhattan.

Why I refuse to vote in the election

Why I refuse to vote in the election

DESPITE being 21-year-old Andrew Shaw’s first chance to vote in a presidential election, he’s chosen not to vote.

What Hillary as First Lady showed us

What Hillary as First Lady showed us

ALMOST 23 years after Hillary Clinton moved into the White House as First Lady, she’s on the brink of becoming the most powerful woman in the world.

Who and what to blame for USA turmoil

Who and what to blame for USA turmoil

AMERICA is bracing for a day of conflict and convulsions with no clear explanation of why the Clinton vs Trump showdown has been so disruptive.

The Punisher’s flaky ‘promise to God’

The Punisher’s flaky ‘promise to God’

RODRIGO Duterte is known for his famous potty mouth, but a “visit from God” led him to pledge never to swear again. Spoiler alert: it didn’t last long.

Strangest thing about Clinton campaign

Strangest thing about Clinton campaign

SECRET Service checks to enter the “bubble”, running from plane to motorcade and 14-hour days, but this is the weirdest aspect of following Hillary.

Why a Trump win is ‘impossible’

Why a Trump win is ‘impossible’

IT’S not just the polls predicting a Hillary Clinton victory. Donald Trump is genuinely facing almost impossible odds at the election.

When will we know who’s won?

When will we know who’s won?

WE’RE hours away from knowing who will become the next US president. Here’s everything you need to know for election day.

Trump supporters you didn’t know he had

Trump supporters you didn’t know he had

THERE’S a big myth about Trump’s supporters. They’re not the “white trash” we’re led to believe. And this could see him win.

What no one wants to talk about in US

What no one wants to talk about in US

THE early months were filled with denial, questioning and endless jokes. But hours before the polls open across the nation, no one is laughing anymore.

‘Thankfully, this isn’t your America’

‘Thankfully, this isn’t your America’

HOURS before polls open across the country, Hillary Clinton called on one of the most effective orators her campaign has employed to deliver a powerful message.

Obama artist’s new Trump work

Obama artist’s new Trump work

THE man behind the iconic Obama image creates a new one for Donald Trump, but he can’t bring himself to do one of Clinton.

One thing you never do to Trump

One thing you never do to Trump

A CLOSE aide of Donald Trump has shared the one important thing you should never do when meeting the presidential candidate.

What this map actually means

What this map actually means

THE key to victory for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton lies in something called the “Electoral College”.

Trump surges: ‘She’s one state away from losing’

Trump surges: ‘She’s one state away from losing’

THE gap is tightening between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Now one expert predicts it will be even tighter than we think.

FBI boss drops new Clinton bombshell

FBI boss drops new Clinton bombshell

THE FBI’s boss has intervened again two days out from the election with an announcement that could change the result.

The vote Trump didn’t want to win

The vote Trump didn’t want to win

AMID the mad scramble for votes in the dying days of America’s election, Donald Trump managed to win the one poll he would rather have avoided.

Mehajer’s parents on brink of bankruptcy

Mehajer’s parents on brink of bankruptcy

THE tax office is chasing Salim Mehajer’s parents for $10 million, which could bankrupt the couple.

Trump protester ‘punched, kicked’ at rally

Trump protester ‘punched, kicked’ at rally

THE man who sparked a security scare at a Trump rally in Nevada says he was viciously attacked by supporters for protesting against the party’s nominee.

US election's nightmare scenario

George Bush and Al Gore during the 2000 campaign.

IF THE election is close, the result could hinge on just eight people. It sounds far fetched, but this has happened before.

‘Another world is coming’: radical

‘Another world is coming’: radical

THE man accused of ghostwriting Obama’s memoirs speaks to about his big fear about Donald Trump.

Why The Punisher hates America

Why The Punisher hates America

HE’S known for calling President Obama a “son of a wh*re” and swearing at Catholics. What’s driving his hatred for America?

Frightening world under Trump, Clinton

Frightening world under Trump, Clinton

THE US election race is tighter than ever. With just days to go, which of the two candidates is most likely to wreak global havoc?

FBI thinks Hillary is the ‘antichrist’

FBI thinks Hillary is the ‘antichrist’

THERE is reportedly a deep dislike of Hillary Clinton within the FBI, with the organisation being described as “Trumpland”.

How Australians could decide US election

How Australians could decide US election

WITH Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump almost neck and neck in the race for the White House, voters in Australia could be crucial. Yes, you read that right.

When Trump and Clinton were friends

When Trump and Clinton were friends

THEY may have bad blood now, but once upon a time the warring presidential candidates were great mates, supporting, praising and socialising with each other.

The people Clinton hasn’t won over

The people Clinton hasn’t won over

HILLARY is failing to entice a vital demographic to the polls in early voting metrics, and it could be devastating for her.

Hillary shoots down her ‘rape’ heckler

Hillary shoots down her ‘rape’ heckler

HILLARY Clinton has exploded at a heckler, revealing just how much the pressure of the election is taking its toll on both candidates.

Weird election merch you can buy

Weird election merch you can buy

FROM Clinton cufflinks, to Trump and Hillary cookie cutters and themed loo paper. Here’s the wildest election swag you can actually get your hands on.

Governor’s tweet backfires spectacularly

Governor’s tweet backfires spectacularly

A CONSERVATIVE US Governor posted a tweet to blast Hillary Clinton. Instead, he’s accidentally promoted her campaign to thousands of people.

Strangest question in the Clinton scandal

Strangest question in the Clinton scandal

THE discovery 650,000 emails on the laptop of disgraced sexter Anthony Weiner raises one of the strangest questions of the election.

‘Nobody’ is Trump’s nightmare

‘Nobody’ is Trump’s nightmare

HE SPENT a decade undercover for the CIA. Now this member of the “Mormon mafia” could throw the election into doubt.

Trump’s Russian links spark ‘horror’

Trump’s Russian links spark ‘horror’

CALLS are increasing for the FBI to release what it knows about Donald Trump’s links to Russia, as “horror” reports fuel speculation.

How big a deal is the Clinton scandal?

How big a deal is the Clinton scandal?

TRUMP has called it “worse than Watergate”, but Clinton’s latest scandal is shrouded in mystery. It could lose her the election.

Trump’s number one fan speaks out

Trump’s number one fan speaks out

BILLIONAIRE Peter Thiel has doubled down on his support for Donald Trump, warning what he represents “isn’t crazy and it’s not going away”.

Tony Abbott finally names his price

Tony Abbott finally names his price

TONY Abbott has finally declared the price Malcolm Turnbull must pay to keep him in line behind the man who replaced him. It’s a high one.

‘Second daughter’ dragged into scandal

‘Second daughter’ dragged into scandal

THE FBI bombshell that paved the way for a frantic final week of the US election has also dragged Hillary Clinton’s “second daughter” into the spotlight.

Biggest lies of the US election

Biggest lies of the US election

WHO can you trust more: Trump or Clinton? Here’s a look back on the biggest fibs told by the candidates throughout the election campaign.

Why the Clinton emails emerged

Why the Clinton emails emerged

HILLARY Clinton’s presidential campaign has been rocked by emails found on the computer of notorious sexter Anthony Weiner.

‘The hidden election’: How Trump can win

‘The hidden election’: How Trump can win

WHAT if Donald Trump is right, and all the polls really are wrong? There’s a “hidden election” happening, and it could deliver a shock.

Rinehart closer to empire takeover

Rinehart closer to empire takeover

GINA Rinehart is closer to taking over the Kidman cattle empire after a group of graziers withdrew its $386 million bid.

The man pulling Hillary’s strings

The man pulling Hillary’s strings

NEWLY revealed emails posted by WikiLeaks show the lengths Hillary Clinton’s aides went out of their way to keep a certain VIP happy.

‘If Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket’

‘If Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket’

THE US election has been ugly, but the worst is still to come. Schools are preparing to close amid fears of violence, with Trump supporters predicting “riots”.

Thomas gives $167,500 to charity

Thomas gives $167,500 to charity

UPDATE: Ardent Leisure chief executive Deborah Thomas will give her yearly bonus of $167,500 to the Australian Red Cross.

How young rich listers are the same

How young rich listers are the same

IF YOU’RE hoping to join the ranks of Australia’s richest young guns, there’s one industry where billions are waiting to be made.

Finally, Dreamworld make contact

Finally, Dreamworld make contact

THE chief executive of Dreamworld has offered to cover all funeral costs in a phone call to the mother who lost two children in the disaster.

Dreamworld boss pockets $850k

Dreamworld boss pockets $850k

THE boss of Dreamworld owner Ardent Leisure has responded angrily to suggestions she turn down a nearly $850,000 bonus.

You paid for chauffeured dogs

You paid for chauffeured dogs

MEET Patch and Ted. The pet dogs of Victorian Minister Steve Herbert were chauffeured 100km at the taxpayers’ expense.

Trump says Clinton ‘will start WW3’

Trump says Clinton ‘will start WW3’

US presidential hopeful Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton’s plans for Syria would ‘lead to World War III’ because of the potential for conflict with Russia.

‘He was getting laid like crazy’

‘He was getting laid like crazy’

A PROMINENT writer has made shocking new claims about what went on at Donald Trump’s lavish parties in the 1990s. Almost nothing was off-limits.

‘Sure she’s never been grabbed before’

‘Sure she’s never been grabbed before’

DONALD Trump has publicly responded to an adult film performer who alleged he offered her $US10,000 to come to his private suite.

Australia, we have a problem

Australia, we have a problem

THE Coalition looks to be in chaos, but there’s actually something worse going on. A disturbing pattern is emerging.

Funding scandals rock Trump campaign

Funding scandals rock Trump campaign

A SERIES of explosive fundraising scandals have rocked Donald Trump’s campaign with just two weeks to go until the US election.

How ‘I turned $34k into $460m’

How ‘I turned $34k into $460m’

IT ALL started with a lease on a tiny gym in the Melbourne suburb of Elwood. Now Tim Gurner, 34, is worth $460 million.

‘Don’t be fooled’: Trump lashes out

‘Don’t be fooled’: Trump lashes out

EVERYONE thinks Donald Trump is losing the election ... except Donald Trump. He says the truth isn’t being reported.

Trump on tape praising Clinton

Trump on tape praising Clinton

DONALD Trump didn’t always think of Hillary Clinton as a “nasty woman”. In fact, he used to be downright effusive in his praise of her.

$386 million bid puts pressure on Gina

$386 million bid puts pressure on Gina

AUSTRALIA’S richest woman Gina Rinehart has been outbid by $21 million for an empire she really wants to get her hands on.

Branson’s ‘disturbing’ date with Trump

Branson’s ‘disturbing’ date with Trump

THEY were two larger-than-life billionaires but when Richard Branson met Donald Trump for lunch he found they couldn’t have had less in common.

Trudeau cops a handful

Trudeau cops a handful

A PROTESTOR shouting “keep your promises” has thrown a handful of pumpkin seeds with hand-drawn hearts at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.