Scotland’s most remote pub is a great place to wait for the election to blow over

This remote pub is accessible by hiking, kayaking, or chartering a plane. Picture: John Horton

DO YOU want to disappear, grab a nice cold pint, and forget about the US election? We’ve found the perfect place, but getting there is no mean feat.

The Old Forge is listed in the Guiness Book of Records as the most remote pub in Britain, and there’s no access by road.

Instead, you have to hike 28km through densely forested mountains or kayak 11km across the sea. You’d better get out your compass and practice, because there’s no chance of finding phone reception to get yourself out of a bind.

Otherwise, if you’re not short of a dollar, you could charter a boat or hire a seaplane.

The pub is located at Knoydart, on the rugged west coast of Scotland’s highlands — not that far from the popular Isle of Skye — and it’s known for top quality venison, seafood and ale.

Drinking beers while watching the sun set makes the effort worthwhile. Picture: Zach Beauvais

Drinking beers while watching the sun set makes the effort worthwhile. Picture: Zach BeauvaisSource:Flickr

Donald Trump isn’t exactly popular, either.

The President-elect owns two golf courses and a resort in Scotland, but controversial management decisions haven’t won any points with the locals.

His mother was actually a Scottish immigrant too, but that didn’t stop First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launching a scathing attack on him as a person and as a politician. Unsurprisingly, she backtracked pretty quickly in the wake of Wednesday’s astonishing victory.

The workshop-turned-pub is the perfect place to escape the headlines.

There’s a traditional peat fire, musical instruments for guests to play (including spoons, for the not-so-gifted), and even impromptu folk dancing from time-to-time.

Guests can stay in deluxe accommodation, or choose to camp outside.

Just don’t show up on a Wednesday, because it’s closed.

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Donald Trump was in Aberdeen, Scotland, on Saturday to oversee the unveiling of a new Trump golf course. While there, he commented on Brexit and criticized President Obama's response to the news. Photo: Getty Images