Small Business

Four ways you're sabotaging your career

Are you a "procrastin-ectionist" a people-pleaser or a simple pessimist unnecessarily shooting yourself in the foot?

Do these behaviours ring any bells? Spending hours getting something unimportant at work perfect when your time would have been better spent on something more productive. How about manically cleaning out the filing cabinet when you should be making sales calls? Ever said yes to a client when every fibre in your body screamed, "you idiot, meeting that deadline means you'll be surviving on no sleep tomorrow!"

If any of these responses sound familiar you are almost certainly suffering from "severe sabotageitis". It's a chronic condition suffered by most business owners. (I may have made that last bit up.) If you are a sufferer, luckily there's help available.

Alison Hill, author of a new book called Stand Out.
Alison Hill, author of a new book called Stand Out. Photo: Shae Style Photography

Alison Hill is a psychologist and author of the new book, Stand Out, a guide on how to stop being distracted by being busy.

She has developed the four "Ps" that describe the most common ways we sabotage ourselves at work. It's worth recognising whether you display these behaviours so you can stop vandalising your success.

1. Perfectionism

This is more than striving for a high standard, it's being obsessive about little things. "It's when you spend hours worrying about your website font when you should be picking up the phone and talking to customers and clients," Hill says.


The antidote is to get a project to 80 per cent right then hand it over because chances are if you're a perfectionist, 80 per cent done is pretty perfect anyway. And it's much better to do this than let an 80 per cent project fester unfinished.

"If you're a manager and perfectionism's a problem, usually what happens is your staff brings you work you think is not good enough. So you fix it so it's perfect. The problem is your staff never learn this way," Hill warns

A better idea is to give feedback and let staff figure it out for themselves.

2. Procrastination

You can be incredibly busy while you're procrastinating, says Hill. "This is when you do little things rather than getting big things done like having that tough conversation with a colleague."

If you're a procrastinator, the secret is to switch off your email and phone and focus on the most important tasks. That will allow you to complete some work and will help reduce your stress.

3. Pessimism

Pessimism is expressed by saying things like, "We tried that last month and it didn't work then, so there's no point trying now". We all do it, not just people who are down in the dumps all the time, she adds.

The best remedy for pessimism is gratitude. "It's stopping and saying, 'What's good about what's happening right now?'" This allows us to reflect on what's positive, pick ourselves up and try again.

4. People pleasing

Hill says in organisations people pleasing is a noble pursuit. "It's that sense of, 'I'll help you out, I'll take that on board for you'." You end up overworked, and the quality of the work suffers.

The solution is to learn to say no graciously. "When I say that to people pleasers they stop breathing, it's so much a part of their make-up. They say, 'I can't. People won't like me.' That's the fear that sits behind it."

She says it's important for people pleasers to start being comfortable saying, "I really want to give this my full attention. But I can't right now, because I've got so much on my plate. So can I get back to you?"

For business owners who are managing people pleasers, the idea is to help them prioritise their work to avoid a situation where they are drowning in other people's problems.

In reality, Hill says most of us do all of the Ps at some stage, but we have a bias for some over others.

From my perspective, I feel like I need to procrastinate – or do what I call procrastination administration – before I settle down to work; it's part of the process for me. While this isn't dysfunctional behaviour, Hill says if it stopped me from getting on with my real work it may be.

"Having a sense of progress drives motivation. The minute we don't, that's where morale goes down. So be self-aware, know what you're doing and always come back to your progress against your goal," she adds.

Which of the Ps are you? How could you stop sacrificing your success? Leave a comment below.

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