Jessica Irvine


Senior writer, numbers nerd and policy wonk at The Sydney Morning Herald

Unit: setembre de 2009

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Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @Jess_Irvine per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Woot!

  2. Hi Caitlin, thanks for your piece. Glad to hear you are achieving a good balance with your partner

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  3. Why we should get 5 weeks annual leave via

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  4. My son turns one today and I have all the feels plus thoughts about how to improve gender equality

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  5. In a Sydney courtroom, a David and Goliath legal battle is unfolding that will decide your electricity bill

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  6. Awesome piece

  7. Love it Glen. Column out tomorrow!

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  8. How to dissect our government debt aversion and get our cities moving again via

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  9. Why being in your 30s and 40s is the complete pits and 80 yos are as happy as teenagers via

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  10. Why being in your 30s and 40s is the complete pits and 80 year olds are as happy as teenagers ICYMI from Sat

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  11. Ken Henry was of course talking to the lovely on not as per previous tweet

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  12. Ken Henry urges Turnbull to kick the tax reform can down the road until after the next election. Not enough time

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  13. Fun fact: RBA gov Glenn Stevens' decade long term expires in exactly one year

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  14. RBA dep gov Philip Lowe holding his own. If Treasurer, will decide if he succeeds Stevens as guv in one year

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  15. Stevens challenges view confidence is low in Oz economy. It's not "ebullient" like in mining boom but "I'm sorry but that isn't coming back"

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  16. When Fed does raise rates, it will be "not putting on the brake, just easing off the gas a little bit", says RBA's Stevens

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  17. The Oz economy needs a pick me up, a celebration, a party. What better than a wedding?

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  18. 10 reasons to cheer up about the Oz economy via

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