Josh DyeConta verificada


Journalist at the Sydney Morning Herald.

Participa desde março de 2014


Você bloqueou @JoshDye91

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  1. 10 de jul

    ‘The floor is constantly slippery with excess water which now pools around my front door.’ Resident anguish over evacuated apartments

  2. 11 de jun

    ‘Canary in the coalmine’: Why Star casino’s earnings downgrade could signal a broader economic downturn.

  3. 26 de mai

    Can someone explain why the city-bound train from Chatswood says Hornsby via Central? Makes it sound like you’re heading north not south

  4. 26 de mai

    Bit of an awkward wait while the train reverses to re-align the doors after slightly over-shooting the platform.

  5. 26 de mai

    Quite overcrowded at the bottom of the escalator at Epping Station

  6. 26 de mai

    Packed carriage between Cherrybrook and Epping. People unhappy about the long waits between trains – 10 minutes instead of 5 as promised.

  7. retweetou
    4 de abr
  8. retweetou
    30 de mar de 2017

    Today Nationals MP @broad4mallee called on his Government to boost foreign aid spending after they cut it by more than 1 billion dollars

  9. 24 de mar de 2017

    Hey why can't we watch in HD in Sydney? Last night was SD, and guide shows game will be too. Why?

  10. 19 de mar de 2017

    Paleo pear, and banana bread for breakfast. It's a real

  11. 25 de fev de 2017
  12. 16 de fev de 2017
  13. 4 de fev de 2017

    Moree heatwave rapidly approaching state record. Every single day this yr has been 35+ degrees! Quite extraordinary.

  14. 14 de out de 2016

    Finally arrived! What an exciting weekend ahead.

  15. retweetou
    22 de ago de 2016

    "It's easier to call out a racist individual than look at the society we've built and analyse how it must change."

  16. retweetou
  17. retweetou
    11 de ago de 2016

    Our in-depth story, the product of 18 months of reporting, charts the catastrophe that has befallen the Arab world

  18. retweetou
    9 de ago de 2016

    Got the Census website to work so I filled in everyone's. If anyone asks, all 24 million of you stayed at my place last night.

  19. 29 de jul de 2016

    Sad to hear of sudden death of editor & friend Yohanna Ririhena. Hell of a last piece to write, though

  20. retweetou
    27 de jul de 2016

    Your phone is now a 's phone: great video by (watch on mobile!)


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