Small Business

Six ways to approach your work when you're freelancing remotely

Are you brave enough to take the leap into freelancing?

Creative types are unshackling themselves from the 9-5 corporate grind in search of professional independence. Among the usual suspects are graphic designers, copywriters, PR and marketing types, web developers, journalists, filmmakers, editors, illustrators and videographers.

In fact, that guy sitting in the corner of the cafe with headphones on and laptop open could just be freelancing for one of Australia's big banks. He might look casual, but there's every chance that he's putting the finishing touches on the next big digital marketing push, or PR campaign.

Being a freelancer means not being tied to a desk.
Being a freelancer means not being tied to a desk. Photo: haveseen

It's not a life for everyone. In fact, top quality freelancers are among the first to admit that they're a distinctive breed. Disciplined creatures by nature, they're usually quite brilliant at what they do and therefore confident enough to hang the virtual shingle out and offer their services as an independent creative, juggling various deadlines.

For these professionally independent creatives, it's both a blessing and a curse that they're the only one responsible for finding work, meeting deadlines and keeping themselves on track.

Organisation is the most important thing for a freelancer.
Organisation is the most important thing for a freelancer. 

Need proof that freelancing is the way of the world? Take a look at #digitalnomad, which is becoming an increasingly trending hashtag that illustrates perfectly how freelancers are working these days.

But not everyone is cut out for the ups and downs of freelancing. Here are six ways that talented freelancers structure their week:


1.) They set their own rules – and stick to them

Freelancers work with a high level of autonomy. Even when they're working with a million distractions around them – whether that's on the laptop on the sunny Balinese beach or on the kitchen table surrounded by dirty dishes while the kids are at school.

Either way, freelancers know when to knuckle down and get that brief bowled over, and when to let the laptop cool down and head out for a spot of lunch in the local cafe.

They also only accept work that they really want to tackle, because staying on track is much easier when the projects are of genuine interest.

Other rules depend on the individual, but could include not working weekends, not accepting job offers below your hourly rate, only working from your home office and working from a co-working space near you once a week, for example.

2.) Plan out your week and schedule your next work session ahead of time.

Knowing what you've got to tackle each time you sit down and start a work session is paramount as a freelancer.

Also, by the start of each week, you need to know pretty accurately how many hours you've got available to work, where you'll be working from (from home, a client's office or a co-working space for example), and which projects you've got on the go.

At the end of each working session, schedule your next working session, including phone calls you need to make and which projects you need to work on.

3.) Be available when clients get in touch

This isn't a 9-5 job. Freelancers need to be accessible to clients, whether that's by email, video calls or on the mobile for a quick after-hours chat. And while you might accept a job after hours, you still need to have semi-established work hours that you stick to for your own sanity.

It depends on the freelancers, but some almost never use the automated out-of-office message on their email, instead checking emails on holiday. A PA or message service could also handle a stack of emails for you for an hour a day.

4.) Actually do the work

For some people, it's very easy to get side-tracked by pretty much anything when working autonomously. The best way to overcome this is to make promises with yourself to get a certain amount of work done before you knock off. Structured deadlines help most freelancers, so make a pact with your client to get the work done by a pre-determined date, and stick to it. And yes, last-minute projects can crop up that you'll want to accept, so being ahead of those deadlines is paramount. Plenty of top-quality Australian creative freelancers are also prepared to work into the early hours of the morning to meet deadlines on occasion. It's a small sacrifice for professional independence, after all.

5.) Turn to technology to support your freelance business

There are plenty of ways to support your freelancing with technology. There are a growing number of tools and apps that freelancers love, including time tracking tools such as to ensure you're sticking to your hourly rate for each project, cloud-based invoicing tool (created for Australian freelancers and cheap at $20 a month), Canva for creating quick graphic designs, to create professional business cards and Dropbox for file sharing and storage. Use them to help you look professional.

6.) Head online to find like-minded freelancers you can connect with

Even those who have been freelancing for years who are supremely confident in their abilities and have lots of work opportunities at their fingertips will benefit from having other freelancers they can reach out to. It's a solo-career choice, after all, and working from home is increasingly acceptable for freelancers.

So, tap into online networks of other quality freelancers to query going rates and what you're worth out there in the market, and to celebrate your wins and professional milestones with. Other freelancers that you may never meet can become a great source of work referrals, mateship and problem-solving when you've hit a creative block, too.

Nina Hendy is the founder of The Freelance Collective – an online curated community of top Australian creative freelance talent.

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