Hating Trump: the tantrum Left is what it damns

The Left warned that electing Donald Trump would unleash violence and hatred. They were right! But - plot twist - that violence and hatred has come from the Left. Here's a round-up of this explosion of hypocrisy from the true haters.

A female anti-bullying ambassador is arrested for pushing over a 74-year-old Trump supporter.

Twitter is flooded with threats to assassinate Trump:

media_cameraTrump threats

A high school girl is bashed for supporting Trump:


A Trump supporter is beaten and has his car stolen as people yell "don't vote Trump":


Anti-Trump protesters in Portland riot. Others demonstrate against the election result in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Boulder and other cities.

A columnist for The Guardian calls for Trump's assassination:

But, warning. Some Trump supporters are no better. In California, a gay man says he was beaten up by Trump supporters.

Journalist Shaun King is collating examples of violence and abuse from people who claim Trump has given them fresh licence. True, many of his examples cannot be verified but they cannot all be untrue or exaggerated.