With your help we can fight Motor Neurone Disease

Donate Today

Being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease has devastated my family. My beautiful wife and two girls are everything to me, and the thought that I may not get to see my girls grow up is at times unbearable and incredibly hard to deal with. Please give generously this Christmas so that we can stop other families in the future having to go through what we are

Damien, Age 44yo

Daiagnosed with MND 2016

Cheques & money order Donations

Make cheques and money order payable to “Cure for MND Foundation” and post to the address below. We’ll post you a tax receipt, so be sure to include your contact information.

Cure for MND Foundation

PO Box 1159,
Robinson, 3019,
Victoria, Australia

Click here to download an offline donation form

Bank transfer Donations

Use the details below to make a bank transfer. Please include your name in the transaction reference and contact us to organise your tax receipt.

Name: Cure for MND Foundation
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB: 083 004
ACC: 73-138-9056
International Transfer SWIFT code: NATAAU3303M

Click here to download an offline donation form

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