
Donald Trump meets Barack Obama in the White House

Washington: US President Barack Obama greeted president-elect Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday to begin a smooth transfer of power after the New York real estate developer scored a stunning election victory.

Mr Obama said they had an "excellent" and "wide-ranging" conversation on Thursday.

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Donald Trump meets Barack Obama in White House

President Obama greets president-elect Trump at the White House on Thursday to begin a transfer of power.

He met Mr Trump in the Oval Office for more than an hour to discuss the transition of power.

Mr Obama said he was encouraged by Mr Trump's desire to want to work with his team on issues facing the country. He said it's important for all "to now come together".

Mr Trump said he "very much looks forward" to dealing with Mr Obama in the future.

He called the meeting a "great honour" and said he would seek Mr Obama's counsel in the future.


Later, Trump will go to Capitol Hill to talk with congressional leaders about the Republicans' legislative agenda for next year.

The two men had never met before. Mr Trump led the "birther" movement that questioned Mr Obama's US citizenship and has pledged to overturn the Democrat's signature policy achievements after taking over on January 20

President Barack Obama shakes hands with president-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office.
President Barack Obama shakes hands with president-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Photo: AP

Mr Obama campaigned vigorously for Mr Trump's Democratic rival, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and called Mr Trump both temperamentally unfit for the presidency and dangerously unprepared to have access to US nuclear codes.

They were seeking to put that history behind them, at least for the cameras, during a meeting in the Oval Office. First Lady Michelle Obama also met privately with Mr Trump's wife, Melania.

Barack Obama talks about his meeting with Donald Trump.
Barack Obama talks about his meeting with Donald Trump. Photo: AP

On Wednesday, Mr Obama said that despite his major differences with the New York real estate magnate, he would follow the lead of former Republican President George W. Bush in 2008 and ensure a smooth handover to Mr Trump.

"Eight years ago, President Bush and I had some pretty significant differences, but President Bush's team could not have been more professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition," Mr Obama said. "So I have instructed my team to follow the example that President Bush's team set."

Donald Trump will be moving from his office at Trump Tower in New York to the Oval Office in Washington.
Donald Trump will be moving from his office at Trump Tower in New York to the Oval Office in Washington. Photo: The New York Times

Mr Trump spent Wednesday focusing on that transition during meetings with his staff at Trump Tower in New York.

Republican Chris Christie, who is leading Mr Trump's transition team, on Thursday said the White House meeting would be in keeping with the tone of unity in Mr Trump's election victory speech.

"We heard a lot about the peaceful transfer of power during this election, and I think you'll see that symbolised today," Christie told NBC's Today program.

Asked whether Mr Trump would apologise to the president for questioning his birthplace and legitimacy, the New Jersey governor said the controversy was just politics, adding: "They have a lot more important things to talk about."

After taking office, Mr Trump will enjoy Republican majorities in both chambers of the US Congress that could help him implement his legislative agenda and scrap or roll back Obama policies that he dislikes, such as Obamacare, the nuclear deal with Iran and US participation in the Paris agreement to fight global warming.

Transition of power

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Mr Obama would brief Mr Trump about the benefits of those policies during their meeting.

"There is a tradition, particularly with regard to executive agreements, of successive presidents preserving some element of continuity," Mr Earnest said. "I don't know whether or not that will fly in this case."

Mr Trump said after his victory that he would work to heal the divisions set off by the bitter campaign. Mrs Clinton urged her supporters to give Mr Trump an "open mind" and Mr Obama said he was rooting for his successor.

The White House has laid out its plan to ensure a smooth transition, including giving representatives selected by Mr Trump briefings on the work of US federal agencies.

Mr Trump and his senior aides will also start to receive daily briefings by US intelligence officials, the White House said. The Obama administration also plans two "interagency exercises" for Mr Trump's team aimed at handling and responding "to major domestic incidents."

Later on Thursday, Mr Trump will also meet with Republican US House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan near the US Capitol, according to a Republican source. The two men shared a strained relationship during the campaign, although they both ultimately said they supported each other.

Mr Trump and Mr Ryan will "discuss how they can hit the ground running" in a Trump administration, which will also include vice-president-elect Mike Pence.

Mr Pence, who served in the House, is expected to be a conduit between US lawmakers and Mr Trump, who has never before held public office. Vice President Joe Biden will hold a separate meeting with Mr Pence at the White House on Thursday.

