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The synthetic cannabis being sold as pot pourri in sex shops in Frankston and Moorabbin.
media_cameraThe synthetic cannabis being sold as pot pourri in sex shops in Frankston and Moorabbin.

Synthetic drugs back on sex shop shelves two months after police raids

A NEW and potentially dangerous batch of synthetic cannabis has cropped up at sex shops across Melbourne’s southeast, just two months after they were raided by police.

In December, a $45,000 haul was seized from two adult stores in Moorabbin.

But last week, the same store in Moorabbin and another in Frankston, part of the same chain, were selling “Panda” synthetic cannabis, disguised as pot pourri.

RELATED: Police seize synthetic drugs from sex shops in Moorabbin crackdown

RELATED: Police raid Lilydale factory after Leader investigates synthetic drugs

Tests of similar products, initiated by Leader last year, found they contained the illegal chemical UR-144 and synthetic cannabinoid AM 2201.

The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act bans the possession and supply of some synthetic drugs but is struggling to keep pace with new variants.

One sex shop worker told Leader at least 50 packets of 1g and 3g synthetic cannabis bags were delivered and sold last week.

The source said some customers were buying up to seven packets of the drug — which is labelled “not for human consumption” — a day.

“Far too many people are tripping out using this sort of stuff. I’ve had mothers come to me showing me pictures of their children in hospital,” the source said.

The employee, who contacted Leader because of concerns about the products and their potential side effects, said its dangers were not getting through to users.

“The people who are buying it are liking it. We know this because we are getting feedback,” she said.

Last week, the Frankston store ran out of synthetic cannabis but restocked just a day later.

“There have been some customers I’ve refused to sell to because I have a bit of a duty of care,” the source said.

A 57-year-old Lilydale man, believed to be the owner of the sex store chain, was arrested last year and released pending summons, after 80kg of what is believed to be synthetic cannabis was seized.

Charges are yet to be laid as testing of the seized products continues. Leader has been told he is now out of the country.

The products seized from the Moorabbin shops late last year are still undergoing testing. Policesaid the investigation is ongoing and they are “not in the position to comment further at this point”.

Shadow Attorney-General John Pesutto said the Government needed to work with health and law enforcement experts to ensure new synthetic drugs were identified and banned as early as ­possible.

“Synthetic cannabinoids are highly dangerous, especially when their use is not subject to sound clinical oversight or related to legitimate medicinal purposes,” he said.

Since 2012, the State Government has banned 59 types of synthetic drugs.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said they would “continue to investigate any information reported to police or Crime Stoppers”.